Chapter 636

At this time, Chen Zhihui said: “I told you a long time ago, our brother Fan is unparalleled, now regret it?”

Seeing this, Mu Feihua understood.

He glanced at Chen Zhihui.

Chen Zhihui was a little flustered, and he stammered in his explanation: “I just talked a few words casually, and it frightened them all.”

Mu Feifan asked a little funny: “What did you say?”

Chen Zhihui: “I was really too angry at the time, so I said that Brother Fan had beaten to death the fourth-level peak Demonic Beasts. They still babbled about you but Foundation Building Realm. They said I was bragging. I said you are blind. We Gold Which Core cultivator is not a brother for Brother Fan?”

Boss Xu said again: “I also added, saying that Brother Fan once broke the barrier with a single move. Naturally, there is no need to say more about his strength. You can apologize now, and you can rescue him.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

One of the two sang black faces and the other sang red faces.

The cooperation is too tacit.

However, Zhihui’s bragging is too big, what one punched to death the fourth-level peak Demonic Beasts.

Do you really think of me as a punch man?

At least I hit a few punches.

“I beg you, Brother Fan!” Boss Xu said.

“Please save us!” the cultivator said again.

Mu Feifan did not lose his mind.

He said very calmly: “The Fujieda is only a part of the big demon’s body. At first glance, it is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to deal with it.”

“These are the specialties of our hometown. Please Fan Ge laugh.” Many cultivators have taken out their wealth and dedicated them.

Mu Feifan took a look.

There are Medicine Pill, cheats and weapons.

The characteristics of different interfaces do have some differences.

Although the Ascension brought to Mu Feihua is not big, it can be studied.

Mu Feifan: “Although these spiritual materials are good, they are of little use to me.”

The cultivator immediately paled.

Boss Xu: “Brother Fan, I know everyone is very poor. You don’t like what you have…”

“Wait, there is something I like.” Mu Feihua said suddenly.

Boss Xu was surprised: “What?”

He originally thought he was going to use his sincere sincerity to infect Mu Feihua, but he didn’t expect the other party to really want something.

Boss Xu was secretly happy, in this case, things would be much easier.

Not afraid that the other party has no demand.

Mu Feifan said lightly: “I want you to arrange the formation of the enchantment!”


As soon as he finished speaking, Boss Xu heads down and smashes his head on the floor.

Soon, boss Xu raised his head again, and said depressed: “Brother Fan, our inn depends on this formation to survive. After giving it to you, I won’t even want to open this inn anymore.”

Mu Feifan: “I don’t want your array and flag. I only need the method of formation. Let me study it.”

As a result, many people began to scold Xu boss for being stingy.

People just want to know how to set up an array.

Boss Xu hurriedly said: “This is okay, but let me talk about it first. Formation consumes runestones very much. You don’t have a certain amount of financial resources. Don’t touch them. Generally, only big Sects make formations.”

Mu Feifan: “Well, do you think I am short of money?”

Boss Xu was dumbfounded.

Only then did he remember that the young man in front of him was a man who didn’t need money.

Therefore, Boss Xu gave a copy of Formation’s true explanation.

To Mu Feifan’s surprise, a reminder appeared in front of him this time.

Get a copy of the true explanation of formation.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred true explanations of formation.

Two: A book of true interpretations of the Ancient Great Array.

Mu Feifan sighed secretly, the system man was alive again.

He suddenly caught some patterns.

In the Way of Dharma and God, the system still has an increasing effect on the Secret Code.

Only mission cards, god patterns, runes, and Demonic Beasts do not.

“Could it be that something produced locally on the Way of the Dharma and God cannot be increased?” Mu Feifei seemed to have found the reason.

However, his heart is filled with the joy of formation right now.

Research and study first!

At this time, Mu Feifan turned his head and said to everyone, “Everyone hurry to sleep during the day, and prepare to get rid of the demon at night!”

Someone asked: “Brother Fan, shall we go too?”

Mu Feifan asked, “Don’t you want to do your part? You really think of me as a part-time worker?”

The man blushed suddenly.

Mu Feifan added: “To deal with fifth-level Demonic Beasts, I hope everyone can contribute and don’t put all hope on me.”

Boss Xu hurriedly said: “Yes, we are a team.”

Everyone nodded.

All went back one by one, and started to sleep.

Xia Yuchan asked, “Are they going to go out at night? I think it would be cannon fodder if they go.”

Mu Feifan: “I’ll just say that, I can’t just let me work alone, they can have fun by the side.”

Xia Yuchan chuckles: “Hey, staying by your side is the easiest way to be a wife. You don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to do anything.”

Mu Feihua turned around and pecked her lightly: “If you want to do it, I have no objection.”

Xia Yuchan hurriedly blushed and ran away.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly, opened the true explanation of formation, and began to study it.

He did not blindly increase first.

After all, it’s a zero foundation. Let’s start with the simple ones.

After watching it for a long time, Mu Feifan understood.

The formation is the control center.

The placement of the flag is very important.

Different formations have corresponding particularities.

Mu Feifei even started to refining several array flags by himself.

The array flag is nothing complicated.

What is really complicated is the pattern above.

What makes Mu Feihua happy is that there is not much difference between the formation pattern and the inscription engraved during the refining.

He is a master of all skills and a master of all skills, and quickly mastered the method of refining the formation flag.

Then, Mu Feifan struck the iron while it was hot, and soon produced a brand new set of flags.

“Tonight, I must give that big demon a surprise.” Mu Feifei was very confident.

At night.

After everyone had dinner, none of them went upstairs.

They sat in the hall with serious expressions, as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

Mu Feifan was speechless: “The big demon usually comes in the middle of the night or early in the morning, so you don’t have to be so nervous.”

Everyone was speechless.

They are too nervous.

Boss Xu asked: “Brother Fan, are you still in line tonight?”

Mu Feifan answered without hesitation: “Bu! Of course it’s going to be done! Otherwise, the big demon thought we were counseled.”

Boss Xu said helplessly, “But even if it is deployed, it can’t stop the big demon.”

What he meant was that anyway, it was a white cloth.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “You will use this array and flag for a while.”

Boss Xu looked at the extra flags in his hand with a dazed expression.

If he wasn’t convinced that own set was still lying quietly in the storage bag, he even thought that Mu Feifei had stolen them.

Boss Xu took a closer look, and the lines on this array of flags were obviously more complicated.

He asked strangely: “Brother Fan, where did you come from?”

Mu Feifan said, “Oh, I refined it this afternoon.”


Hearing this, Boss Xu stunned and almost fainted.

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