Chapter 634

Someone stood up and said: “I think Demonic Beasts should not come. It is too high-level and will not easily leave the own site.”

Most people agree.

If Demonic Beasts had a brutal character, he wouldn’t just kill those three people last night.

Mu Feifan didn’t think so.

He said to Boss Xu: “This big monster has been to the inn once, and it may be the second time. The other Demonic Beasts will follow suit. If this continues, your inn will not be able to operate normally.”

When Boss Xu heard it, there was some truth in it.

But even if you find a big monster above the fourth-level, how can you deal with it?

Thinking of this, Boss Xu said bitterly: “A big demon of that level, we are not enough to swallow it together.”

Mu Feifei said calmly: “Just find it, and leave the rest to me.”


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They have incredible faces on their faces.

“My God, what is this kid kidding?”

“Just now he was convinced that it was Demonic Beasts, and it was later verified by Erha. I still think this little brother has a bit of brains, but I didn’t expect to be a second fool.”

“Haha, even if you find the big demon, the other party can blow this little brother to death in one breath.”

Boss Xu thinks about the same as most cultivators.

He felt that with his extraordinary strength, it was absolutely absurd to deal with a big demon.

I don’t know, Pang Guang and others can’t stand it anymore.

They have witnessed how strong Mu Feifei is.

The black-faced Chen Zhihui immediately said, “How can my brother Fan’s ability be imaginable by ordinary people like you?”

Li Jie also said: “Yes, your eyes are too narrow.”

He Xiaona expressed her support for Mu Feihua: “Brother-in-law Xia is the strongest, no doubt!”

The others heard it, but they still didn’t believe it.

Everyone thinks that the four senior brothers and sisters Pang Guang are in the same group as Mu Feihua, and they are full of nonsense.

Boss Xu finally spoke: “This little brother, let’s forget about it today. The three of them secretly picked the spirit flower guarded by the big demon. Killing is also the Karma cycle. I don’t think the big demon will come again.”

Mu Feifan: “I just don’t want to be disturbed when I sleep. Since you don’t want to track it down, then I don’t care.”

Pang Guang also said: “Hey, this group of people really can’t afford it. I don’t believe that when you were doing the task, you didn’t secretly pick those Spiritual herbs, Heavenly Dao, Samsara, who is God forgiving…”

As soon as this remark came out, almost everyone changed their faces.

In order to complete the task, these people often stay near the target.

When the guardian beasts left, they rushed to pick up the Spiritual herbs.

I have done a lot of such things!

Now watching Mu Feifan and the others leave, these people’s expressions are a bit tangled.

Is this little brother really a peerless powerhouse?

They vaguely feel that they are missing something…

That night, Boss Xu was very cautious.

Arrange the enchantment early.

At the same time, the Xu family and his sons barely slept in the middle of the night, and they all guarded the lobby on the first floor.

They were so nervous, but Mu Feihua slept very easily.

After all, Mu Feifan completely killed the guardian beast, leaving no problems.

He is not afraid of what others are afraid of!

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Finally, Xu family father and son couldn’t stand it anymore.

Fell to the floor and fell asleep.

In the morning, they were woken up by a cultivator.

Boss Xu opened his eyes, jumped up first, and asked excitedly, “Is it very safe last night and nothing happened?”

The cultivator replied helplessly: “Boss, it’s dead again…”


When Boss Xu heard this, he only felt that the sky was spinning, and he almost fell to the ground again.

But Xu Xiaoxin helped him and said, “Dad, let’s go see the situation.”

Boss Xu nodded.

The place where the accident happened last night was a room on the third floor.

The two cultivators died a bit miserable.

Demonic Beasts shot very brutal.

Many onlookers cultivator are worried.

This time, there is no need to wake up from Mu Feihua, they also know that Demonic Beasts did it.

The Monster Qi filled the room, making people almost faint.

“This big demon is too rampant.” Someone gritted his teeth and said.

“Is it true that as my little brother said yesterday, the rest of Demonic Beasts started to follow suit?” I don’t know who said something, and everyone’s heart trembled.

Like stealing Spiritual herbs, most of the cultivators present have done it.

After all, no one is the head iron, and everyone can do it without head-on.

“The guardian beast I met last time was only the third-level peak, so I shouldn’t be able to enter the inn.” Someone had a fluke.

“Yes, right, where we went, the altitude was very low, so we didn’t steal so many precious materials, don’t worry.” They started to comfort each other unexpectedly.

However, the most uncomfortable thing is Boss Xu.

Although the residents were not panicking on the surface, some people had already started to check out quietly.

In their words, there is still a chance to run in the wild.

But sleeping in an inn is like a living target.

It is possible to be killed by Demonic Beasts at any time!

At this moment, Boss Xu ran to the second floor and knocked on the door.

“Brother, come out soon!”

Mu Feifan opened the door carelessly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Before passing Pang Guang, he already knew what happened last night.

Boss Xu cried: “Many residents checked out secretly. If this continues, my inn will be closed down.”

Mu Feifan: “Your inn closed down, what does it have to do with me?”

Boss Xu was dumbfounded.


It really has nothing to do with the other party.

But Boss Xu’s voice is even more uncomfortable: “Please help deal with the big demon, I believe you have this strength.”

When Mu Feifan heard it, he smiled: “The problem now is, even if you believe it, I don’t want to control it anymore.”

Yesterday I wanted to help you, but you refused.

Licking his face today and begged.

Do you really think I’m so talkative?

Boss Xu’s intestines turned blue in an instant regret.

He was a little angry at the few residents who questioned Mu Feihua.

If it weren’t for these people, Boss Xu wouldn’t doubt Mu Fandian’s strength.

Now that the crisis has arisen, it is too late to think about remedying the situation.

Mu Feifan was unwilling to help.

Thinking of this, Boss Xu pleaded again: “Brother, please do it, no matter what conditions you offer, I will promise you.”

Mu Feifan said dismissively, “Do you think I’m short of money?”

Boss Xu looked at the appearance of Yushu Linfeng, and subconsciously replied, “Of course it’s not bad.”

Mu Feifan: “I searched for immortals and asked, what I cultivate is a mind, and what I cultivate is a free and easy way. I’m sorry, you make me unhappy, so I don’t want to control, you go.”

Boss Xu looked at Mu Feifan’s resoluteness, and his long face immediately turned into pig liver color.

But he had no choice but to go back angrily.

During the period, Xu Xiaoxin also came once.

Mu Feifei chose to stay behind closed doors.

The Xu family and his son were depressed collectively.

Xia Yuchan said at this time: “Husband, this looks a bit miserable for father and son.”

But Mu Feifan said indifferently, “Poor people must have something to hate. They didn’t trust my strength before, but now they have tasted their own evil.”

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