Chapter 583: Arranged! The show begins

“Yes, he participated in ten games in this half-day and won all of them. The audience chose to place bets on him side-by-side, and almost didn’t lose money.” The staff replied.

The young man pondered: “This is very bad.”

Most of the income source of the Colosseum comes from the runestones betted by the spectators.

Those who win the bet seem to have won back a lot, but in fact, there is still a part of the money flowing into the pockets of the fighting arena.

As long as someone loses money, the fighting field will make it!

But now the audience all-in Fan Jianying.

As long as Fan Jian wins all the way, even if the audience doesn’t make a lot of money each time, they won’t lose money.

Then the loss is the Colosseum!

The youth has a great background. He runs the fighting arena and naturally wants to make money.

He doesn’t do a trade at a loss.

“Pass my password, next game, arrange for Cheng Jinhu to compete with that Fan Jian!” the young man said coldly.

The staff was taken aback.

He hurriedly said: “Master Cheng is a Nascent Soul cultivator. We only have Gold Core level competitions here.”

Every Nascent Soul cultivator is a giant on the path of the gods.

They disdain to participate in this kind of contest.

Therefore, the highest level of competition in the Arena is the Gold Core period.

However, although Nascent Soul cultivator is strong, it is difficult to support it alone.

They generally rely on powerful forces.

Cheng Jinhu is the guest Qing hired by the Colosseum.

The young man smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, Cheng Jinhu has a secret technique that can make people unable to see his true Cultivation Base.”

After hearing this, the staff was overjoyed: “Then I will make arrangements immediately.”

At this moment, before the ring.

Fan Jian said: “My son, I have been winning streak, I’m afraid I won’t be able to match my opponent today.”

Mu Feifan: “Wait a little longer, if we still can’t wait, we will leave.”

If they win another game, they will be rewarded with a million.

To be honest, Mu Feihua was a little bit reluctant.

After all, on the path of the Dharma and God, the system has not been prompted for an increase.

Mu Feifei was also wondering why.

Could it be that the rules of the way of the Dharma and God are so overbearing that even the functions of the system are restricted?

Suddenly, a line of text appeared on the light curtain overhead.

“The next round, ring one, Gold Core level competition, Fan Jian vs. Cheng Jinhu.”

“Ahaha, son, it’s finally my turn!” Fan Jian was very happy.

He swaggered onto the ring.

The little turkey was standing on Fan Jian’s shoulders, also full of energy.

Opposite Fan Jian, standing a thin and thin old man.

The old man is Cheng Jinhu.

However, he looks like he will fall when the wind blows, and he doesn’t match his name at all.

The onlookers couldn’t help laughing when they saw this.

“Look at this old man’s fragile appearance, the chicken god just relax for a while, don’t scald him to death.”

“It’s not easy for an old man to come out for business at such an age.”

“It must have come to earn the coffin, and I will retire after one fight.”

“Haha, although you can’t win, but if you are injured at work, you will be buried in the battlefield.”

Everyone laughed and put all the runestones on Fan Jian.

Because ten consecutive games are in this one-sided situation, no audience will choose the enemy of Fanjian.

Although not much is earned each time, mosquito legs are also meat.

At this moment, Fan Jian, no, it should be a little turkey, as if in the hearts of the audience, it became a symbol of the god of wealth.

In the backstage room.

The youth used spells to observe every move in the hall.

Seeing everyone betting on Fan Jian, he couldn’t help but chuckle: “Bet, bet, a bunch of idiots, you will be crying later.”

At this time, on the ring.

Cheng Jinhu said with a smile, “Young man, be merciful for a while, I don’t want to die here.”

Fan Jian also smiled with a naive face: “Don’t worry, old man, we chicken gods always respect the old and love the young.”

The little turkey’s pointed beak also had a smile on his face.

However, the expression of Mu Feihua in the audience was a little unnatural.

Xia Yuchan asked strangely: “What’s wrong?”

Mu Feifan looked at Cheng Jinhu on the stage and narrowed his eyes: “My wife, you know that in the world of cultivating immortals, the older people are either ordinary people or very powerful people. Even the uncle who walks the dog in the park, All of them may be masters with unique skills.”

Xia Yuchan: “Do you think this Cheng Jinhu will be very strong?”

Mu Feifan: “This is just my guess…”

Xia Yuchan: “Hey, I only know that women have a strong sixth sense. I didn’t expect you to believe in this mysterious thing.”

At this moment, Cheng Jinhu on the ring said: “Young man, can I let this old man take the shot first? I’m afraid if you take the shot first, I’m afraid I will just kneel.”

These words made Fan Jian’s heart feel a little airy.

But he still asked Little Turkey: “Chicken God, what do you think?”

The little turkey laid out its wings greatly, showing that it didn’t care.

Cheng Jinhu smiled.

In the next second, Spirit Power inside his body churned.

“Golden high-level magic sword breaks through the air!”

The terrible Golden Spirit Power whizzed out from Cheng Jinhu’s palm.

Condensed into a big knife in the air, like a god of gold, the whole body exudes a sharp god!

Fan Jian was stunned.

The little turkey was also dumbfounded.

The audience was even more confused.

“This is too powerful!”

“It’s an advanced spell!”

“It’s really increased, I can smell the purple god pattern!”

“Damn, are you a dog?”

Mu Feihua was shocked.

Among the opponents that Fan Jian encountered just now, although there were some who could release advanced spells, they had met for the first time if they had been amplified.

This Cheng Jinhu has such a profound background!

Fan Jian’s eyes were almost blinded by Jin Daoliang.

He held the little turkey and said, “Chicken God, can you resist it?”

The little turkey cried.

Fan Jian was surprised: “You mean it’s okay?”

The little turkey secretly said that I don’t know what to do… The translator, come over and help me beat this idiot.

At this moment, the translator Mu Feifei shouted to them: “Be careful!”

The forty-meter knife has been culled.

A series of explosions sounded in the air!

The little turkey spewed out a phoenix flame.

Can you block it? Let’s behave first.

Jin Dao Wushuang.

The sharp sword air is vertical and horizontal.

The flame was immediately cut into sparks and scattered on the stage.

Fan Jian was anxious: “Chicken God, no, you can work harder.”

The little turkey was speechless.

Is this something to work harder?

It is entirely a matter of combat effectiveness.

The next moment, the golden knife slashed over.

The little turkey suddenly spread its wings and flees first.

Fan Jian also crawled around, fleeing the battlefield with both hands and feet.

There was a boom.

The ring was directly cut into a deep gully by a big knife.

Thick smoke is everywhere.

It looks very tragic.

Fan Jian turned his head to see this scene, and covered his mouth in fright: “Damn, this old man is too strong, he is absolutely abnormal.”

At this time, Cheng Jinhu’s previous decadence and sickness were wiped out.

He slowly rises in suspension.

The eyes are full of jokes.

He said word by word: “The show has just begun!”

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