Chapter 606 Golden Armored Warriors, All Smashed!


Turned into a brutal White Tiger phantom, rushed over.

The whole world trembled.

Ma Debiao did not expect that this punch would be so violent.

He started with contempt, but he was hit head-on.

There was a bang!

Ma Debiao was repulsed severely.

A rushing wave burst out of his body.

Fan Jian shouted excitedly in the distance: “Brother Fan won!”

But Mu Feifan’s expression was not relaxed at all.

Unexpectedly, a punch with all his strength would only shook Ma Debiao out of ten meters.

The effect is minimal.

“Come again!”

Mu Feihua knew the consequences of allowing Ma Debiao to absorb it, so he could only punch again.

The White Tiger yuan pill is working again.

White Tiger burst punch!

The roar of tigers resounded throughout the world.

The white tiger shadow rushed over again.

Ma Debiao hadn’t reacted yet, and was hit again!

He yelled, “Fuck it, keep punching.”

In the next second, the whole person was beaten off.

This time, Ma Debiao smashed another Great Hall.

Just listening to a crackling noise, the Great Hall was in ruins.

Rubble and gravel buried Ma Debiao.

At this time, the Spiritual Qi funnel in the air began to dissipate.

Soon, the long dome of thousands of miles became empty again.

Those Spiritual Qi that were drawn over have all turned into turbulence and scattered in all directions.

Mu Feifan was relieved.


As long as Ma Debiao stays away from the Great Array, he can no longer absorb Spiritual Qi.

But Ma Debiao is not dead yet.

There was a loud bang!

The rubble on the ruins was lifted off.

I saw a giant more than 20 meters tall appeared out of thin air.

The whole body is made of god gold, very heroic.

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised: “This is?”

At this time, Ma Debiao stood at the feet of the giant, hand-seals with both hands, apparently doing something god-tier.

“Fa is like the earth!”

Ma Debiao said viciously.

After being defeated twice, he was already extremely angry.

Ma Debiao couldn’t understand why he had broken through to this Realm, and he was still beaten up.

It’s crazy.

Therefore, he resorted to this powerful method that can only be used during the transformation period.

This golden giant is the image of Ma Debiao summoned by exhausting his endless Spirit Power.

Golden Armour.

Upon seeing this, Mu Feifan was excited to fight, and rushed to greet the opponent directly with a large shield.

I don’t know, although this golden armoured man is huge, his movements are very flexible.

With a clever dodge, it avoided the shield blow, and at the same time pulled out a long knife behind it.

This long knife is ten meters long, like a long dragon, shining with cold light.

“Cut!” The golden armoured man slashed.

In an instant, there were thousands of blades, like gusts of wind and rain, as if all the world had been cut to pieces!

Mu Feifan hurriedly raised the Black Tortoise shield to block.

Bang bang bang!

The golden armoured man who is condensed in the heavens and the earth is the god-tier master of the transformation stage after all.

Amazing strength!

Saber Technique is fierce!

Sneer and sneer loudly.

Although the Black Tortoise shield resisted the offensive and ensured that Mu Feihua would not be hit from the front, it could not withstand the impact of thousands of swords.

Mu Feifan quickly flew out under this terrifying attack.

Fan Jian was shocked. He didn’t expect that this form was so violent that even Brother Fan couldn’t hold on to it.

At this moment, Mu Feifei was directly beaten into a human form.

Even the golden-haired great ape’s change can’t persist anymore.

It can be seen that the opponent’s Saber Technique is powerful.

Under this circumstance, none of Mu Fei’s previous methods had any effect.

After all, the level of the golden armored man is placed there.

At this time, Mu Feifan was running the power of the original pill.

A huge phantom emerged from behind him.

Gradually occupy the sky.

I saw the shadow slowly solidifying, and it looked like a tortoise but not a tortoise, like a snake but not a snake.

It is the beast Black Tortoise!

Stepping on Jiuyou, surrounded by Xuanming Chonghe, his momentum is indomitable.

“At this time, you can only rely on the same level of power.” Mu Feifei’s eyes were full of murderous intent.

He is going to zoom in!

I saw the Black Tortoise mythical beast let out a very harsh roar.

The countless clouds in the sky were all broken and turned into flakes.

“Xuan Ming Zhonghe!”

I saw a long black river flowing all over it, like a wandering dragon, bombarding the golden armoured man.

A drop of profound water can freeze a river.

The heavy river formed by countless heavy waters can smash a majestic mountain!

At this moment, Ma Debiao was full of spirits and laughed wildly: “Smelly boy, don’t think that you can summon a bastard and just spray two sips of water to deal with me!”

At the same time, the golden armoured man raised his long knife.

Countless knife shadows are set off again!

The air is full of turbulence.

Powerful metallic energy floods the world.

Can cut everything.

Xuan Ming hit the heavy river across, with endless pressure, shocking everything.

But the blade was sharp and cut Xuan Ming Zhonghe directly!

The river water was split into trickles.

Ma Debiao was even more proud: “I launched a rush, you can’t stop it.”

Fan Jian was so frightened that his face turned green: “It’s over, it’s over, Brother Fan can’t help the other party if he zooms in. We will definitely be hacked to death by this giant in a while.”

Standing ten meters away from Fan Jian, Xia Yuchan was speechless when she heard this.

She had heard some news about Xuanming Zhongshui from Mu Feifan.

This kind of supreme divine water is not so easy to defeat.


In the next second, Ma Debiao’s smile froze on his face.

The heavy water that was divided in the air condensed again.

It seems safe and sound.

Ma Debiao roared: “Then cut it for me, I don’t believe it anymore.”

Golden Armored Warriors used powerful sword skills again.


But the water is more flowing when the knife is cut off!

The source of Xuan Ming’s heavy river is endless, and it is indestructible at all.

Like an invincible battleship, Gaia has everything.

In the end, the golden armoured man was severely knocked over!

Where Xuan Ming Zhonghe passed, everything turned into powder.

The powerful oppressive force cannot resist anything.

Even the Golden Armor of the God of Transformation!


Xuan Ming Zhonghe finally crushed it directly.

Ma Debiao was dumbfounded when he saw the golden armoured man being blown up.

At this time, Xuan Ming Zhonghe’s speed did not decrease, moving towards him like a giant mill.

“No!” Ma Debiao screamed and was about to run away.

But Xuan Ming heavy river enveloped everything.

The surrounding environment seems to have infinite gravity, making Ma Debiao unable to move his legs.

Can only watch the pitch-black river, pressing on top of his head.

“I can not be reconciled!”

Ma Debiao was completely submerged by Xuan Ming Zhonghe.

The body was directly crushed.

Follow in the footsteps of Golden Armored Warriors.


Mu Feifan did not expect this strike to be so fierce.

It is worthy of the power of the beast.

The only regret is that the strength of the original pill will be less when used once.

Only by condensing Gold Core as soon as possible, can it be used endlessly.

With this in mind, Mu Feifan’s determination to make breakthroughs is even greater.

Once Ma Debiao died, the task on the gold card was also completed.

The next moment, the gold card is directly transformed into a golden god pattern, shining brightly!

“It turns out that this is the golden god pattern.” Mu Feifan held it in his hand and looked carefully.

It can fuse any two schools of advanced spells, which is really heaven-defying!

Suddenly, a stream of information appeared in front of Mu Feifei’s eyes.

what is this?

When Mu Feifan saw it, he was slightly surprised.

It seems that the Heavenly Dao rule of the Way of the Dharma and God is sending a message to him!

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