Chapter 617 Scared away! You can’t run

Pang Guang and others were shocked once again.

They never thought that a punch with a cultivator could be so powerful.

Weathered fist!

Is this punch serious?

The huge White Tiger stomped on the void and ran wildly on all fours, as fast as thunder.

The demon bird is still halfway.

The innate keen demon nature played a role at this moment.

It feels the great threat after it comes to itself!

Almost in an instant, the demon bird changed its course.

It suddenly twisted its body in the air, changing from diving to riding in the wind!

The White Tiger came with a bang, brushing the demon bird’s body across.


Even if it only touched a part, the demon bird was shocked to vomit blood.

The power of White Tiger is terrifying!

Mu Feifan’s eyes narrowed slightly, this bird reacted very quickly.

White Tiger didn’t hit the demon bird head-on, and rushed directly to a nearby boulder several feet high.


The boulder was smashed into pieces and turned into fragments in the sky, blooming like fireworks.

Pang Guang and others were so shocked that they couldn’t speak a word.

This power is too strong.

Such a large attic-like rock was directly broken into pieces.

If this hits myself…

They dare not imagine anymore.

A proper disaster site.

The demon bird hung in the air and couldn’t help but look at Mu Feifan.

It’s just that there is anthropomorphic fear in his eyes.

It’s scared!

The dignified fourth-level middle stage big demon, facing a Foundation Building junior, unexpectedly showed fear!

If this is not seen with your own eyes, who can believe it?

In the next second, the demon bird made an amazing move.

It turned directly, its wings trembling, and flew away.

Everyone was stunned.

What is the operation of this fourth-level monster?

Scared away?

Pang Guang called out, “Oh my God, what did I see? The fourth-level bird, was scared away?”

Chen Zhihui: “Sure enough, Brother Mu looks more scary than me.”

Li Jie: “You fart, the big bird is obviously afraid of being killed by Brother Mu.”

He Xiaona: “Too shocking. For the first time in my life, I have seen such a situation. Someone can scare the fourth-level Demonic Beasts away.”

The demon bird has been lingering in the Demonic Beasts circle for many years, and his perception of danger is naturally extraordinary.

It instantly felt an unprecedented threat from Mu Feifan’s shot.

This person can’t afford it!


What’s even more exaggerated is that in order to escape quickly, the demon bird also used magical powers.

The thunder rumbled through the sky.

The demon bird controls the thunder, and the speed is even higher.

From a distance, this great demon thunderously drove the electricity, with a brilliant momentum.

It’s just a way of going forward, it’s used to escape…

It’s funny enough to spread it out.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua smiled faintly: “You–can’t run!”

Pang Guang and others were dumbfounded.


I thought it was over.

Also pop up an easter egg?

I saw the Qilin Yuandan of Mu Feihua running gold.

An unprecedented sharp aura ran through his body!

“Let me try this Flying Sword!”

Mu Feifan pointed towards the direction the demon bird was fleeing from.

Although this finger seems unremarkable.

But the momentum is in place.

There is a kind of superior standing on a high place, pointing the style of the country.

Then, spray the metallic Spirit Power on your fingertips.

Transformed into a huge Flying Sword in midair.

Excalibur Wushuang!

With a terrifying speed, slashed towards the monster bird.

The demon bird is fast, but Flying Sword is faster!

Breaking through the air all the way, shattering the air.

The demon bird was still running away, but he didn’t expect a huge sword to hang above his head!

“Cut!” Mu Feifan spit out gently.

The huge sword was swung down, as if being held by an invisible big hand.


The demon bird screamed and was directly divided into two by the giant sword.

But this is not enough.

The giant sword draws dozens of Sword Rays in the air.

Looking horizontally and horizontally, the light and shadow are dazzling.

The demon bird was chopped into blood mist!

Mu Feifan looked at this scene, very satisfied: “What a sharp sword.”

Pang Guang and others have long been startled by Mu Feifan’s Flying Sword.

They couldn’t help saying at this moment: “This should be our line. Brother Mu not only saved our lives, but also robbed us of our words.”

Then, Mu Feifei gestured to Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan nodded and waved.

A hot and shiny Monster core floated from a distance.

I have to say that the two are now very close.

Sometimes the other person understands with one look.

Mu Feifan held the Monster core, and the guess in his heart was faintly confirmed.

In the way of the gods, apart from the magic secrets, other rewards really cannot be increased.

Sure enough, the rules of heaven and earth in this place can’t even interfere with the system.

But what does it matter?

Anyway, it’s enough to complete the task.

After Mu Feifan handed in the task, the original orange card immediately turned into an orange god pattern.

Thunder attribute god pattern!

However, he has not yet learned the Thunder-based research-level spells.

It seems that the newly-acquired five thunderstorms are on top, and I have time to study it.

When Mu Feihua came back to his senses, he was slightly surprised.

Because Pang Guang’s four expressions have all changed at this time.

They stared at Mu Feifan with a look that was almost worshipping.

Pang Guang said excitedly: “Brother Mu, forgive me for being clumsy. I didn’t expect you to be so strong that you can not only frighten fourth-level Demonic Beasts, but also kill them easily.”

Chen Zhihui: “Don’t say anything, I’m holding this thigh of Brother Mu.”

Li Jie: “Idol, if Brother Mu is in our Sect, he is even better than Elder.”

He Xiaona sighed: “Brother Mu is really a genius.”

Mu Feifei could only sneer: “You don’t have to worship me, it’s no big deal to kill fourth-level Demonic Beasts, and my wife can do it easily.”


Hearing this, these people were even more dumbfounded.

Chen Zhihui: “Fuck, kill fourth-level Demonic Beasts… Isn’t it a big deal? I feel that even if Nascent Soul takes a shot, he won’t necessarily win.”

Li Jie: “More importantly, it’s easy for Brother Mu’s wife to do it too? God, what kind of enchanting couple are you?”

Pang Guang: “I think that, let’s go back in a hurry. There are so many resources in Thunder Mountain. Brother Mu eats meat, so we can just have some soup behind.”

Mu Feifan asked strangely: “Where are you going back? The original world? Once the god pattern leaves the path of the law and god, it will lose its effect.”

Pang Guang explained: “Of course not. We went back to Blackwind City. We lived there for a while, and we were familiar with it.”

Mu Feifan gave a cry, then asked with a weird face: “Are you out of the city today?”

Pang Guang said embarrassingly: “It’s true that we have been out of the city for two days, and we have been hesitating at the foot of the mountain whether or not to go up the mountain.”


This group is too persuaded.

Mu Feihua showed a strange expression.

He said: “I think, you don’t need to go back to Black Wind City.”

“Why?” Pang Guang and others were surprised.

Mu Feifan: “The lord of Black Wind City has abandoned the city.”


Hearing this, they were even more shocked.

Chen Zhihui was speechless: “Don’t the city lord of Blackwind City care about the city? I heard that in order to select the top ten civilized cities, all the battlefields were removed and a tall brothel was built!”

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