Chapter 607: Never work! Battle Array Spirit

“Ma Debiao, the lord of Blackwind City, was killed by you. You become the new lord and inherit the rights of all lord!”

This is what the rules said to Mu Feihua.

Xia Yuchan flew over.

She saw Mu Feifan’s startled look, and asked strangely: “What’s wrong with you?”

Mu Feifan closed his eyes and absorbed all the news he had just received.

After a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes.

“It turns out that this is the right of the city lord…” Mu Feifan said lightly.

Xia Yu Cicada:? ? ?

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Your husband is now the lord of Blackwind City!”


Hearing this, even Xia Yuchan couldn’t avoid being a little surprised.

In the distance, Fan Jian even ran over and heard it.

He was shocked: “Oh my God, Brother Fan, are you the new city lord?”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Fan Jian was trembling and knelt directly to him.

Mu Feihua was speechless, this guy is addicted to kneeling?

“Shoot the flattery of Lord City Lord first.” Fan Jian said with a smile.

Mu Feifei suddenly said: “I just knew that the power of the city lord was so great.”

Xia Yuchan wondered: “Could those old subordinates of Ma Debiao listen to you directly?”

“This is actually not.” Mu Feifei pointed to the ancient big formation not far away: “Only the city lord can control that formation. In other words, as long as the big formation is there, the city lord is invincible.”

Xia Yuchan was a little speechless: “Invincible? Are you sure?”

She almost told how Ma Debiao would be killed by you if he was invincible.

Mu Feihua’s embarrassing explanation: “The city lord uses runestones to provide energy to the big formation, and the big formation feeds back the city lord Cultivation Base…”

When he mentioned Cultivation Base, Fan Jian stomped his feet with anger: “My Cultivation Base has been absorbed a lot by Ma Debiao asshole.”

Mu Feihua nodded: “The Cultivation Base card produced by Roulette of Destiny is also closely related to this big array. To put it simply, the cultivators in the city are all leeks raised by the lord.”

Fan Jian: “Then he cut us mercilessly.”

Mu Feifei suddenly thought of something, and he thought about it silently.

Xia Yuchan was very tacit and didn’t bother.

Fan Jian still had a lot of questions, but he didn’t feel embarrassed to ask any more after seeing Mu Feihua thinking.

“Although the city lord has great power, in my opinion, he is also a puppet… He has been using runestones to maintain the formation to ensure the normal operation of the large formation. Do you think this is possible? The entire path of the gods is The large formation composed of countless small formations, these selected city masters are those who work for the road of the law and god.” Mu Feihua said abruptly.

Fan Jian opened his mouth wide, showing a look that he didn’t understand at all and he felt that Mu Feifan was very powerful.

Xia Yuchan thought for a while, and said: “Your analysis makes sense. Thinking about it this way, the people behind the road of the Dharma God are very powerful. They created such a place and let so many city owners help him maintain the normality of the various large formations. run.”

Mu Feifei walked more than ten meters at this time and stepped into the big formation.

“This is the great formation maintained by the past dynasties of the Black Wind City lord. After countless years, he must have accumulated a lot of energy.” He murmured.

In the next second, Mu Feifei used the power of the city lord to directly start the big formation.

“What are you doing? Stupid mortal!” Suddenly, a voice of vicissitudes appeared in the sky.

But when I heard this tone, I was obviously anxious.

Fan Jian was terrified.

Why did God still speak?

Mu Feifan didn’t panic at all, “Sure enough, it was exactly what I expected. I want to absorb this huge burst of energy, and you can’t sit still.”

The voice became even more anxious: “Absorbed? It’s just a wishful thinking, you will be backlashed by the spirit…”

The tone of the other party became smaller and smaller, until the end, it seemed that the words disappeared before they were finished.

Xia Yuchan asked: “Who was talking just now?”

Mu Feifan: “Maybe it’s the rules of this world, maybe it’s… the creator of the Way of Dharma and God!”


Isn’t that the creator?

Fan Jian was stunned: “Brother Fan, what are you doing to attract the Creator?”

Mu Feifan: “I just used the power of the city lord to absorb the energy of this big formation… It is impossible for me to do nothing for him.”

Xia Yuchan sighed slightly.


The character of my husband is the one that most dislikes being used by others.

Work for the other party?

It’s impossible in this life.

Not only does not know how to work, but also sets up the other side’s booth and messes up the other side’s business.

At this time, the big array started again.

A golden shadow burst out suddenly.

The opponent is ten meters high, with a dragon head and a lion body, covered with golden scales, with a hideous face and exposed fangs.

Kim Qilin!

This is the Array Spirit!

The horrible sense of oppression hit immediately.

Such a monstrous breath seems to be similar to fifth-level Demonic Beasts.

Fan Jian was shocked: “Fuck, don’t you want to fight again?”

Mu Feifei had already set his posture and sneered: “Of course, the idlers and others will leave the field quickly.”

Fan Jian was very conscious of this, running faster than a rabbit.

Jin Qilin stared at Mu Feihua.

It seems to have the will of the creator of the Way of Dharma and God.

There was anger in his eyes.

Jin Qilin suddenly opened his mouth, and a horrible golden glow burst out, forming a majestic golden beam of light, sweeping everything.

“It turned out to be metallic. No wonder Ma Dehui is so metallic. It seems that you have worked well together before.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly.

A flame divine wing suddenly spread out behind him, which was a full five or six meters in size, and looked extremely martial.

It is Mu Feifan’s operation of Vermillion Bird Yuandanhou.

The next second, the wings of God flapped.

Mu Feifan jumped up and quickly avoided this strike.

The golden beam of light directly overturned the earth, with amazing destructive power.

Unexpectedly, Jin Qilin saw that one blow didn’t work, so he stepped into the air with four claws and directly culled.

The momentum is extremely violent.

Especially the golden scales, it seems to catch everything.

Mu Feifan throws the Black Tortoise shield.

I saw the big shield spinning around in the air, hovering towards Jin Qilin.


Jin Qilin reached out his claws, as if carrying a sharp Divine Armament, shattering everything.


The Black Tortoise shield was hit directly by it.

Five scratches appeared on the surface.

The sharpness of this golden Qilin claw can be seen.

Mu Feifan was taken aback, but he didn’t expect the other party to be so powerful.

“Big Killing Technique!”

He squeezed in the void, and a spear appeared in his hand.

With the divine wings shaking, Mu Feifei appeared very flexibly behind Jin Qilin.

The tip of the gun gleamed and quenched the dazzling light, and it was swung down in an instant.


Jin Qilin let out a miserable cry and was hit in the back.

Suddenly, the scales burst, and blood splashed.

Mu Feifan saw that he had a door, and was about to start offensive again.

Unexpectedly, Jin Qilin turned around, glared, and vomited a golden storm in his mouth.

The whole world suddenly fell into a terrible storm.

The wind is like a knife, tearing everything apart.

Mu Feifan’s heart sank, and he became a golden ape again, resisting with his flesh.

The storm is terrible, rolling in.

Mu Feifan rushed forward without fear of death, and grabbed Jin Qilin’s neck.

“I pinch you to death!” he yelled.

Jin Qilin:? ? ?

Are you polite?

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