Chapter 615 Team style, solve it at once?

Mu Feifan was silent for a long time.

He looked at Xia Yuchan next to him.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan was also looking at him.

The two secretly transmitted voices.

Xia Yuchan’s first sentence made Mu Feifei laugh and laugh: “Husband, are these people not very good at their brains?”

Mu Feifan: “…maybe this is the style of their team, light and humorous.”

Suddenly, there was a roar of beasts in the distance.

I saw a huge black cheetah rushing out, staring at everyone.

“The breath of third-level Demonic Beasts!” Pang Guang suddenly became alert.

“Master Da Da, this black panther is the third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts!” Chen Zhihui’s voice trembled a little.

Pang Guang was speechless: “Damn, I was called Brother Guang before, but now Brother Mu will call me Pangda teacher.”

Li Jie said, “Zhihui, you see this leopard has the same skin color as you, why don’t you deal with it?”

Chen Zhihui scolded: “Dead Jie, you see that its teeth are as white as your skin, so you should go.”

He Xiaona was speechless: “Don’t let it come and go, let’s go together, Da Da Master happens to have a purple card mission of the third-level Demonic Beasts Monster core.”

The four of them were daunting, none of them rushed up.

Mu Feifan looked sleepy.

He yawned.

Pang Guang and others turned their heads and almost forgot the couple.

“Xia Fairy, why don’t you take the shot, we will fight you back.” Pang Guang said with a smile.

Xia Yuchan ignored him, but showed a cold face.

Pang Guang suddenly became embarrassed.

Mu Feifan said strangely: “Have you never fought Demonic Beasts before?”

Pang Guang sighed: “It’s true that we are from the outside world. We are brothers of the same sect. We have never encountered real Demonic Beasts.”

Mu Feifan smiled.

It turned out to be rookie!

At this moment, the Panther stared at the crowd with some anger in his eyes.

This group of people chatted and talked and obviously didn’t take me Leopard seriously!

Watch me kill them!

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua suddenly came out.

Pang Guang seemed to see something and screamed: “Brother Mu, calm down, impulse is the devil.”

Chen Zhihui also yelled: “Brother Mu, don’t be a hero, your little life matters, let your lady do it.”

Li Jie: “Look, you guys are not as good as Brother Mu during the Foundation Building period. It’s really shameful to me.”

He Xiaona looked contemptuous: “You are also very embarrassing.”

In the next second, a spear appeared in Mu Feifan’s hand.

The moment the spear appeared, the silver glow exploded, like a long dragon appeared in the world, with an astonishing momentum.

“What gun? Bright blinded my eyes!” Pang Guang and others were shocked.

Panthers clearly felt that Mu Feihua was different.

This young man is too calm.

It’s not at all like the ugly monsters who chattered endlessly behind him.

Its keen perception tells itself that the opponent is very strong.

Mu Feifan held the long spear with his left hand and the tail of the spear with his right hand, suddenly exerting force.

Shoot out like a dragon!

The tip of the gun pierced through with an indomitable momentum.

The Panther was dumbfounded.

I didn’t expect the other party to be so fierce.

It is known for its speed, and when it can’t beat this shot, it wants to dodge.

The next moment, the panther turned into an afterimage.

Unexpectedly, it is fast, and Mu Feihua is faster.

With a twist of Mu Feifan’s wrist, the spear turned from a stabbing to a sweep, changing its trajectory in the air.

The spear swept across, setting off a roaring gust of wind, and slapped the panther severely.

The Panthers didn’t even have time to scream, they were directly exploded!

It turned into a cloud of blood in the air.

Pang Guang and others were dumbfounded.

The moment Mu Feifei stood up, they thought the young man was trying to show himself in front of his wife.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua was not only strong, but also so strong.

The third-level middle stage Demonic Beasts can’t help but shoot him!

Pang Guang: “Fuck, young people nowadays, it’s incredible!”

Chen Zhihui: “My Cultivation Base is a little bit higher than Brother Mu. I didn’t expect my strength to be much worse than Brother Mu.”

Li Jie: “Zhihui, you should say that, brother Mu is a little bit stronger than you!”

He Xiaona: “Brother Mu is too strong, it looks better than our Sect’s No. 1 inner disciple.”

Speaking of that disciple, Chen Zhihui and Li Jie said with the same hatred: “He counts as a ball, and is worthy of comparison with my brother?”

He Xiaona was speechless: “Isn’t he more popular with female disciples than you?”

Pang Guang: “It’s all jealous, no, being single is in trouble.”

Mu Feifan said lightly at this time: “Demonic Beasts is dead, Monster core belongs to you, Daan Master.”

When Pang Guang heard this, he was at a loss for excitement.

But he didn’t show greedy eyes, instead he said, “Brother Mu, you should also have the mission of Zika. You killed Demonic Beasts. I can’t ask for this Monster core.”

Mu Feifan chuckles: “I do have to do tasks, but I don’t need this Monster core.”

Pang Guang was a little strange.

Can’t satisfy the Monster core of third-level Demonic Beasts?

What kind of task is that?

But he didn’t ask more, just stepped forward with joy.

Although the Panther was blown up, Monster Core stayed behind and fell to the ground.

Pang Guang picked up the Monster core and took out another purple card.

“We have obtained the Monster core of third-level Demonic Beasts, and the mission is complete!”

In the next second, Monster Core was absorbed by Purple Card.

The purple card has also become a purple god pattern.

Pang Guang was overjoyed: “It’s the god pattern of light attribute, just because I have a need.”

Li Jie interrupted and said: “Thanksgiving Master, who seems to be taking the task, the god pattern that appears after completion also corresponds to his Spiritual Roots.”

Pang Guang was a little embarrassed: “I didn’t do my homework before coming.”

It was the first time that Mu Feifei heard of it.

However, he was clever and did not show his sensuality.

It is enough for Pang Guang to be laughed at by himself.

He won’t join in the excitement.

In other words, the task card setting is quite humane.

Otherwise, after finishing the task with great effort, the god pattern that appeared in the end was not what I needed, wouldn’t it be vomiting blood.

“My divine light can be increased!” Pang Guang was a little excited.

He hurriedly began to absorb the purple god pattern.

I saw the god pattern slowly sinking into Pang Guang’s palm.

“How do you feel?” Chen Zhihui asked curiously.

Li Jie also asked: “Is there any change in my body? For example, there is no Xiaojiji?”

Pang Guang almost fainted.

He yelled: “There are two fairies present, please be careful when you speak!”

The next moment, Pang Guang spread out his palm.

The light attribute of the palm of the hand, Spirit Power, is gathered, very holy.

Pang Guang was originally bald.

At this moment, the holy light is lingering, making him more like Maitreya Buddha.

Mu Feihua couldn’t help but sigh: “The name of Pangda Master and Guang Spiritual Roots really match.”

“It’s cool! Is this the effect of the god pattern? My spell feel has been enhanced a lot.” Pang Guang smiled happily.

Suddenly he thought of something and ran to Mu Feifan, and said, “Brother Mu, thank you so much. What task you are going to accomplish, we will do our best to help you!”

Chen Zhihui and others also agreed.

They are very fond of someone like Mu Feifan who is capable and righteous.

Mu Feifan shook his head, “I’m afraid you won’t be able to help me with the task I want to complete.”

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