Chapter 616: How Difficult? Too capricious

Can’t help?

Pang Guang subconsciously thought that the other party felt that they were too embarrassed before.

However, to be honest, it is really scary.

Those who are afraid of wolves before and are afraid of tigers, really give the cultivator a Losing face!

These Gold Core Cultivation Bases are probably fake.

But Pang Guang also had some difficulties.

They have been in Da Sect for a long time and lack experience.

The Demonic Beasts I’ve seen are all raised within the clan.

No practical experience at all.

Thinking of this, Pang Guang said with a serious face: “Brother Mu, although we lack combat experience, I believe we will never hold you back.”

Chen Zhihui and others also showed undaunted expressions.

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly.

Only then did he know that this group had misunderstood.

Therefore, Mu Feifan said: “Everyone thinks too much, I don’t mean to dislike you, it’s just that my task is a bit difficult.”

Li Jie said: “How difficult is it? Speak up, and everyone will help you figure out a solution.”

Mu Feifan:…

He took out a stack of orange cards and said, “One Monster core of fourth-level Demonic Beasts, one Spiritual herbs of fourth-level, hunt ten third-level late stage Demonic Beasts…”


When Pang Guang heard this, they were already dumbfounded, and their eyes went straight.

Turn into a sculpture!

“Fuck, orange card, still so many?” Chen Zhihui’s face was bloodshot, and it looked even darker.

Li Jie: “Kill fourth-level Demonic Beasts? My dear, I can’t even dream of it.”

He Xiaona: “Brother Mu’s mission is too difficult. Going out is at The Underworld level.”

Pang Guang’s mind is full of question marks.

He asked strangely: “Brother Mu, where did you get so many orange cards?”

However, as soon as he spoke, Pang Guang felt that the question he raised was too idiotic.

The orange card is of course drawn.

But what puzzled Pang Guang was, where did Mu Feifan get so many runestones?

After all, Pang Guang also knew that if he wanted to draw an orange card, he had to use fourth-level roulette.

One use is one hundred thousand runestones!

Think about yourself. After staying on the Way of Dharma and God for so long and working hard, I was lucky enough to get a purple card.

Unexpectedly, Mu Fanping’s orange card was so much that he couldn’t hold it in one hand.

How can the gap between people and people be bigger than the gap between people and pigs?

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “I’m just lucky, just draw it and win it.”

Just smoke?

The corner of Pang Guang’s mouth twitched.

So many orange cards are too casual.

Let him have to sigh with emotion.



However, Pang Guang still had some doubts: “Brother Mu, that is the orange mission card, fourth-level Demonic Beasts, can you deal with it?”

Mu Feifan replied casually: “Try it.”

Pang Guang was speechless.

Are you afraid to try to die?

As the saying goes, good words are hard to persuade damn ghosts.

Pang Guang didn’t want to care.

But when he thought that Mu Feifan was so righteous, Pang Guang immediately made a decision.

When encountering fourth-level Demonic Beasts, I must first knock him out before Mu Feifan goes out!

“Hey, I’m so kind, Brother Mu!” Pang Guang said with emotion.

Of course Mu Feifei didn’t know what Pang Guang was thinking at the moment.

If he knew, he would be speechless.

This f*ck is purely a pig teammate.

It is purer than 24K.

Everyone continued to walk forward.

Occasionally there are second-level Demonic Beasts passing by.

This time Chen Zhihui and others are coming.

It seems to save the face that was just lost.

Take the initiative one by one.

Several Gold Core cultivators cast a spell frantically around a second-level goat beast.

Boom boom boom!

Spell burst!

The goat beast died sadly under this indiscriminate bombing.


I am the second-level.

You human cultivators, how can you use a sledgehammer to kill chickens, is it too cruel?

The goat beast has long since died and cannot die anymore.

But they are still beating.

Mu Feifan was startled.

This group is more cautious than him…

This behavior is no longer a make-up.

It’s just whipping the corpse!

How do you compare with a sheep?

How much hatred?

Isn’t the Big Big Wolf who has enemies with the sheep?

“Ahaha, Brother Mu, look at our results!” Chen Zhihui pointed at the disaster site triumphantly.

Mu Feifan glanced at the corpse that was no longer in the shape of a sheep, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: “Well, good performance, but what about Monster core?”

When they heard it, they finally realized something and hurriedly searched.

Li Jie stabbed with a spirit sword for a long time, finally realized something, and then said depressed: “It seems to be broken.”

Pang Guang leaned back: “Brother Mu just blasted the Panthers, and can still keep the integrity of the Monster core. Look at you, it’s too stupid!”

Mu Feifan:…

This is not the point.

The point is, this Demonic Beasts is only second-level.

Your overall formation is a bit too big.

Suddenly, there was a burst of sound.

They instinctively raised their heads.

The next moment, everyone was shocked.

I saw a huge monster bird appeared in the air, like a bomber, sprinting over.

Pang Guang and others were all stunned.

Mu Feifan frowned, this bird seemed a bit familiar.

At this moment, the giant claws of the demon bird seemed to be cast by god gold, reflecting the compelling cold light.

Grab it directly.

The surrounding air was squeezed!

“No, lie down!” Mu Feifan yelled.

Bang bang bang!

Pang Guang takes the lead.

The three young men also softened their legs and knelt down.

Mu Feifan’s eyelids twitched.

These four funny comparisons are for you to get down, not for you to kneel.

However, Xia Yucicada reacted extremely quickly.

The slender hand stretched out and gently pushed.

The four people screamed and were immediately lifted by a huge force, blowing into the distance like a broken kite.

The next second they were blown away, the demon bird swooped over.

The giant claw gripped the ground fiercely.

Roll up a large piece of earth and rock.

It’s empty!

Pang Guang yelled for a long time.

He was terrified today.

“Oh my God, that Xia Fairy is too strong, he shot all four of us flying with one hand!” Pang Guang was shocked.

Chen Zhihui yelled, “Master Pangda, now is not the time for you to express feelings, look at the big bird and catch it again!”

Li Jie: “I rely on, fourth-level middle stage Demonic Beasts, my life is over.”

He Xiaona: “Run away!”

The demon bird missed a hit and seemed to be particularly angry.

It neighed and the sound rolled.

With the long wings flapping, the whole body of the demon bird turned into a phantom and struck again.

The four people headed by Pang Guang, under this powerful sense of oppression, once again felt how small they were.

“Mom! I knew I would have finished my studies before going down the mountain. This f*ck is a gift for people when I go out.” Chen Zhihui was scared and burst into tears.

When they were desperate, they suddenly heard a tyrannical tiger roar.

This sound seemed to be even more violent than the cry of a demon bird!

I saw Mu Feifan in the distance, raising his fist.

Silver light on the fist!

“White Tiger burst punch!”

Mu Feifan blasted a punch, and the fist turned into a ferocious White Tiger.

The White Tiger is brave and brave, staring at a pair of round tiger eyes, soaring to the sky, and slaughter the demon bird.

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