Chapter 591 You have to watch your fate, it’s burning!

High probability?

Mu Feifei was a little strange: “What does it matter?”

Fan Jian explained: “Brother Fan, there are many cities like Blackwind City on the Way of the Dharma and God. At the same time, every city has a Hall of Destiny, and most cultivators rest at night. The roulette wheel is not as used during the day. Frequent, so the probability of getting a good thing is high.”

Mu Feifan listened for a long time, and he understood.

Isn’t this because of the low number of people online?

But for this kind of statement, Mu Fei expressed that it is not so reliable.

Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it.

People still have to believe in fate.

For example, just now, he saw a big man rushing out of the hall in tears.

Seeing that Pear Flower is raining, no, the macho is crying, it should be lonely.

So you may not get good things at night.

At this time, the maid asked: “Several guest officers, do you want to handle business?”

Fan Jian: “Yes, you didn’t read it, yes, we are here to draw cards!”

As soon as a person is rich, it is easy to become confident.

At this moment, Fan Jian straightened up, showing the appearance of a nouveau riche!

The maid looked speechless.

She naturally knew Fan Jian.

After all, as a guide, Fan Jian often leads people over.

“Pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, who doesn’t know who’s how many catties?” The maid thought contemptuously.

However, out of professionalism, the maid still said with a smile on her face: “If this is the case, does the guest officer have a membership number? You don’t need to line up.”

Upon hearing this, Fan Jian hurriedly looked at Mu Feifan with questioning eyes.

Mu Feifei asked: “How many runes are there in the membership number? How many lines are there in front?”

The maid replied: “The membership number requires 10,000 runestones. If you register the ordinary number, there are 23 people waiting in front of you.”

Twenty-three people!

Mu Feifan glanced into the hall.

Sure enough, the front was densely packed with many cultivators.

What’s more, some even bring their own small Mazha, where they eat melon seeds while waiting.

Seeing this, the maid’s expression gradually showed contempt.

“Do you want to register a membership number?” The maid did not look at Mu Feifan, but at Fan Jian.

Seeing that Mu Feifei had been speechless, Fan Jian said in embarrassment, “It’s better to hang up a regular number. The membership number is too worthless. You can draw a third-level roulette with 10,000 runestones.”

The maid smiled triumphantly, she had expected it a long time ago.

I don’t know, Mu Feifei said directly: “I want a membership number!”

Fan Jian was shocked: “Brother Fan, anyway, we have time. It doesn’t matter if we line up for a while.”

Mu Feifan: “I finish smoking earlier, and I went back to sleep with my wife.”

The maid ate a handful of dog food while she was stunned.

Heart is very sad.

When can I find a rich and handsome mate?

However, the maid noticed Xia Yuchan’s appearance.

In the next second, her thoughts changed again.

Apologies, I was sloppy just now!

People are the princess’s fate, I am at most princess disease.

After getting the membership number, Fan Jian sighed: “One opportunity to draw a purple card is used up, Brother Fan, your money is not the wind blowing.”

This time, Mu Feifan agreed.

It was indeed not caused by the strong wind.

It was sponsored by Ma Hui’s friendship.

But is there a difference between the two?

no difference.

At this time, the previous person also ran out of consumption.

He yelled: “Damn, what is the probability tonight, Daddy has been unlucky, and the best reward is a bottle of water.”

Hearing this, Fan Jian was a little nervous: “Brother Fan, is everyone so bad luck? Will it affect us? Or let’s come back another day, I heard that the membership number can be selected.”

But Mu Feifan said decisively: “No need, it’s done!”

Is it all done?

Fan Jian didn’t know why. Hearing these four words, an excitement rose in his chest.

Sure enough, Form 2 is contagious.

“Please, the next guest officer, membership number!” Some staff chanted aloud.

Another cultivator who was just about to play was confused.

It should have been his turn.

I didn’t expect to insert a member with a membership number!

“Damn it, who is so willing to spend money?” He turned his head.

I saw a pair of young men and women walk in.

“Oh my God, is that pretty boy?” The cultivator was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he finally understood, what is handsome and gold.

This word should be tailored for this sudden young man.

“Is that handsome guy?”

Among the onlookers, there is also Fatty.

He recognized Mu Feifan at a glance.

“Wow, it’s a brother who came to draw a purple card!” Fatty laughed.

Fatty’s voice is so loud that it quickly attracted a lot of people.

Even the guards not far away noticed the situation here.

“Really, Wang Fatty, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Yeah, you think that everyone else is like you, so you dare to draw a purple card after preparing forty thousand runestones.”

“Ahaha, Wang Fatty is too stubborn, he drew his own hand after drawing a card.”

Hearing the discussion, Wang Fatty was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he just yelled deliberately.

I want Mu Feihua to attract everyone.

Wang Fatty’s carefulness is unkind.

“Although you have saved Fat Master, Fat Master is not pleasing to your eyes. Who makes you so arrogant and dare to challenge third-level Demonic Beasts? Humph, wait for a while, I hope you will shake Demonic Beasts once. Space, let everyone see how Fat Master collects your corpse!”

Wang Fatty thought to himself, already thinking about the next script.

Fan Jian apparently found King Fatty too, and he immediately said, “Hey, isn’t this King Fatty with severed hands? Which breed do you belong to? If your hands are gone, you have grown out so soon?”

Wang Fatty was speechless and said, “This is a fake hand that the doctor in the city put on me. When I make money, I will definitely buy a bone-generating pill and grow a real hand again.”

The Medicine Pill that regenerates a severed limb is very expensive, and most people can’t afford it.

Fan Jian said unceremoniously: “Then you will strive for the money you can save in your life.”

Depend on!

When Wang Fatty heard it, he was furious.

At this time, the staff shouted: “Everyone, keep quiet, especially the Fatty who chopped hands.”

“Ahaha!” Everyone couldn’t help laughing.

Wang Fatty is already smoking.

I don’t know who suddenly yelled: “Fatty, look at your artificial hand, it’s burning!”

Wang Fatty lowered his head when he heard it.


The fake hand did not know when it started to smoke.

No wonder there was a burnt smell.

The king was scared Fatty hurriedly flung the artificial hand away.

Fake and inferior products, the quality is really not good!

Mu Feifan also saw this scene.

Secretly smiled.

In terms of quality, it has to be made in Kyushu.

A few guards ran over to put out the fire, and by the way, blocked the king Fatty, blasting away on charges of obstructing public order.

“I have something to discuss!” Fatty Wang kept begging anxiously.

At this moment, his heart was dripping blood.

This is too unlucky!

Wang Fatty became even more depressed when he thought of not seeing Mu Feifan draw the card for a while.

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