Chapter 632 Studying the map, more than fourth-level?

With Mu Feihua’s pupil technique, everyone went out smoothly.

Soon, they returned to the inn.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoxin was drying clothes at the door.

With a glance in his eyes, he saw Mu Feihua coming over.

Xu Xiaoxin panicked when he thought of being picked up by the other party like a chicken last night.

A loose hand.


The trousers held high just now hit his face.

Xu Xiaoxin screamed: “Damn, why can’t you see it?”

Mu Feifan was speechless: “Remove your dirty stuff.”

Xu Xiaoxin threw off his trousers and smiled a little flatteringly: “Guest officer, why did you come back so early? Today’s task is completed?”

Mu Feifan: “Well, over-fulfilled, do you have lunch?”

Xu Xiaoxin shook his head: “No, because most of the guest officials go out during the day, so we never prepare lunch.”

Mu Feifan: “Let’s do it.”

Xu Xiaoxin tried to ask: “Would you like to lend you the kitchen?”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Why don’t you mention Xiaochao this time?”

Xu Xiaoxin smiled awkwardly: “In front of you, am I not a gangster?”

Their father and son were already conquered by Mu Feifan’s cooking skills yesterday.

Mu Feifan: “Okay, but I will use your kitchen materials this time.”

There are still some food materials in his storage bag, but these are all combat materials, and it is not necessary to eat them every day.

At this moment, the lobby on the first floor is empty.

Sure enough, as Xu Xiaoxin said, most of the people were out.

But Mu Feifan and others knew that some guests would never come back after they went out today.

For example, the three brothers Liu Dayang.

After lunch, the group went back to their rooms.

Mu Feifei began to take out Liu Dayang’s storage bag.

Mu Feihua naturally looked down upon the opponent’s Medicine Pill and weapons.

He was rummaging for something of value.

It didn’t take long for Mu Feihua to finally find a map of animal skins.

This is hand-painted by Liu Dayang and records the distribution of Demonic Beasts in Thunder Mountain.

Seeing this animal skin, Mu Feifan couldn’t help feeling that this brother Dayang was really a talent.

If you were born in the world that admired the extraordinary, you would be a master drafter.

The hide is not big, but it records everything in the vicinity in detail.

In Thunder Mountain, there are many fourth-level Demonic Beasts.

Known as the Demon King.

The territorial consciousness of these demon kings is very strong, and they hardly violate each other.

For example, King Chuanshan has always lived in that misty valley and never went out.

As the altitude of the Thunder Mountain increased, Demonic Beasts became stronger and stronger.

No matter how high the place is, there is nothing recorded on the map.

After all, Liu Dayang had never been there either.

That is a Jedi restricted zone with ten dead and no life.

Most cultivators are trained in the middle of the mountain.

In addition, Mu Feifei also found a river out of the mountain on the map.

By water, you can go to the next city.

Save the trouble of going over the mountains.

Mu Feifei was a little pleased: “When the task is almost done, we will leave by waterway to avoid going to higher dangerous places that hit the thunder mountain.”

He has always been cautious.

I don’t know what dangers still exist in the heights of the Thunder Mountain.

It would be better to be able to leave without going over the mountains.

Soon it was night.

When I had dinner on the first floor, it was as expected.

No cultivator mentioned the disappearance of Liu Dayang and others.

It seems that everyone has been accustomed to this kind of thing living here for a long time.

The barrier outside the inn has been laid out.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan returned to their room to rest.

This time, both of them are more at ease.

After all, I know the distribution of nearby Demonic Beasts, and I also know the tempers of these demon kings.

They hardly leave their own territory.

Coupled with a solid enchantment.

It seems that I can sleep well.

Mu Feifan slept very heavily this night.


I don’t know how long it took, and there was another knock on the door.

Its daybreak?

Mu Feifan opened his eyes suddenly.

He shook Xia Yuchan to wake up.

Because they were too relaxed last night, both of them slept very coolly.

Mu Feifan hurriedly helped his wife get dressed, only then opened the door.

Standing at the door turned out to be Pang Guang and others.

Mu Feifan frowned, “Master Da Pang, have you taken the job again today?”

Pang Guang hurriedly explained: “Brother Mu, don’t joke about my old brother anymore. What happened yesterday, do I dare to get on the thief ship?”

This is also true.

learn from mistakes.

Liu Dayang had already thoroughly damaged Pang Guang.

Chen Zhihui said: “Brother Fan, something is wrong again!”

Mu Feihua Qinghu: “Are people dead outside the inn? No one came back last night?”

Li Jie smiled bitterly: “This time it’s not outside the inn, but inside…”


Hearing this, Mu Feifan was surprised no matter how calm he was.

“Take me to see!” he said immediately.

Originally, Mu Feifan thought it was safe in the inn.

Unexpectedly, I just had this idea, and it was broken again overnight.

If you fall asleep and get killed, it’s so wrong.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei was eager to understand the truth.

The accident was in a guest room on the third floor.

A group of people arrived.

At this moment, many people were already surrounded outside the room.

Including Xu’s father and son are also there.

Mu Feifan glanced, and found that the doors and windows were all destroyed in a mess.

It shows how cruel this method is.

In the room, all three cultivators fell to the ground.

The abdomen was pierced, and the Gold Core shattered.

The way to die is the same.

“One hit will kill!” Xu Xiaoxin couldn’t bear to look straight.

This is related to the reputation of the inn, and boss Xu attaches great importance to it.

He checked the body and said, “The guest officer who lived on the third floor last night, did anyone hear anything?”

After asking this question, seven or eight cultivators came forward.

One of them said: “I heard a bang yesterday. I thought someone was fighting, so I didn’t dare to go out.”

The rest of the people have almost the same idea.

The cultivator fights, they will not show up for fear of being affected.

Boss Xu sighed: “It seems that these three cultivators have provoke a powerful guest officer. I hope everyone will have conflicts in the future and try to solve them outside.”

He has determined that the murderer is hiding among everyone.

Not only Boss Xu thinks so, but almost everyone at the scene also thinks this way.

But the conflict between the murderer and these three people is their business, and it is not easy for outsiders to intervene.

It’s just that it happened in the inn, boss Xu still has to explain.

Suddenly, a voice said: “I don’t think the murderer is among us.”

Hearing this question, Boss Xu frowned and said, “What do you mean, do you think the murderer sneaked in from outside? Or did Demonic Beasts fail?”

When he saw the questioner, he was shocked.

The other party is Mu Feifan.

Boss Xu was very impressed by Mu Feihua.

After all, the other party had broken the barrier in front of him.

At that time, Boss Xu was shocked for a long time.

Mu Feifan said: “The murderer is the Demonic Beasts who came in from outside.”

Seeing that the other party said so surely, Boss Xu was also a little unhappy: “Our inn sets up barriers at night, it’s very safe!”

Mu Feihua asked, “What if the opponent’s strength exceeds the fourth-level peak?”

Hearing this, the whole audience’s expression changed drastically!

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