Chapter 582 Quickly release the water! No conscience?


Mu Feifan asked Fan Jian to continue to compete.

This time, Fan Jian became more confident.

After all, it was not him who shot.

He only needs to be a good tool man.

Before the start of the second game, the onlookers hesitated when placing their bets.

“Unexpectedly, Fan Jian could beat Liu Weimeng, who would we buy to win next?”

When everyone was still hesitating, I didn’t know who yelled a few words.

“Then Fan Jianneng can win by relying on a chicken. He has no abilities himself.”

“Liu Weimeng was too careless. If he confronts head-on, he will definitely not lose!”

“And this time his opponent is called Zhao Gaoshan, I heard it is a water system cultivator.”

Everyone, it makes sense!

“Thank you brother for reminding us. We know who to buy.” They placed their bets with joy.

Mu Feifan squeezed his throat, and under the cover of the crowd, smiled and replied, “No thanks!”

Xia Yuchan secretly felt amused watching Mu Feifan’s performance.

She had heard of various bets, but this was the first time she saw the betting bets.

Mu Feifei said to Xia Yuchan: “My wife, go and bet all the runestones on Fan Jianying.”

At this moment, as his wife, Xia Yuchan kept the runes.

She was a little strange: “Go all-in? Is there any risk? Isn’t Zhao Gaoshan a water cultivator?”

Mu Feifan: “…I have never seen this Zhao Gaoshan, who knows what line he is.”

Xia Yu cicada came to his senses.

She couldn’t help but hammer the other person: “You fellow, too bad.”

Mu Feifei calmly said: “Men are not bad, women don’t love… No, it should be, money can’t be made.”

Xia Yu-chan was very speechless and held all the runestones.

The staff were dumbfounded.

A full hundred thousand runestones.

“But this Fan Jian had his first performance, why is the odds of this time approaching one to 15?” The staff was a little puzzled.

One lose fifteen?

Xia Yuchan was slightly surprised.

She thought to herself that it was not because of her husband who had made the audience foolish.

Soon, Fan Jian led the little turkey on stage.

His opponent is called Zhao Gaoshan, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist gown.

He looks much more elegant than Liu Weimeng.

But for a long time in this underground fighting arena, how can there be any good things?

“Game start!”

Zhao Gaoshan is not as reckless as Liu Weimeng.

He pays attention to the aftermath.

At this moment, Fan Jian sat down and crossed his legs on the ring.

Like the old lady sitting on the kang, the expression is very leisurely.

It was the first time that Zhao Gaoshan saw this fighting posture, and asked strangely: “What are you doing sitting on the ground?”

He was afraid that Fan Jian would suddenly jump up for a while and perform a god-tier dance.

Fan Jian smiled: “Chicken God, punch!”

I saw a miniature chicken suddenly appeared in the mess of hair on his head.

It is the little turkey.

“God Phoenix Flames!”

The little turkey quickly squirted a trick.

The entire ring was illuminated by this flame shock wave!

Zhao Gaoshan was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the other party still hides a chicken.

Looking at the magical powers of this Demonic Beasts, it is not comparable to ordinary fire spells.

At this moment, the audience can’t stand it anymore.

How could this Zhao Gaoshan be motionless like a fool.

Someone even shouted: “Zhao Gaoshan, let the water go!”

“Quickly release the water!”

“If you don’t let it go, it will be too late!”

When Zhao Gaoshan heard the word “release water”, he was confused for the second time.

What’s the meaning?

The other party is coming fiercely, do you still tell me to release the water?

Do you have a conscience?

Even if I attack with all my strength, I may not be able to resist it!

Then, in full view.

Zhao Gaoshan used an enhanced version of the intermediate wood spell.

“Ye Wujian!”

The next moment, the Spirit Power in his hand is booming.

It turned into a few Flying Swords, and flew away in the face of the flames.

Bang bang bang!

The result was all shattered by flames.

Zhao Gaoshan’s face was green.

The audience’s faces are greener: “I rely on, let you use water spells, but you use wood spells to deal with fire. Doesn’t it seem stupid?”

Zhao Gaoshan was speechless, because it turned out that he meant to release water.

“I don’t have any water, Spiritual Roots, how do I release the water?” Zhao Gaoshan shouted with his throat.

The next moment, the audience was dumbfounded.

Then, Zhao Gaoshan was blasted off the ring by the flames.

Someone couldn’t help but shouted angrily.

“Damn, which sand sculpture fooled me before the game?”

“People are clearly wood, and they have to say that they are parallel imports!”

“I’m so mad! I just smashed all the runes in, and now I have lost all my pants.”

At this time, everyone realized that the person who reminded them before had long since disappeared.

“I hate it!” Countless audience members stamped their feet with anger.

Of course, only one person was ecstatic.

It is Fan Jian on the ring.

“Ahahaha, this feeling of lying down is really comfortable.” Fan Jian stretched out and staggered off the stage.

At this moment, Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan are also very happy.

Because they made it again.

With this bet, he won back 1.5 million runestones.

Add in the 100,000 given in the second win, and now there are 1.6 million.

Compared with the money you win by betting, the reward for winning the contest is a bit insignificant.

Xia Yuchan asked, “Husband, can we draw a lottery now?”

Mu Feifan: “Not enough…”

Fan Jian was taken aback: “My son, isn’t this enough? If you draw third-level roulette, you can draw more than a hundred times!”

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “Go on and let the staff continue to arrange the game for you.”

Fan Jian was a little excited: “Is this the rhythm of one win to the end?”

Mu Feifan: “The next opponent may be more powerful, I don’t know if Xiao Jiji can bear it.”

At this moment, the little turkey held his neck high and patted the breast with his chicken wings very confidently.

It means no problem!

Anyhow, he has the blood of Shenfeng.

It is still very easy to hit a group of mortals with the same rank.

as predicted!

In the next few games, Fan Jian passed the test.

The little turkey was in charge of fighting, and Fan Jian was in charge of lying down.

But the effect of the bet is far worse than the second game.

After all, the audience is not stupid, they all see Fan Jian’s potential.

Some of them began to bet on Fan Jian.

And Mu Feifan was also very witty and didn’t flicker before the war.

This method can be used once, and it is easy to see through the second time.

But every time you win the next game, the bonus is also increased.

After half a day, Mu Feifan’s wealth has accumulated to 5 million runestones.

Fan Jianle broke down and ran down to confess the good news to Mu Feihua.

“The chicken god is really amazing. I just gave a Gold Core late stage cultivator to seconds, and it scared me into a cold sweat.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly, as if he didn’t care at all.

It seemed that everything was in his expectation.

Fan Jian suddenly remembered one thing.

Even if Mu Feihua’s spiritual pet is so good, how strong will Mu Feihua’s strength be?

For a while, he became even more in awe of this customer.

At this moment, in a luxurious room in the backstage of the Colosseum.

A young man with a gloomy face was listening to the staff report.

“What are you talking about, is there a newcomer who has been winning streak?”

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