Chapter 298 Give it all to you, take advantage of me?

Xia Yuchan had never seen this scene either. He only felt that his brain was blank, and he didn’t know what to say.

“Child, just say what you need.” Teacher Feng asked kindly.

He added: “Of course, even Spirit Stones, I’ve been relatively poor in recent years.”

Xia Yuchan looked at Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan didn’t know what to do.

Seeing the posture of Feng’s mentor, he would not give up if he didn’t give out the meeting gift.

In the next second, Teacher Feng patted the storage bag.

Suddenly flew out a brocade box, a book and a long sword with golden light.

“Sky Patching Pill, the legendary pill that can increase the coefficient of Spiritual Roots.”

“Aurora Realm, this is a fairy spell.”

“Kunwu Excalibur, although it is an imitation, its grade is not inferior to Dao Item.”

“Look, which one do you need?”

As soon as the three kinds of babies came out, the whole yard suddenly rose to the sky, extremely dazzling.

Mu Feifan was also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, these three things are so precious.

It seems that Teacher Feng really took out all the treasures at the bottom of the box.

Not stingy at all.

Xia Yuchan was a little embarrassed: “Teacher Feng, I have all of these…”

She was about to refuse, but listened to Teacher Feng smiled and said: “I want to see if it is right, don’t be embarrassed, then take it all and give it to you.”

Oh My God!

Mu Feifan was shocked again.

Teacher Feng is too generous.

Why didn’t you see him like this when you were with me?

A person who broke even a piece of Spirit Stones into two halves.

Really bleeding this time!

After Xia Yuchan was silent for a second, he said embarrassedly: “Teacher Feng, I mean, I don’t really need these.”

Teacher Feng:? ? ?

Xia Yuchan said apologetically: “My Spiritual Roots coefficient Innate is full, and it’s a space system. I can’t learn other spells, and… my natal weapon was given by my father and it is also a sword.”


Originally, Xia Yuchan didn’t want to reject the old man’s heart.

But she really didn’t need these at all, it would be a waste in her hands.

Xia Yu-chan didn’t want to violently smash the heavens.


After Feng Mentor heard this, he felt like a bolt from the blue.

Mu Feihua suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Teacher Feng.

Taking out the treasure that he has sorely cherished, he didn’t expect Xia Yuchan to not need any of them.

However, he was still grateful to Feng Mentor.

Xia Yuchan was also a little bit sorry, and hurriedly bowed: “Thank you, Teacher Feng, I have taken your kindness, so I don’t really need to send a meeting gift.”

Teacher Feng sighed deeply: “Hey, it’s a pity that I still have some treasures who are not in the academy.”

When Mu Feifan heard it, his eyes lit up: “Teacher Feng, do you have any other treasures?”

Teacher Feng snorted: “Don’t worry about it, it’s not for you, I’m for my grandson-in-law.”

“Granddaughter-in-law?” Mu Feifan was startled: “Teacher Feng, you are taking advantage of my dad again.”

Instructor Feng coughed and hurriedly corrected: “I mean, I am so much older than you, I usually see you like a grandson.”

Mu Feifan asked strangely: “Teacher Feng, how old are you?”

He was a little curious.

From the appearance of Teacher Feng, he looks like he is in his twenties.

Although he has a beard and has a sense of maturity, he can’t hold back his youthfulness.

“Guess?” Instructor Feng suddenly smiled.

Mu Feifan: “Two hundred and fifty years old?”

Teacher Feng said: “Guess it is small… ah, you are two hundred and five.”

Mu Feihua was shocked: “You won’t live a thousand years, if you do, you will really be a thousand-year old demon.”

“Go go, don’t talk to you.” Instructor Feng gave him an angry look.

At this time, he smiled and said to Xia Yuchan: “Child, I didn’t expect you to be so talented, single-attribute Spiritual Roots, still full coefficient, I can teach you not much in God of War, what do you want to learn in particular? Is it?”

Xia Yuchan shook his head: “I didn’t think about that much. This time I came to the academy to accompany him.”

She glanced at extraordinary.

Upon hearing this, Teacher Feng sighed with emotion: “Xiao Fan can find you such a good daughter-in-law. It’s really a blue smoke on my ancestral grave.”

Mu Feifan:…

“Teacher Feng, it’s almost done, why haven’t you taken advantage of it?”

Teacher Feng didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and then said to Xia Yuchan: “Good boy, I will recommend you to Teacher He Guangning tomorrow, go to Fashenyuan to study, he happens to be a space cultivator, and he should be able to teach you a lot.”

Xia Yuchan said softly, “He is also a space department?”

This is the first time Xia Yuchan has seen another space cultivator, and she couldn’t help but become curious.

Teacher Feng nodded: “Yes, but he seems to be dual Spiritual Roots, hehe, he is not as talented as you anyway.”

“My wife is going to the Fashenyuan, what about me?” Mu Feifan asked.

“You two go together, can I forget you?” Teacher Feng smiled helplessly.

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “It’s pretty much the same.”

Teacher Feng looked at Ye Se and said, “It’s getting late, I won’t delay you two from getting busy, let’s leave first.”

“What’s the business?” Mu Feifan asked.

“Your kid is really stupid.” Instructor Feng almost flew over.

Seeing the sudden ambiguous smile of Teacher Feng, Mu Feihua understood it in seconds.

It is said that the old is not serious, the old is not serious, and the older you are, the more serious you are.

Today’s mentor, Feng, is especially free from self.

After bidding farewell, Teacher Feng hummed a little tune and came all the way to the Great Hall on the main island.

There are no others in the temple.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded: “Old man, you are in a good mood today, did you have a happy event?”

It is the dean who has not shown up.

Teacher Feng said with a smile: “My happiness, a single old dog like you doesn’t understand it.”

“Damn!” The dean cursed, suddenly thinking of something, and said: “It’s about that kid.”

“This interface, besides him, is there anything worth thinking about me?” Teacher Feng suddenly looked serious, and his temperament changed drastically.

The dean sighed faintly: “Listen to you, if he isn’t there one day, you will also disappear.”

Teacher Feng smiled faintly: “Why, you can’t bear me, or should I take you with you?”

“Keep rolling, I can’t see you, my side is still quiet.” The dean scolded.

Instructor Feng smiled and changed the subject: “I still envy young people. You can do whatever you want. Unlike me, I’m all concerned.”

At this moment, Jianlu Island.

Small courtyard room.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan lay together.

Xia Yuchan: “I will report to the Fashenyuan tomorrow.”

Mu Feifan asked strangely: “Why, are you nervous?”

“No, I want to raise my spirits, so go to sleep now.” Xia Yuchan immediately covered his head.

Mu Feifan originally wanted to do something, but when he heard this, his mind suddenly went out.

Suddenly, he understood something, and his heart immediately became speechless.

Cultivate your spirit?

Just don’t want to accompany me to toss in the middle of the night?

I have to say that the excuse my wife is looking for is getting more and more beautiful.

the next day.

Mu Feihua woke up early.

Xia Yucicada is still sleeping.

“Sleep so early, wake up later than me?” Mu Feihua couldn’t help squeezing her tender little face.

“Husband… why did you wake up?” Xia Yuchan opened his eyes in a daze.

Mu Feifan smiled and put his mouth close: “Of course it is-morning exercise!”

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