Chapter 652: Killing three people in a row, and Brother Fan conquer him!

As Chu Jue spoke, his eyes were already straight.

In the field of vision, I saw a slender figure, driven by the two surging fire wings behind it, had already been culled.

The person who came was Mu Feifan.

“How dare you?!” Chu Jue was furious.

He never expected that he hadn’t gone to trouble the other party.

Instead, he was hit by Mu Feihua first.

At this moment, behind Mu Feifan, it seemed as if the wings condensed by the flames of the gods were constantly flapping.

That is the wings of Vermillion Bird!

From the very beginning, Mu Feifan used a killer move.

Do not hesitate to urge the power of Yuan Dan.

“Vermillion Bird Divine Flame!” Mu Feihua shot out with a palm, mercilessly.

The Vermillion Bird essence pill in his body derives a terrible flame, which sprays out from his palm.

At that moment, the flames in the sky turned into big palms, and they slapped Chu Jue and the others fiercely.

The surrounding void has become extremely distorted.

This flame can burn gold, boil the sea, and burn all mountains and rivers!

Those elders on the battleship did not expect Mu Fandian’s offensive to be so violent.

The big hand that the flame turned into was even more majestic than the big handprint that Chu Jue had previously displayed.

“This…what level of power is this?” There was disbelief on their faces.


Shenyan giant palm photographed, unstoppable.

When even two old men were hit.

The Spiritual Qi shields that they propped up on their bodies were burned out without holding on for a second!


“My Lord God, save me!”

In the burning of Shenyan, the two quickly turned into two fire men.

Then it was quickly overwhelmed.

Screaming again and again.

The fire blazed into the sky and burned blazingly on the deck.

That scene is like purgatory on earth.

The two old men quickly turned into fly ash, and even Nascent Soul did not escape.

When Chu Jue saw this scene, his face was gloomy.

I didn’t expect him to die first.

Still two loyal Nascent Soul old servants!

“This flame is absolutely extraordinary!” Everyone on the battleship was extremely shocked.

They quickly withdrew away from the burning place.

On the ground, everyone excitedly yelled: “Fan Ge Niubi, solve two at once!”

You know, the other party is a superior cultivator of the fairy world.

Unexpectedly, he would be beheaded by Brother Fan in a moment.

While Boss Xu is excited, he also feels cold hands and feet: “My God, is this the true strength of Brother Mu?”

Pang Guang smiled faintly: “Brother Mu kills fourth-level Demonic Beasts as simple as drinking water, not to mention these garbage from the upper realm!”

At the same time, the war continues.

“Kill!” Once Mu Feifei took the shot, he never thought of stopping.

He shook his right hand empty.

An extremely sharp spear appeared.

The gun body bursts with silver light, like a silver dragon, dancing wildly in the sky.

“Big Killing Technique!”

Mu Feifan shouted loudly.

Wushuang gods are haunting the tip of the gun!

He took a gun and slashed at the nearest old man.

The old man was shocked and was about to activate the spell.

But thousands of killing intent had already come.

The tip of the gun swallowed and blasted the old man’s head.


Accompanied by a terrifying explosion, the old man’s head exploded directly.

His Nascent Soul immediately abandoned his body and rushed out with a terrifying speed.

“You ruined my physical body, and the son of God will avenge me!” Nascent Soul, who looked like an old man, screamed.

Mu Feifan glanced at him obliquely, and said indifferently, “Noisy.”

In the next second, the spear swept across, like a dragon wagging its tail.

The air was lifted, and the explosions continued.

That Nascent Soul was scared and sweating all over.

But he relied on speed to flee.

The main reason why Nascent Soul cultivator is difficult to kill is that Nascent Soul can leave the body.

Unless it is directly annihilated with absolute power.

Otherwise, Nascent Soul will be out of the body, and the speed will be much faster than the body!

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua’s Third Stage of the Killing Gun has long since broken away from the level of “style” and reached the Realm of “intention”.

In an instant, gun intent came over.

Like the tide.

Nascent Soul only felt that it was squeezing force in all directions.

The gun spirit lingers.

He is surrounded!

“No!” Nascent Soul screamed.

Beheaded instantly by gunshot.

Seeing this, all the cultivators around were chilled.

A total of more than a dozen people came on their trip.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, three people would be lost!

Even the previous confrontation with the fifth-level demon tree had never been so miserable.

Mu Feifan is so powerful that it is so powerful.

This is something they never expected in their dreams.

“Strongly Chu Wang Gong!”

Chu Jue finally made a move.

His face was ugly to the extreme.

The terrifying Spirit Power on his body is like a storm, urging it to the apex.

Holy product Gold Core is running.

The next moment, I saw a huge figure rise from behind Chu Jue.

In the interlacing of light and shadow, it gradually solidified into a terrifying golden Movement Technique phase.

The human face of Faxiang is the same as Chu Jue.

At that moment, this face exudes a frightening atmosphere.

Stuffed between heaven and earth.

It will shine brightly in the extremely dim sky that strikes Thunder Mountain.

When everyone on the ground saw it, they only felt oppressed.

“My God, what giant is that?” someone exclaimed.

“It’s the law! Gold Core cultivator can’t use such a powerful method.” People with deep experience commented.

They suddenly thought of Chu Jue’s holy product, Gold Core.

“It turns out that Gold Core can burst out such terrifying power when it reaches that level.” Countless people looked up and felt that Chu Jue was unattainable.

At this moment, Chu Jue’s body stood tall and tall.

The appearance is as abundant as jade.

The grandeur of the big family god son is revealed.

Everyone could not help but marvel and awe.

“As the most talented son of the Chu family in the history of the Chu family, I have received the Chu King’s inheritance, and you will die today!” Chu Jue’s eyes shot with killing intent.

Mu Feihua narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he didn’t know what Chu Wang was.

But listening to the other party’s tone, it seemed very powerful.

“Follow him, it’s all blown up!” Mu Feifei looked up at Fa Xiang, and the blood inside his body became agitated inexplicably.

Fight, get up!

In the next second, Mu Feihua turned into a terrifying golden-haired great ape.

His body swelled in the wind, reaching forty meters.

It is a line higher than that.

“Damn, what is this?” the old men on the battleship exclaimed.

Even Chu Jue was a little confused.

A second ago, he still had the chance to win.

After all, he showed great power.

Let Chu Jue, who could have leapfrogged to kill, become more confident.

Now he saw Mu Feihua directly transform into a higher being.

Chu Jue gradually felt confused.

Everyone on the ground became excited this time.

Sweep away the haze just now.

Chen Zhihui laughed loudly: “You have a vigorous method, and my brother Fan has a golden monkey to smash you, so I shot you to death!”

The others are also cheering: “Brother Fan, get him out!”

At this moment, Chu Jue stabilized his mind and snorted coldly: “It’s just some inexplicable transformation techniques, and there is no fear.”

The next moment, his heart moved.

The image behind, bathed in golden light, like a giant of light!

It waved its fists and attacked Mu Feihua.

That fist, Baoguangyingying, seems to be able to blow everything up!

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