Chapter 637: A Legend? Bully bald

Boss Xu was helped by his son Xu Xiaoxin.

The first sentence after he got up was full of shock: “I didn’t have a dream, right? Brother Fan will be able to refine the formation flag after watching it all afternoon?”

Mu Feifan looked at Boss Xu’s long face and goatee, and said, “Don’t call me Brother Fan. You call me old at that age.”

Boss Xu said awkwardly, “Okay, Brother Mu.”

Mu Feifan: “This formation can still be laid out in your previous way.”

Boss Xu said in surprise: “So, is it an improved version of my big formation?”

“Wrong!” Mu Feifei said frankly: “This is an augmented version.”


Boss Xu took a breath.

He said in disbelief: “Brother Mu, have you learned formation in a certain Sect before?”

Mu Feifan shook his head: “It’s the first time to learn.”

Boss Xu’s heart is like being overwhelmed.

This set of formations and flags of his was left by his ancestors.

It can be described as a family heirloom.

Boss Xu has seen the true explanation of formation for many years, but he only mastered a defensive array, and didn’t even learn the other formations.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan only watched for one afternoon, and then he developed a new formation flag.

Here comes the point!

It is more powerful than the array flag used before.

Boss Xu sighed: “Brother Mu, you are simply a genius! If my father comes back from the dead, he might worship you as a teacher if he gets excited.”

Mu Feifan: “…Then you still don’t make him too excited, I’m afraid it will scare him alive.”

Boss Xu chuckled.

The others were also a little confused and didn’t understand the conversation between them too much.

It just feels that Mu Feihua showed some very powerful methods.

Conquered Boss Xu!

Xu Xiaoxin was also surprised.

After all, he has been by his father’s side all the time, and he knows how to make formations.

But the most important thing in formation is the formation and the formation flag.

The reason why the Xu family and his son were able to set up the formation was just standing on the shoulders of their predecessors.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua directly refined a new set.

Producers are more terrible than users!

Xu Xiaoxin looked at the formation flag curiously.

The pattern engraved on it is very complicated.

The degree of fanao surpasses his own banner.

Each line seems to communicate the world and contains the rhyme of Taoism.

“Brother Fan’s technique is too strong!” He sighed.

Mu Feifan: “I am proficient in refining equipment, which is about the same as this one, so it didn’t take long to master it.”

Xu Xiaoxin was shocked: “My God, it turns out that Brother Fan knows how to refine tools, no wonder he can get started so quickly.”

Boss Xu also said: “Young people nowadays rarely learn to train. After all, this is a patience. By the way, Brother Mu, what level of trainer are you?”

He is old, experienced and has a certain degree of insight.

Learn some rumors about the refiner.

Mu Feihua replied calmly: “The refining tool Great Master.”


Boss Xu was dumbfounded: “You… have you actually reached the Realm of the Great Master?”

Xu Xiaoxin asked: “Dad, is the Great Master great?”

Boss Xu patted his forehead and said: “A middle-level refiner can feed a medium-sized Sect. The advanced refiner has the same status as the Sect Leader of the large-scale Sect! The Great Master refiner is a legendary existence. , You say bull is not bull?”

Xu Xiaoxin’s small eyes stared completely round, and said incredibly, “Oh my God, it turns out that Brother Fan is a legend…”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

What legend, epic, regard me as a skin quality?

But the legend seems to be better than the epic.

Thinking of this, he felt a little comfort in his heart.

But the gazes that Xu family father and son came over were even more in awe.

Mu Feifan said: “Everyone, go back and rest first, and it won’t be too late to come to the lobby on the first floor to gather after midnight.”

Now everyone is very convinced of Mu Feifei, and they nodded and said yes.

That cleverness, and the performance at the beginning, are nothing like two people.

However, even if everyone knew that the big demon came late in the middle of the night.

There are also some people who dare not go back to the room.

“I’m hiding on the first floor. It’s easy to get caught when I’m alone,” someone said.

Boss Xu: “Khan, don’t you even sleep?”

The man replied: “Death is not terrible. It is not terrible to sit and wait for death. The most terrifying thing is to be killed while sleeping.”

Boss Xu was speechless.

Soon, most people left.

At night, the Xu family and his son set up the new array flag.

Boss Xu stuffed all the runestones in the formation to start the formation.

The next moment, a huge golden bowl emerged, buckling the entire inn.

It looks magnificent and solemn.

Boss Xu exclaimed: “The special effects after this increase are too exaggerated, so eye-catching, what if a large number of Demonic Beasts are brought in?”

As soon as his voice fell, the color of the golden bowl gradually faded, and finally became transparent again.

Xu Xiaoxin smiled and said: “It’s just a special effect. Looking at this momentum, it is indeed much stronger than our previous big formation.”

Boss Xu: “Brother Mu is really a wizard, let’s go back to the lobby on the first floor.”

With this increased array, the father and son are now full of confidence, and both walk with wind!

Time passed a little bit.

At midnight, Mu Feihua woke up and took Xia Yuchan to the first floor.

At this time, the first floor was brightly lit.

At first glance, I thought it was a holiday.

It is extremely lively.

The cultivator arrived earlier.

Rubbing, playing cards, talking about cross talk… there are all kinds of entertainment, but there is no preparation.

“Brother Fan, come here!” Chen Zhihui’s eyes were sharp, and he saw Mu Feifan at once.

Mu Feifan walked over and sat in the empty seats on their dining table.

At this moment, the six people gathered again.

“I didn’t expect everyone to be so energetic.” Mu Feifan laughed.

Pang Guang: “The first time I caught a demon, it was the big demon. Everyone was very nervous.”

Mu Feifan swept around and asked suspiciously: “Are you sure they are nervous?”

Pang Guang: “If God wants to make it perish, he must first make it crazy.”


Li Jie couldn’t stand it anymore, so he patted Pang Guang’s bald head and shouted, “Speaking of people.”

Pang Guang was very aggrieved and said, “Do you want to die? Isn’t it refreshing?”

Everyone was speechless.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Don’t be afraid, everyone, I am still more confident in that big formation. Even if I can’t catch Demonic Beasts, I can withstand its attack.”

Because of getting along for a long time, everyone still trusts Mu Feihua.

Time is getting late.

The cultivator has fallen down.

The entire first floor echoed with terrifying voices.

Like the howling mountain breeze.

He Xiaona yawned: “I will sleep on the table first, remember to call me when Demonic Beasts come at night.”

Chen Zhihui: “I’m sleepy too.”

Li Jie: “There is still me.”

Pang Guang watched them lie down one by one, and instantly one after another: “Wait a moment, you are all sleeping, then what am I doing?”

“You guard, help us to keep an eye on!” Chen Zhihui asked.

Pang Guang’s face was green.

You guys are too bullying and bald, right?

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