Chapter 605 Spirit Power

Before Ma Debiao sighed, Mullard rushed over again.


The sound of breaking through the air howled.

This time, Ma Debiao tried desperately to hide.

But this second time, how could Mu Feifan let him avoid it.

I am the best at swatting flies or something.

Just listen to a bang.

Ma Debiao was shot directly by Great Shield!

Then, like a crashed plane, it flew out very tragically.

Fan Jian couldn’t help shivering.

This beating sound hurts even if I hear it from a long distance.

Mu Feifan knew that this strike would definitely not kill the opponent.

He is looking for a make up.

The next moment, I saw a knife shadow of more than 40 meters rise from the ground, tearing through the sky, and slashing over.

It was Ma Debiao who shot.

At this moment, he didn’t know what gold spell to cast.

This knife shadow is so huge, it makes people tremble.

It seems to cut the world.

Seeing this, Mu Feifei couldn’t help but swept towards the huge shield in his hand.

Is this better?

Who is older than who is younger?

The blade has no casting, and is extremely fierce.

Mu Feifan held up a shield to block.

There was a loud bang!

The blade light burst and turned into a sky full of Spiritual Qi, spreading out.

On the other hand, Mu Feihua just took a step towards retreated and was safe and sound.

The shield was not damaged at all.

Ma Debiao was dumbfounded.

“Fuck, what the hell?” His eyes were almost staring out.

Own’s famous stunt, even the monkey’s shield defense can’t be broken, this is a der!

Unexpectedly, a scene that surprised Ma Debiao even more appeared.

Mu Feifan yelled, “Reverse me!”

I saw the surface of the shield, like waves of sea, there was energy flowing.

In the next second, a more terrifying and sharper blade light was directly spurred!

It is even bigger than what Ma Debiao released before.

It’s more than fifty meters!

Ma Debiao was shocked.

Why is it so much older than mine?

Isn’t this f*ck killing me?

Bang bang bang!

The blade light is hardened and cut through everything.

All the buildings and vegetation on the ground, under this terrifying sweep, all turned into powder!

The air waves blasted into the sky.

Ma Debiao had already been scared into the air.

Looking at the battered earth, he was awed: “It seems that the shield can actually bounce my spells, but why after absorbing it, the spells released are stronger than mine? Damn it too! ”

Ma Debiao never expected that the other party could push him to this point.

Obviously it’s a fake alchemy junior!

Are all the geniuses in the outside world so enchanting now?

When Ma Debiao was depressed, he did not expect a heavy punch to suddenly appear behind him.

Mu Feifan made a bold move!

An iron fist that was bigger than Ma Debiao banged straight on him.


With a scream, Ma Debiao slammed down a Great Hall like a ball.

How fierce this punch is, and the momentum is even more violent.

While Ma Debiao fell, even the Great Hall was destroyed by the accompanying punches!

The Great Hall, which stood tall in the first second, will be turned into ruins in the next second.

Fan Jianren was stupid.

Brother Fan’s damage was equivalent to several demolition teams.

It’s too violent!

“City Lord Ma should have returned to the west, right?” Fan Jian asked.

Mu Feifan frowned: “It shouldn’t be there, I can feel his breath.”

Fan Jian stared at Mu Feifan’s face and couldn’t help but be stunned.

Damn it!

Brother Fan turned into a monkey, still neat and handsome, and even frowned in such a manner.

My surname is Fan, but why is it so cheap?

I don’t know what my father thought.


Sad as me!

Suddenly, Fan Jian felt tired, his legs became weak, and he knelt down abruptly.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Fan Jian: “Oh my God, I just sigh with emotion, I won’t just kneel down and sing Conquer to Brother Fan.”

Mu Feifan: “What’s the matter with you?”

Fan Jian said tremblingly: “I felt a moment of emptiness, as if my body was hollowed out.”

Mu Feifan: “Speaking of people.”

Fan Jian: “My Spirit Power seems to be losing…no, Brother Fan, my Cultivation Base is falling!”

Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

He did not expect that Fan Jian changed from the Foundation Building early stage to the Qi refining stage at a speed visible to the naked eye.

what happened?

Xia Yuchan said suddenly: “Look at the sky!”

Everyone raised their heads, only to see in all directions, there was a constant stream of air rushing in.

That is a lot of Spiritual Qi!

Although Spiritual Qi is spread all over the world of cultivating immortals, this kind of sudden gathering of Spiritual Qi is still very rare.

Countless Spiritual Qi gathered together, and then crazily spread to one place like a funnel.

They took a look.

Good guys!

At the ruins of the Great Hall, a Daoist shadow stood there, absorbing the Spiritual Qi floating in the air.

It is Ma Debiao!

Fan Jian was shocked: “No, Brother Fan, it must be him who absorbed my Spirit Power.”

Mu Feifan was surprised: “Then why am I okay?”

Xia Yuchan thought of something and said, “I also feel that there is a loss of Spirit Power. It should be the Cultivation Base card. This city lord can absorb the Spirit Power obtained by others using the Cultivation Base card.”

She also used one.


Everyone was shocked.

Is there such a thing?

The way of the gods…the wheel of fortune…

Mu Feihua suddenly felt that there must be something weird behind this, which made people think about it with extreme terror, and his back felt cold!

Fan Jian said annoyedly: “I’ve known it a long time ago and I’ve been cultivating, and the Cultivation Base I obtained for nothing is really undesirable.”

Mu Feifan frowned: “Anyway, if he is allowed to develop now, the situation will be very unfavorable for us. Who knows how many people in Blackwind City have been removed from the Cultivation Base, if this guy absorbs all these Spirit Power… …”

He did not go on.

If this situation continues, everyone can imagine how terrifying Ma Debiao’s level will rise.

Without a word, Mu Feifan jumped and landed in front of the ruins of the Great Hall.

At this moment, he discovered that it turned out that around Ma Debiao, he didn’t know when a big array had been triggered!

This formation is very old, unlike ordinary people’s handwriting.

Ma Debiao uses this formation to extract the Cultivation Base of others and turn it into his own use.

“What a shame!”

Mu Feifan raised the big shield without hesitation, and photographed it fiercely!

Seeing that Mullard is about to get in touch with Ma Debiao again.

Unexpectedly, Ma Debiao suddenly raised his head with fierce eyes!


He directly raised his arm, supporting the big shield with one hand.

Mu Feifan was secretly frightened. With his own physique of the mountain giant ape, he was actually equal in strength to a cultivator.

At this moment, Ma Debiao’s level actually broke through and reached the level of middle stage.

However, the Spirit Power funnel in the air has not yet decayed.

“Haha, this feeling of soaring levels is really cool, the ancients don’t deceive me!” Ma Debiao laughed brazenly.

Mu Feifan did not dare to neglect.

One minute late, he is in danger of one minute.

Thinking of this, Mu Feihua started the White Tiger Yuandan.

“White Tiger burst punch!”

The strength of its own, as well as the blessing of the power of the original pill.

An unprecedented burst of fists suddenly broke out!

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