Chapter 594 Overestimating You? The play is enough

At this moment, Wang Fatty was completely dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that Mu Feifei would only use third-level roulette.

Now he has directly started fourth-level roulette.

As soon as he was sent to the soul, he got an orange card when he came up!

“This guy, I’m so lucky. I didn’t expect his wife to be stronger. He is sitting on the protagonist’s halo, right?” Wang Fatty gritted his teeth jealously.

Wang Fatty has always felt that luck is something illusory.

But Mu Feifan is breaking his cognition little by little.

Commonly known as subverting his three views.

Fan Jian raised his arms and shouted: “Brother Fan is great, and his sister-in-law is also great! It is almost possessed by the emperor of Europe!”

Mu Feifan glanced at him speechlessly.

What about Ouhuang… Didn’t you hear this?

It turned out to be clear.

At this time, Xia Yuchan asked: “Should we continue to smoke?”

“Of course!” Mu Feihua nodded.

At the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Ma Hui’s death does not know how long it will be discovered.

Taking advantage of the safety now, it is better to draw out more mission cards.

Then leave Black Wind City early.

Mu Feihua already had a plan in his mind.

Then he started to use the old tactics again.

First use the failure probability of low-level roulette, and then use fourth-level roulette.

Several rounds down.

The orange card is almost a hundred draws.

“It’s another orange mission card! How many are there tonight?” Many people were shocked.

The clouds on Mu Feifan’s face were light and breezy, as if everything was expected.

However, if the frequency is too many, it will inevitably be suspected.

For example, someone asked strangely: “Boss, have you found out why this young man can’t draw good things when he uses low-level roulette, and every time his lady uses high-level roulette, she can draw cards. ”

There was a small wave in Mu Feifan’s heart.

Do these cultivators have high IQs?

Find out the pattern so quickly?

They probably haven’t learned probability.

Unexpectedly, I just heard the person continue to say: “I think this is a waste of runestones! Every time you use low-level roulette, you should let his lady go out, her lady’s luck is better!”

When everyone heard it, they immediately screamed and agreed.

Mu Feihua was speechless for a while.

I see.

I really overestimate you…

Thank you for saving runes for our province.

But if the low-level roulette gets all hits, the high-level roulette won’t be able to draw the card.

However, Mu Feifan was also a lot more cautious at the moment.

This time, he uses second-level roulette.

The pointer stopped in a blue area.

A blue card snapped and fell to the ground.

Fan Jian took a look, he was excited, and said excitedly: “Who said that our brother Fan had bad luck, you see, he also got the card.”

Everyone suddenly became speechless.

“Fan Jian, shut up, what is the probability of the blue card, and what is the probability of the orange card.”

“Next time you use fourth-level roulette, let the son draw.”

“Yes. Prove his luck.”

According to Mu Feifei’s usual character, there is a safe way, and he will naturally not take risks with his body.

But this time is different.

The play should be enough.

Even if he can’t draw anything, he doesn’t lose money.

After all, I have already got a lot of orange cards.

At the same time, Mu Feifan also wondered, is his luck really bad?

Why is it that when I use low-level roulette, I get three punches instead of thank you for your patronage?

No, there is that fairy fat time…

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan’s heart also surged with an eagerness to win.

After using the second-level roulette to draw a few times, thank you for your patronage, he poured in one hundred thousand runestones.

“Wife, I’ll come this time.” Mu Feifan said.

Xia Yuchan nodded.

She has been content with so many orange cards tonight.

Now that my husband has enjoyed it, let him come.

“It’s starting! It’s fourth-level roulette again.” The sharp-eyed person noticed this scene and shouted immediately.

At the same time, everyone once again set their sights on Mu Feifan.

Just listen to Mu Feifan said: “Let’s start!”

This time he finally went on his own.

However, the audience was even more excited than Mu Feifan.

“Master, come on!”

“Whether you can get rid of your bad luck evaluation, it depends on this time!”

“Brothers, take a good look, it’s a wave!”

Wang Fatty watched all night.

Faced with Xia Yuchan’s successive draws of orange cards, he was jealous at first, then shocked, and then collapsed…

Finally, seeing that now, Wang Fatty is numb.

“What is the probability of drawing cards? Why I haven’t even seen the shadow of the purple card, but people can draw the orange card. I am convinced.” Wang Fatty was very depressed.

At this moment, Mu Feifei stared at the spinning roulette.


Isn’t it a hundred thousand runestones?

I am also a multimillionaire on this path of Dharma and God.

Don’t feel bad, don’t feel bad.

Mu Feifan comforted herself like this.

One minute later.

The roulette stops.

Everyone’s eyes widened.

They have to take a closer look at what Mu Feifan has drawn.

It’s just The next moment, what everyone feels is not excitement.

It’s fear!

My scalp is tingling!

Because the area pointed to by the pointer turned out to be a hideous Demonic Beasts pattern.

Demonic Beasts space!

The next moment, that area shot a red light symbolizing Death.

Floating over like a moving fog!

When Wang Fatty saw this, he laughed: “Demonic Beasts space, this kid can’t help but fate, his wife drew the orange card very well, he has to make trouble, now let himself play in!”

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan, who was shrouded in red light, gave Wang Fatty a coldly look.


Wang Fatty was taken aback.

He was a little surprised, why did Mu Feifei have died so close, and he still had time to stare at himself?

Is Mu Feifan so big-hearted?

In the next second, Fatty Wang saw another change in Mu Feifan’s expression in the red light.

The corners of Mu Feifan’s lips were slightly raised, and a slight smile of contempt was revealed, as if he was mocking Fatty’s ignorance.

His slender and tall figure, under the shining of the red light, seemed to be murderous.

But soon, Mu Feihua was swept in by the light.

Take in the Demonic Beasts space together.

The people around are dumbfounded.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

At this time, someone said cautiously: “Fuck, it was very dangerous just now, but I felt that this young man walked very free and easy.”

“Comparing the performance of King Fatty when he draws the Demonic Beasts space, this young man seems to be not facing the powerful Demonic Beasts, but like going for a walk.”

“The son is handsome, handsome!”

“Human, it just can’t be compared. Looking at it this way, Wang Fatty is really terrible!”

When Wang Fatty heard these comments, he was a little angry, but he couldn’t attack.

Because he cared more about the gaze that Mu Feifei looked at him just now, and the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth.

“What are you laughing at me, what you got is the Demonic Beasts space of fourth-level roulette… You guy, you are dead!” Wang Fatty’s eyes were angry.

At this moment, Fan Jian was very anxious.

He was spinning around in place.

At this time, Fan Jian looked at Xia Yuchan’s cold expression, very strange.

According to the behavior of normal people, shouldn’t the sister-in-law now be devastated?

what happened?

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