Chapter 300 Are you used to being at the same table, ten kinds of Spiritual Roots?

Yun Ying looked unsmiling, and she didn’t seem to have a good temper.

Mu Feifan hurriedly said, “Hello, Senior Sister Yunying, I am Mu Feifan.”

“Xia Yuchan.” The girl beside her spoke lightly.

A bit colder than Yunying.

However, Yun Ying focused most of her attention on Mu Feihua.

After all, the other party, like him, is a disciple of the inner courtyard.

“Which branch are you from?” Yun Ying asked.

Mu Feifan answered honestly: “God of War Yard.”

Upon hearing the three words God of War, Yun Ying chuckled softly, making no secret of her contempt.

Mu Feifan didn’t take it seriously.

After all, everyone knows the reputation of the Academy of God of War in the Academy.

“Although you are a disciple of the inner courtyard, just like me, you have entered the Fashen Temple and started all over again. I will give you lectures. Do you have any comments?” Yun Ying asked.

“Are you here to give a lecture? Not a tutor?” Mu Feifei was a little surprised, his voice increased a little.

Yun Ying sneered: “I wanted to take the tutor’s class when I first came here, so Junior Brother Mu has a very high spirit.”

It seemed that the atmosphere was a little weird, and Yang Zhihai hurriedly said in a low voice: “Brother Mu, there are too many disciples in this courtyard, and the classes for ordinary disciples are all taught by the brothers and sisters in the inner courtyard.”

“So that’s it.” Mu Feihua understood.

Just like Teacher Feng handed over the task of training his disciples to Brother Bao.

It’s just that there are too few disciples in the God of War Academy, and the scale of such a large-scale classroom has not yet been formed.

But in Mu Feifan’s view, Teacher Feng is lazy.

“Are you going to class anyway? It’s about to start.” Yun Ying said.

Yang Zhihai hurriedly replied: “We will go in immediately.”

He blinked vigorously at Mu Feifei: “Senior Brother Mu, let’s go.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Unexpectedly, the area of ​​this classroom is quite large.

There are a lot of desks.

But the height is very low, disciples are sitting on the futon to listen to the class.

Because it was too late, the classroom was almost overcrowded.

Yang Zhihai first saw the two empty tables side by side and greeted softly: “Senior Brother Mu, you and sister-in-law should sit on these two. I’ll go to the back to find an empty seat.”

Mu Feifan said, “No, sit here.”

Afterwards, under Yang Zhihai’s stunned mouth, Mu Feifei took Xia Yuchan and sat at another table.

Yang Zhihai was stunned: “Senior Brother Mu, we are… all one person, one table.”

Mu Feifan looked around.

Sure enough, although each table is very long, everyone is a table for one person, which is unconventional.

“It doesn’t matter, we are used to being at the same table.” Mu Feifei smiled slightly.

The corners of Yang Zhihai’s mouth twitched: “Okay, then.”

He sat at the table next to the two of Mu Feifan.

At this time, Mu Feifan looked at this table.

But seeing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it, a smell of books floated.

Hey, if you are in this world, putting these in front of you, it feels like a scumbag in a hard-wearing literati.

But this is Otherworld. If you use a pen to write and draw in your notebook, it would be too contradictory.

Suddenly, a bell rang.

Reverberating throughout the temple.

“A ringtone for class?” Mu Feifan thought to himself.

I saw Yunying walk into the classroom.

The face is serious, the face of a junior high school teacher in charge.

“Because there are two new elective disciples in the class today, so…” Yun Ying said as her eyes flew across the classroom.

In the next second, she spotted the two of Mu Feifan, and their expressions froze immediately.

Why are they sitting together?

Don’t you know the rules of the classroom?

Yang Zhihai didn’t tell them?

Feeling the coldness from Yunying, Yang Zhihai fought a cold war, showing his innocence.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Sister Yunying!

I really said it, but it didn’t work.

“So, let’s review the previous basic knowledge again!” Yun Ying increased her tone, feeling like she was talking through gritted teeth.

However, when I heard that there were elective students, all the disciples who attended the class were a little strange.

They quickly found a new face in the classroom.

“My God, the new elective student actually has an inner courtyard senior!”

“Your focus is too serious, don’t you think that female elective student is extraordinarily beautiful?”

“Whoever is as serious as you, just staring at girls… Oh shit, it’s really beautiful!”

“But why are they sitting together? There are obviously vacancies in the classroom.”

“Unexpectedly, this brother in the inner courtyard is still a coveted apprentice, and he is a model for our generation!”

“I’m so envious too!”

Everyone started to whisper.

Yun Ying naturally heard it, and she stared at Mu Feifan with an unkind expression: “Junior Brother Mu, there is an empty table behind, you don’t need to huddle with that junior sister.”

“It doesn’t matter, Senior Sister Yunying, we are used to squeezing together.” Mu Feifei smiled faintly.


Yun Ying is a bit strange.

Maybe it’s because these two people have known each other a long time ago.

She didn’t think too much, but coldly said, “Then you pay attention to class discipline and don’t affect everyone’s class.”

Mu Feifan: “Don’t worry, I’m very honest.”

At this time, Xia Yuchan gave him a weird look.


When we sat together in class last time, you were never honest!

Thinking of this, a blush flashed across Xia Yuchan’s face.

But the classroom is so bright, it shouldn’t give him a chance to commit a crime.

“Listen to the class, the following is mainly for the two of you!” Yun Ying said solemnly.

Mu Feifan nodded.

Although Yun Ying’s words were a little awkward, she was a very responsible teacher.

This was far beyond Mu Feifan’s expectations.

Yun Ying continued: “Our Fa Shenyuan, as a leader in the eight branches, is best at spells.”

“The power of spells is obvious to all. Someone once said that cultivating immortality is cultivating the law, but with the development of history, more and more cultivators have opened up different paths of practice, and different kinds of cultivators such as body cultivator, sword repair, and alchemy were born. Branch.”

“But in my opinion, Fa cultivation is always the most orthodox method of cultivation, and the rest are lopsided!”

“Senior Sister said well!” All the disciples said in unison.

No matter how many times I listened to it, it still felt very burning.

At this moment, Mu Feifan put his arm on the table, resting his chin with one hand, looking very bored.

Yang Zhihai said excitedly: “Faculty is orthodox! Senior Brother Mu, don’t you feel that your blood is boiling after listening to it?”

Mu Feifan said: “It’s so burning, Bibo, I’m almost burning to death.”

Yang Zhihai showed a look that you are promising.

But as we all know, bloggers are not combustible.

In Mu Feifei’s view, whatever his path is, as long as he can become stronger, it is a good path.

Fa Xiu is just the most popular way.

Yun Ying seemed very satisfied with everyone’s response.

She went on to say: “Spiritual Roots are the innate conditions for spiritual practice. What kind of Spiritual Roots you have, what kind of spells can you learn.”

“In the long history of the human race, after continuous research by the ancestors, a total of ten types of Spiritual Roots have been discovered!”

“Who is going to answer what these ten kinds are?”

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