Chapter 635

Xia Yuchan asked again: “Then you really don’t plan to control them?”

Mu Feifan: “If they agreed yesterday, maybe I would go hunting for monsters impulsively. Thinking about it now, I was still a little irrational yesterday. I should observe and observe again. After all, the fifth-level monster is not so easy to deal with.”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

Dealing with fifth-level Demonic Beasts is extremely dangerous.

No one would put himself in danger for no reason.

My husband can have this mindset, more than most people.

That night.

Mu Feifan stood in front of the room window.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan has fallen asleep.

But Mu Feifan was full of energy.

For this moment, he slept all day during the day.

If unsurprisingly, there will be a big demon coming tonight.

As Mu Feifan thought before.

The more you indulge Demonic Beasts, the more exciting Demonic Beasts become.

Because it thinks you are afraid of it.

So, can’t get used to it.

It should be traced the first time.

The first half of the night was still calm.

In the second half of the night, Mu Feifei had already moved a bench to sit by the window.

Surveillance is too boring and boring.

There is no mobile phone to play.

Just as Mu Feifan’s sleepiness came up, suddenly there were some changes in the distance.

I saw a huge vine branch, wrapped in a fourth-level demon leopard, spreading.

Mu Feifei could not help standing up when he saw this situation for the first time.

That vine branch is thicker and bigger than a giant python.

Very eye-catching.

They came to the barrier.

The demon leopard was put down by Fujieda, and stood by and waited very obediently.

In the next second, Teng Zhi got up, really like a poisonous snake spitting its core, and rushed towards the barrier.


The barrier was broken open a big hole.

Mu Feihua saw this scene naturally.

He was slightly surprised.

Fujieda’s this strike is definitely the fifth-level Demonic Beasts level!

At the same time, the demon leopard got in very flexibly.

The next second, the barrier closed again.

At this time, the demon leopard, already smelling humanity, rushed to the third floor!


Mu Feifan knew that this was the sound of a broken window on the third floor.

The time did not last long.

The demon leopard fell back to the ground and walked to the barrier.

As before, Fujieda opened an exit to the barrier and let the demon leopard walk out.

Then Fujieda rolled up the demon leopard and left quickly like a big snake.

The whole process takes only a few minutes.

Mu Feifan didn’t expect Demonic Beasts to kill people in this way.

What is Fujieda?

Also Demonic Beasts?

Is it part of Demonic Beasts?

If it is only a part, how big is the body of Demonic Beasts.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

It was the first time that he saw the big demon of the plant type.

Mu Feifan didn’t think too much about that demon leopard.

In his opinion, the demon leopard is just a little girl, it should be a guardian beast of a certain kind of Spiritual herbs.

Spiritual herbs were stolen, and the demon leopard came to take revenge.

The real big boss is the big demon Fujieda.

If Mu Feifan had guessed correctly, Fujieda would send the guardian beast every night from now on.

Let them personally slash the cultivator that has stolen Spiritual herbs.

“This inn is over.” Mu Feifan thought to himself.

At this moment, Demonic Beasts has retreated.

It’s much safer.

Mu Feifan walked to the bed, lay down and hugged Xia Yuchan naturally.

The two slept together until noon before waking up slowly.

Opening his eyes, Xia Yuchan asked: “Did you not sleep last night?”

Mu Feifan was surprised: “How did you know?”

Xia Yuchan said with a reddened face: “Because I feel that someone is holding me in the middle of the night.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Is my wife so alert when she falls asleep?”

Xia Yuchan was a little proud at this time, like a little girl who was praised: “Of course, fortunately I am familiar with your breath, otherwise you will be useless if you act on me in the middle of the night.”

Mu Fanfan sweats profusely.

Fortunately, my wife doesn’t know how to play a trick.

Otherwise, he is really dangerous.

At this time, Xia Yuchan asked, “What did you see last night?”

Mu Feifan said exactly what happened at night.

Xia Yu-chan was also a little strange: “A vine branch breaks the barrier? Then its body should be very powerful.”

Mu Feifan: “I haven’t encountered a botanical monster before.”

Xia Yucicada: “In the world of cultivating immortals, some plants have also opened up spiritual wisdom, but because of Innate, they are more difficult to evolve than animals, but once they evolve, plants will be more powerful than animals.”

Mu Feifan was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect this place before.

It seems that my wife has a lot of knowledge.

Mu Feifan asked, “But plants should be afraid of fire. After all, they should follow Five Elements to counteract each other.”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

The two chatted for a while, before deciding to go out and get some food.

As soon as he opened the door, Mu Feifan was stunned.

I saw that the doorway was densely packed with many cultivators kneeling.

The entire corridor is full.

The Xu family and his son bear the brunt!

Mu Feifan was surprised: “What are you doing here?”

Boss Xu said in a crying voice: “Brother, you finally woke up, we have been waiting for you.”

At this time, the black-faced Chen Zhihui said next to him: “How can I speak, call Brother Fan!”

A group of kneeling cultivators collectively shouted: “Hello Fan!”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

Where are these people singing?

The cultivators began to talk about them one by one.

“Brother Fan, many of us saw it last night. It was the guardian beast that Fujieda brought…”

“Many of us present have stolen Spiritual herbs!”

“The next time we die, will it be us?”

When Mu Feifei saw this, he understood.

These people are scared!

At first, they thought it was the fifth-level big monster to kill.

Those cultivators who haven’t picked the high-level guardian beast Spiritual herbs think that Wu You will sit back and relax.

But what happened last night is obviously different from what you imagined.

Even if it is the third-level guardian beast, if you stole Spiritual herbs, you will die!

The Demon Fujieda will send them all and let them take revenge on their own!

Mu Feifan: “Since the inn is so dangerous, you can choose not to live, and leave now. Isn’t it safe?”

Many people really think so.

But most people have different opinions.

Someone said: “Brother Fan, as an outside cultivator, it is not easy to find a place with abundant resources and a good rest.”

“We have been in Thunder Mountain for many years, and we are very familiar with it for a long time.”

“Yes, right, if you don’t get a personal look, how can you go back to see Elder Jiangdong?”

Boss Xu was in a hurry when he heard that he wanted to let someone leave.

After all, this is his inn.

He still depends on the inn to make a living.

“Brother Fan, Grandpa Fan, I beg you, let’s get rid of the demon!” Boss Xu begged.

Mu Feifan pondered: “You didn’t seem to say that before, did you?”

Boss Xu is very excited: “I believe in your strength, not only me, but everyone else also believes!”

“Yes, yes! We had no eyes before, so we came here early in the morning to kneel and redeem our sins.” The cultivator said frankly.

Mu Feifan is a little strange.

Who leaked the wind?

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