Chapter 581

When Mu Fei heard these people talking, he said a little funny: “Fan Jian, they all look down on you. Do you have a feeling of being poor for thirty years in the east and thirty years in Hexi, and don’t bully the youth?”

Fan Jian: “…Master, don’t talk about it, I am poor, poor for three generations.”

Mu Feifan was happy.

He didn’t want to torture each other anymore, patted the spirit beast bag.

The next moment, a scream came.

Everyone is back.

There is a feeling of getting up and cultivation when I hear the cock crowing in the morning.

I saw the light flickering, and the little turkey sprang out!

Fan Jian was shocked: “Three, third-level Demonic Beasts?”

Mu Feihua nodded: “You can’t lose with our little Jiji to help out.”

That’s right, although Qi Ling can’t be brought into the path of Dharma and God, but Ling Chong can.

But, how does Fan Jian think of Little Turkey, how does he think this guy doesn’t look too good.

Fan Jian was a little skeptical: “My son, is this little red chicken okay?”

Hearing doubts, the little turkey held his head up and screamed.

Mu Feifan explained: “Xiao Jiji said, don’t treat chickens as human beings.”

Fan Jian was speechless: “It is not a human being.”

The little turkey became even more frizzy.

Mu Feifan added: “In our hometown, Xiao Jiji has a thunderous nickname.”

Fan Jian: “What?”

Mu Feifan: “Jianlu Island Chicken God.”


When Fan Jian heard this, he was startled.

Whether to say it or not, this nickname sounds very loud.

At this time, in the ring, Fan Jian’s opponent Liu Weimeng was already ready.

He is a topless, tall and mighty cultivator.

Especially the majestic muscles, full of absolute power.

“Hey, kid, are you okay? Come up quickly!” Liu Weimeng hooked his finger at Fan Jian.

Fan Jiansan smiled: “Master, wait a moment, I’ll pick up the guests right away.”

This time, Mu Feifan and Little Turkey became embarrassed at the same time.

Fan Jian smiled bitterly: “My son, I’m used to being a grandson, but I can’t be an uncle.”

Mu Feifan: “Chong for me!”

Fan Jian was still in place, and he was kicked into the ring by Mu Feihua.

At the same time, the little turkey spread its wings, showing great momentum.

But because the ring was too high, and halfway through the flight, its expression changed drastically.

He fluttered in the air, and then fell all over.

“Ahahaha, the chicken you raise is as wasteful as you!” Liu Weimeng raised his middle finger.

Mu Feifan was speechless and threw the little turkey on it again.

At this moment, Fan Jian, who looked decadent, was in stark contrast with the little turkey who was independent on his head.

People are not as good as chicken series.

At this time, the staff outside the field began to shout: “I have placed a bet, the new dark horse cultivator Fan Jian, Liu Weimeng against the veteran Gold Core, is very interesting, come and bet!”

When Mu Feifan heard it, he said to Xia Yuchan: “Wife, let’s put all the runestones on it.”

Xia Yuchan understood in seconds.

The two stopped the staff and placed a bet on the thousands of runestones that the city gate guards had recovered.

Staff: “My son, who do you bet to win?”

Mu Feifan: “Fan Jian!”

The staff was shocked: “Betting so much? Young master, I would persuade you to take a small gambling, and a big bet hurts your body. Then Fan Jian looks like a kidney deficiency, how can he win Liu Weimeng?”

Mu Feifan was surprised: “Didn’t you just say that he is a new dark horse?”

Staff: “As long as it is a newly registered cultivator, I will introduce it like this…”

Mu Feifan: “Then you are right. I bet on such a newly promoted dark horse.”

The staff was speechless.

Are you listening to me?

But this kind of thing, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, the staff reminded, it is already very humane.

At this moment, the odds have become one to ten.

It seems that everyone is not optimistic about Fan Jian.

“The contest begins now!”

The betting deadline, the referee immediately shouted.

Then, he quickly jumped off the ring, for fear of being affected by the battle.

Liu Weimeng glared at Fan Jian and yelled: “Come here!”

Fan Jian was speechless: “I am a Foundation Building early stage contestant. What did you let me do in the past?”


Liu Weimeng then noticed that the other party’s Cultivation Base was really Foundation Building early stage.

“Damn, I thought you were hiding the Cultivation Base. I didn’t expect it to be a rookie. Your brain is flooded. Register for the Gold Core competition during the Foundation Building period.” Liu Weimeng laughed.

Fan Jian remembered the way he was forced to sign the status of life and death, and sighed: “I think I was really out of mind at the time.”

Liu Weimeng: “Seeing you are so weak, I don’t make it difficult for you, just throw it for you, remember not to report the wrong level next time.”

After he finished speaking, he walked over.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly felt something was wrong when he had just walked a few steps.

I saw the little turkey on Fan Jian’s head, bulging his cheeks, as if to gush out some terrifying energy.

The surrounding temperature is ascending.

“Not good!” Liu Weimeng saw how extraordinary the little turkey was, and was about to act.

Unexpectedly, the little turkey opened his mouth quickly.

“God Phoenix Flames!”

A torrent of scorching flames shot out, whipping up a torrent of weather, and beating Liu Wei fiercely.

Liu Weimeng used his arms to block, but he couldn’t hold back the unparalleled fire.

He screamed and was directly hit by the flames!

At this moment, everyone who looked down on Fan Jian was shocked.

“It burned me to death!” After Liu Wei fell to the ground, he fought several times before extinguishing the flames on his body.

The referee also stared at this scene blankly, and only after a while remembered to announce the result: “This round, Fan Jian won!”


The onlookers were stunned.

“That Fan Jian actually won?”

“No, he is a Foundation Building player.”

“If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who can believe that Liu Weimeng will lose to Fan Jian.”

Fan Jian was also dumbfounded.

Don’t say you can’t think of it.

As a party, I never thought I would win.

Do not!

I didn’t win, it was Xiao Jiji who won!

I am drenched in the light of the chicken god of Jianlu Island!

At this moment, Fan Jian finally realized.

“Chicken God, you are too good to be worshipped by my little brother!”

Fan Jian happily flattered.

The little turkey was very useful, akimbo triumphantly.

Very energetic.

Fan Jian stepped off the ring and happily ran to Mu Feihua’s side and said, “My son, we won, and this round was rewarded with 50,000 runestones.”

I don’t know, but Mu Feifan is as unheard of.

He was intently inspecting the newly acquired storage bag in his hand.

“My son, what are you looking at?” Fan Jian asked strangely.

Mu Feifei answered without looking up, “Busy counting money.”

Fan Jian sweats!

It turned out that Mu Feifan had placed a bet, and he actually won back ten times the runestones in this round.

Xia Yuchan asked, “Now we have almost 100,000 runestones, can we go back to the draw?”

I don’t know, but Mu Feifan waved his hand: “This is nowhere. I asked Fan Jian to sign up. It’s not just such a runestone.”

Fan Jian was stunned.

Do I want to implement the identity of a tool person to the end?

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