Chapter 593 Rich and Wayward! Xiaoniao Yiren?

Mu Feifan was surprised.

Wang Fatty was also surprised.

Most people were surprised.

Only a group of young male cultivators showed a very understanding expression.

Fan Jian said in a puzzled way: “Isn’t it just two pieces of cloth? What’s the attraction?”

This beautiful little Big sis has a lower probability of an orange card than a purple card. It is normal to fail to draw, okay?

It seems to be a sin to fail to draw.

Someone sighed, “Hey, one hundred thousand runestones are gone.”

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, we have money, so we smoke.”

In a word, let everyone break the defense!



Feel free to smoke!

“Oh my God, this young man is too arrogant!”

“You have a lady, but it doesn’t prevent you from accepting male pets, son, see how I look like?”

“Fuck you, son, are you short of a maid, beg for support, can warm the bed, petite and ruthless, with a sweet voice and strong technology!”

“Hey, the staff, here is a girl from the newly opened brothel.”

Mu Feihua was speechless when he heard these people’s pursuit.

On the contrary, it was Xia Yucicada, now he doesn’t hear things outside the window.

Start shaking!

I saw the roulette spinning rapidly!

Xia Yuchan rubbed her hands.

It can be seen that she is still a little nervous.

He even closed his eyes and prayed secretly.

It was the first time that Mu Feifan saw Xia Yuchan like this, and couldn’t help but smile slightly.

Unexpectedly, the wife who opened the blind box was quite cute.

Well, this kind of opportunity must be tried more.

It’s easy to stimulate my desire for protection…

Mu Feifan stretched out his hand, about to put his arm around Xia Yuchan’s shoulders, and staged a little bird Yiren.

Unexpectedly, at The next moment, Xia Yuchan seemed to have noticed something, and immediately patted Mu Feihua’s thief’s hand, slightly angrily: “Don’t make trouble.”

Mu Feifan:…

Okay, I think too much.

Wife does not need protection.

At this time, one minute is up!

The roulette stayed in the uppermost area and finally appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at them with slashing gazes.

Xia Yuchan also raised her small chin and stared wide-eyed.

The next moment, her eyes are full of surprises.

“It’s orange!”


Orange light filled the hall.

At that moment, almost everyone was extremely excited.

“Oh my god, it turned out to be an orange card!”

“I have never seen f*ck in my life.”

“Yes, although I have heard it all the time, it is really the first time I have seen it.”

“Lifetime Series.”

“Today’s lively watching is so enjoyable, I must add some chicken drumsticks to the son.”

At this time, a small head suddenly appeared in Mu Feihua’s spirit beast bag.

It was just a few little turkeys with dull hair on their heads.

The little turkey seemed to have heard something just now, which caught its attention.

“I don’t know why, I always feel offended.” The little turkey looked around warily.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

“You better go in and rest for me!”

He forced the little turkey back into the spirit beast bag.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan, who was holding the orange mission card, was somewhat delighted: “My husband, I’m so lucky.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Of course! My wife has always had good luck. You are the daughter of luck.”

Xia Yuchan was surprised: “What a girl of auto transport, it sounds bad.”

Mu Feihua was speechless: “It’s luck, not auto repair… What do you usually think of this novel?”

Xia Yuchan stuck out his tongue: “…I saw it for a while when we first received the certificate.”

“Grinding your gun? Whoops!”

Mu Feifan’s waist was screwed again!


The reason why Xia Yuchan was successfully drawn had a lot to do with Mu Feifan’s arrangement.

I used the first-level roulette ten times before, completely deliberately made by Mu Feihua.

“Roulette draw is like a game. If you lose too much, you will always win once…This is the probability!” Mu Feihua felt a little proud.

After several experiments, own guess has been confirmed.

The number of failures of low-level roulette is used in the front to make up. If there are too many failures, the high-level roulette will be used directly in the back.

It’s easy to get into the soul!

The first time he won the purple card, it was also because the last person couldn’t draw any good things, so Mu Feifan tried it decisively.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of failure to be taken away by the opponent, this enthusiasm…

Ou Huang was not too European, but because Mu Feihua was much smarter than the average person.

However, in the face of my wife, I don’t need to say too much about these theories.

After all, Mu Feihua’s EQ is not low.

He didn’t want to dispel his wife’s enthusiasm.

Xia Yuchan also didn’t expect that the reason why he was hit by the shot was all the reasons behind the admiration of Feihua!

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