Chapter 299

I don’t know how long I have been tossing in the morning.

In short, when the two of them came out of the room, the sun was already shining.

There were also a few red strawberry prints near Mu Feifan’s neck.

“This girl is really ruthless, is it to retaliate against me for not letting her sleep in?” Mu Feifei felt a little helpless.

“What are you whispering alone?” Xia Yuchan was dressed in a blue and white hospital uniform, with long hair tied up high, looking very youthful and energetic.

Mu Feifan stared at Xia Yuchan’s white neck, wondering when he must retaliate back.

“It’s nothing, let’s go to the Fashenyuan.” He smiled.

Xia Yuchan took his arm naturally.

The two sat on the pumice stone and left Jianlu Island.

After floating in the air for a while, I soon saw the huge fairy island where the Fashen Temple was located.

Before landing on the island, I saw a bustling crowd walking across the island.

“There are many disciples in the Fashenyuan.” Xia Yuchan said.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

The people in the God of War courtyard are too withered.

Mu Feifan said: “I heard that Fashenyuan ranks second among the eight branches.”

The two successfully set foot on Fairy Island, and a young disciple stood facing each other.

“This is Senior Brother Mu and Senior Sister Xia, hello, I am the disciple Yang Zhihai who is in charge of attracting.” The man smiled, and it seemed to make people feel good.

Mu Feifan wears the unique Zijin uniform of the inner court disciples, which is very conspicuous no matter where he is.

The disciples of the inner courtyard have a high status in the academy.

When ordinary disciples meet, most of them will respectfully call a senior brother or senior sister, except for those with unruly personalities.

But for the newcomer Xia Yuchan, obviously there is no such treatment, and can only be regarded as a junior.

“Hello, Junior Brother Yang, this time I trouble you.” Mu Feifei smiled.

Yang Zhihai saw Xia Yuchan holding each other, he couldn’t help being slightly surprised: “Brother Mu, you guys…”

“We are a dao companion.” Mu Feihua explained.

When Yang Zhihai heard this, he immediately said to Xia Yuchan’s cupped hands: “It turned out to be my sister-in-law. I was offended just now. Please don’t blame my sister-in-law.”

Now that he knew the relationship between the two, coupled with the identity of Mu Feifei’s inner courtyard disciple, it would be inappropriate to call him Junior Sister Xia.

Yang Zhihai is obviously more proficient in human relationships and sophistication.

Xia Yuchan shook his head lightly, indicating that he didn’t mind.

When Yang Zhihai walked forward, she whispered to Mu Feihua, “Are the people in the academy so polite?”

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said, “I have been in the hospital for so long, and I haven’t met anyone who pretends to be slapped in the face.”

Xia Yuchan chuckled, “You think you are reading novels. How can there be so many such plots in reality?”

“That’s true.”

The two followed Yang Zhihai and walked slowly along the avenue.

There are disciples passing by from time to time, and I don’t know if Mu Feihua’s Zijin courtyard clothes are too garish, or Xia Yuchan’s appearance is too stunning, they always look at him frequently.

Yang Zhihai proudly said: “Senior Brother Mu, there are many disciples in this hospital. You know, this hospital often ranks first in all previous assessments of the whole hospital.”

“Awesome.” Mu Feifei asked, “But how do I remember, the Excalibur Academy is also pretty amazing.”

Hearing this, Yang Zhihai looked a little embarrassed.

Fashenyuan seems to be celebrating the festival with Shenjianyuan.

“Huh, they have a bunch of cheap things, what else can they do besides swordsmanship, how can the spells of our magic temple bloom in full bloom?” Yang Zhihai said with great contempt.

Mu Feifei didn’t know what contradiction there was between them.

However, it seems that he is also from Jianzong.

It’s just that I didn’t learn swordsmanship well.

At this time, Yang Zhihai said: “In fact, in each assessment, although there are many disciples in the Fashenyuan, the largest proportion is the inner court disciple ranking competition. The top three are from the Shenjianyuan.”

“Are the top three?” Mu Feifei was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are so many geniuses in the Excalibur Academy.

It is simply overpowering the younger generation.

Yang Zhihai said unconvincedly: “They all relied on a powerful Flying Sword. Without the Divine Armament weapon, their combat power was cut in half.”

Mu Feifan didn’t say anything.

It seems that Junior Brother Yang has a great prejudice against Shenjian Academy.

Sword repair of course only repaired Flying Sword.

“But this year, the senior brothers and sisters in our hospital are not easy, they are likely to beat them in the ranking battle.” Yang Zhihai said.

Mu Feifan asked curiously: “Did they learn any new powerful spells?”

Yang Zhihai suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously, “I don’t know if Brother Mu has heard of the Way of Dharma and God?”

Mu Feifan looked blank.

“Actually, I don’t know what it specifically refers to.” Yang Zhihai scratched his head: “The way of Dharma and God is not something that ordinary disciples like me can understand.”

Mu Feifan:…

Then what else are you talking about?

“But I know that the senior brothers and sisters in this hospital, after returning from the path of the Dharma and God, the Cultivation Base skyrocketed one by one, and they all broke through to the Gold Core stage.” Yang Zhihai said with envy.

“Gold Core period?” Mu Feifan looked at Xia Yuchan subconsciously.

There was no change in Xia Yuchan’s expression, and his eyes were calm.

“Yes, as long as it reaches the Gold Core stage, it will be at the Elder level in the academy, so this time the inner court disciple ranking battle, whether the Excalibur Academy can keep the top three is still unknown.” Yang Zhihai said again.

Mu Feifan was silent.

Unexpectedly, there are already so many Gold Core cultivators among young disciples.

He developed a sense of potential competition.

Cultivation Base is not as good as Xia Yuchan, and Mu Feifan recognizes it.

After all, my wife is the best Spiritual Roots, and I compete with the darling of the heavens.

Besides, a strong wife is equal to one’s own strength, anyway, it is a family.

“I don’t know what the path of the Fashen is, I have the opportunity to inquire about it.” Mu Feifei thought secretly.

He has set his goal in the Gold Core period.

Before graduating from high school, you must become the golden egg of Niubishi.

The three of them came to a majestic Great Hall. On the plaque, a few large characters were written like dragons and phoenixes: Dharma Temple.

An atmosphere of solemnity and majesty shrouded.

“The inside is where we have classes, but because of Senior Brother Mu’s status as an elective student, we can only squeeze in an ordinary classroom like our disciples outside the courtyard.” Yang Zhihai said apologetically.

Mu Feifan: “It’s okay.”

He had not mastered many spells, so he could just learn more basic knowledge.

Walking into the Great Hall, Yang Zhihai led the two to a large classroom.

At the door stood a beautiful young woman, who was also wearing a purple and gold courtyard uniform.

Another disciple of the inner courtyard!

Yang Zhihai immediately said with a pleased smile: “Sister Yunying, hello.”

“Lectures are about to start in a while, why are you so late?” Yun Ying frowned.

Yang Zhihai replied: “I received the above order, today I will take in elective students from two other colleges.”

“Elective student?” Yun Ying then turned her gaze on Mu Feihua.

In the next second, her pupils shrank slightly.

“Are you also a disciple of the inner courtyard?”

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