Chapter 633

More than fourth-level?

The fourth-level Demonic Beasts were already terrible.

If the opponent is stronger, wouldn’t it be easy to kill everyone in the inn?

Everyone showed fear in their faces.

Boss Xu was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: “Impossible!”

Xu Xiaoxin also stood up and said: “Our inn has been open here for so many years, and I have never seen fifth-level Demonic Beasts nearby.”

Boss Xu: “Yes, the senior Demonic Beasts have a very strong sense of territory and will not leave their own territory.”

Both father and son were a little excited.

The inn is opened on the Thunder Mountain, which is to provide a safe place for pedestrians.

After all, if the residents knew that they would be killed by Demonic Beasts if they lived here, who would dare to live in the future?

Mu Feifan also guessed what the father and son thought.

Boss Xu asked: “Brother, you keep saying that they were killed by Demonic Beasts. Do you have any evidence?”

When he asked, the others also began to doubt.

“Yes, how can you be sure that Demonic Beasts did it without evidence?”

“If the high-level Demonic Beasts fights over, they must even have the inn in one go. Why did they kill only those three people?”

“Yes, in fact, I also have an idea. Maybe these three people were killed by this little brother. He is causing trouble here.”

Pang Guang and the others were unhappy when they heard that Mu Feifan was a murderer.

“For f*ck, Brother Mu went up the mountain with us, we don’t know these three people, don’t slander them!” Pang Guang cursed.

“Brother Fan’s enemy is our enemy. If you say Brother Fan is a murderer, don’t you say that we are also murderers?” Chen Zhihui also said.

Everyone was speechless, this black-faced young man’s brain circuit is too weird.

Boss Xu stood up and said, “Don’t make any noise, listen to the little brother first.”

Then everyone calmed down, all looking at Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan: “I have a special physique, and I can feel the Monster Qi that once permeated here.”

Upon hearing this, Boss Xu was even less convinced.

He even sniffed the air and said, “Where is Monster Qi? How come I can’t smell it, can’t I cultivate home?”

The others did not believe this explanation at all.

What Mu Feifei said was also the truth.

As the mountain giant ape’s physique strengthened, his feelings for Monster Qi became much stronger.

Back in Moon Island, he relied on this instinct to perceive Qingtian’s true identity.

But for this explanation, everyone didn’t pay the bill at all.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan said, “Who has spiritual pets?”

“I have!” said a young Taoist priest.

Soon, he led a dog out.

The dog’s stunned big eyes were completely Erhabenha.

Erha walked to the corpse and smelled it lightly. The next moment was so scared that he couldn’t stand still.

He slid and fell to the ground.

The young Taoist yelled: “Useless dog stuff.”

Erha was very wronged, and then wailed a few times.

When the young Taoist priest heard it, his expression changed drastically.

“What’s the situation?” everyone asked curiously.

The young Taoist priest said, “My Erha said, there is the breath of a big demon here.”

Damn it!

Hearing this, everyone was not calm.

“Really Demonic Beasts murdering?”

“Oh my God, that little brother is right!”

“Niubi Niubi is simply a well-known detective in the world of cultivating immortals.”

However, Boss Xu asked the young Taoist priest a little strangely: “What does this dog bark, can you understand?”

The young Taoist nodded: “I have learned animal language.”

Boss Xu’s mouth twitched: “Brother, you won’t be in the same group with that little brother, do you come here to make a joke?”

As soon as he said it, everyone believed it, but now there are some doubts.

The young Taoist priest had a fiery temper and yelled: “Shoehorn face, let me tell you, my lord, I started staying in the shop last night, and I have never seen this little brother at all. Don’t spit someone, you can’t stop daddy!”

Boss Xu’s long face was green.

Mu Feifei suddenly rushed up and slapped Boss Xu.

Directly knocked Boss Xu into a circle.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I don’t know why Mu Feihua suddenly shot.

Only the young Taoist priest shouted and played well.

“Do you still want to open this inn?” Mu Feifan asked.

Boss Xu held his swollen face and nodded innocently.

“Then listen to me, let’s find the Demonic Beasts together.” Mu Feihua said very calmly.

Boss Xu opened his mouth wide, showing an incredible face.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had guessed that it was Demonic Beasts who ran in from outside.

Only for fear of affecting the reputation of the inn, I have never wanted to admit it.

Now the Erha of passers-by can smell Demonic Beasts. The evidence is solid, and Boss Xu is already unable to refute.

If you continue to fight, I’m afraid the whole person will lose the price even more.

It’s just that Boss Xu didn’t expect that Mu Feifan would take the initiative to look for Demonic Beasts at this time.

It’s a clear stream!

“Brother, you are really an adult and never remember a villain!” Boss Xu was a little moved.

Mu Feifei looked disgusted: “Pull it down, I just don’t want to worry about being killed when I fall asleep.”

Boss Xu nodded immediately: “You are right!”

Mu Feifan: “But in the future this accommodation fee…”

Boss Xu: “Stop both of you!”

Pang Guang: “What about our brothers and sisters?”

Boss Xu: “Also free!”

Mu Feifan: “There is still money to eat…”

Boss Xu said with tears: “The six of you don’t need to spend money.”

When everyone heard it, they had a somewhat admiring look at Boss Xu.

“This boss is a good boss if he knows his mistakes and can correct him.” They commented.

Only Xu Xiaoxin was speechless.

Because he knew that his stingy father’s heart was bleeding at this moment.

Mu Feifan said at this time: “If you want to know the origin of this Demonic Beasts, let’s first check why it came to kill the three of them.”

So Boss Xu reluctantly took out their three storage bags.

Mu Feifan gave him a white look: “You old fellow, you are quick to start.”

Boss Xu scratched the back of his head embarrassedly: “I’m used to licking the bag.”

Mu Feifan picked up the storage bag and threw the contents crackling to the ground.

Everyone saw, good guys, there are a lot of stocks.

But what’s the matter with that red pocket?

It seems that these three men are not available for repairs.

Mu Feifan pointed to a bunch of Spiritual herbs on the ground and asked, “Everyone has been in Thunder Mountain for a long time. Have you seen these plants and where are they distributed?”

Everyone began to look.

Soon, the benefits of large numbers of people and power became apparent.

“Isn’t that a purple thunder flower? It grows on the heights of the Thunder Mountain, but it’s a pity that it is picked early, and the petals are not yet mature. The current medicinal power is less than one-tenth of its peak.” Someone’s eyes were old and recognized at a glance.

Mu Feihua held up the purple thunder flower: “This material has a very high level, and it seems that its guardian beast level is not low.”


The case is solved!

This is probably the truth about Demonic Beasts’ assault.

Boss Xu asked with a fluke: “Since Demonic Beasts has avenged his revenge, will he stop coming in the future?”

When everyone heard it, they didn’t know what to say.

They are not Demonic Beasts, who knows what the other side thinks?

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