Chapter 592

“Wait, let him stay.” Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly floated.

The guards saw that the person who was speaking was Mu Feifan.

Thinking that the other party was holding the membership number, they couldn’t help letting go of Fatty’s hand.


No matter where they are, members will be respected!

Wang Fatty was dumbfounded and depressed.


Wang Fatty hit the ground with a muffled noise.

Fatty is more uncomfortable in the heart than physical pain.

He never expected that it was Mu Feifan that left himself.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Wang Fatty, without you as an audience, I wouldn’t be excited about it.”

Wang Fatty got up and smiled embarrassingly: “Then brother must do your best, I will pray for you.”

Why did I draw four times in one breath, not only didn’t draw anything, but also took my right hand away.

But the other party can draw at once!

The most important thing is that owning a circle to curse Dafa is completely useless…

“Wow, Brother Fan is lucky.” Fan Jian also jumped up excitedly.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Oh Huang is just a hand.”

Fan Jian was surprised: “Oh what?”

“European Emperor.”

Fan Jian continued to wonder: “What emperor?”

Mu Feifan:…

At this moment, he wanted to punch someone.

Soon, as soon as Mu Feifan was sent to his soul, no, the news that it was a purple card draw spread all over the hall.

Those staff members are not in the mood to work either.

They all ran over to watch.

After all, no one has drawn a purple card in the Hall of Destiny for a long time.

Among them was the maid who was just in charge of receiving at the door.

“Yeah, Big Sister, don’t you look after the door, why are you running here to join in the fun?” Fan Jian’s name is really worthy of the name.

He does not intend to let go of this opportunity to fight back.

The maid was a little embarrassed: “It’s been a long time since no one has drawn a purple card, so I ran over to catch my luck.”

Fan Jianqie said, “Look at your door, our Brother Fan’s luck can be rubbed against you if you want to?”

The maid was speechless.

This guy is too vengeful.

Seeing more and more cultivators outside the fence, Xia Yuchan whispered to Mu Feihua, “Look, it attracted everyone.”

Mu Feifan said lightly: “No way, we are destined to be the focus tonight.”

Xia Yuchan: “I didn’t expect you to be so decisive just now. I thought you were the same as Fatty before. You have to pray for a long time.”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Men, you should be steady and ruthless!”

In fact, he started third-level roulette when he came up to prove his own guess.


Mu Feifan started the second lottery draw.

He began to pour runestones into the groove.

This time, everyone looked at it blankly.

But soon, their faces changed drastically.

Because there is no crackling sound of ten thousand runestones in the imagination.

The sound of runestones smashing in was very sparse.

It is totally incomparable with smashing 10,000 runestones.

“What? I didn’t look at Dazzling, this young man only put a hundred runestones?”

“It seems… indeed.”

“Is there anything wrong? I thought he was going to draw purple cards all the time.”

“Maybe this young man wants to increase the elementary spells.”

Everyone started a new discussion.

Wang Fatty was also confused by Mu Feifei’s show operation.

“This guy, instead of hitting the iron while it’s hot, he uses first-level roulette, what is he doing?” He felt incredible.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan was also slightly surprised to see Mu Feifei launching the first-level roulette.

She seemed to perceive his wife’s doubts, but Mu Feihua turned it off: “Just look at it.”

Xia Yuchan was speechless: “Are you talking about cross talk here?”

Even so, she still stared at the roulette with wide eyes.

For fear of missing a small detail.

The roulette is spinning!

“The farmer has three punches and a bottle!”

“Thank you for your patronage!”

“Thank you for your patronage!”

“A pair of straw shoes, let you experience the feeling of flying!”

“The fat time of the little fairy, the favorite of the otaku!”

To everyone’s surprise, Mu Feifan activated it ten times in one breath.

What made them even more shocking was that none of the ten mission cards were drawn.

“Ahahaha, look at his bad appearance, he is worse than the fat man, he hasn’t got anything good for ten times.” Wang Fatty was already smiling and his stomach hurts.

I don’t know, many male cultivators next to him looked at him with puzzled expressions: “Why are there no good things?”


This time it was the turn of the king, Fatty was shocked.

He opened his eyes and took a look.

That’s right.

Ten times is nothing good.

I don’t know, one of the male Xiu said loudly: “Brother, can you sell the things you draw?”

Damn it!

In the next second, Fatty fainted.

He said silently: “Man, you are thirsty. If you are short of water, you can find me. I also get two bottles during the day.”

The male repairer didn’t bother to take care of it.

But when he looked at Mu Feifan, he showed an almost flattering expression: “That little fairy’s object, can you give me love…”

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