Chapter 292 The weather is good? Flying to the sky!

The pumice stone had arrived, and Mu Feifan had no choice but to bite the bullet and set foot on the main island.

Then he pulled Xia Yuchan up again.

“Sister Nangong.” Mu Feifei smiled awkwardly: “The weather is good today.”

He wanted to divert the subject.

A blast of cold wind blew through, and dark clouds quickly invaded, covering the entire sky.

The sun can’t get in at all.

Nangongya’s expression was a little weird: “The weather is nice?”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

God is not Giving face too much.

Xia Yuchan hid behind him, smiling secretly: “You changed the topic too bluntly.”

“This girl is?” Nangongya has been staring at her since Xia Yuchan went to the island.

I was used to seeing many beautiful female cultivators from the fairy family, but the appearance of Xia Yuchan still made Nangongya feel extremely surprised.

It’s so beautiful!

Just standing there is the focus of the audience.

No matter how beautiful Xianhui was in front of her, she lost her expression.

Moreover, she was dressed up as an emperor, and she was even more powerful than the emperor in a secular country.

Mu Feihua pulled Xia Yuchan out from behind and introduced with a smile: “This is my wife… Dao companion, Xia Yuchan, next to this is Senior Sister Nangongya. I was taken care of by her when I was studying at Shengdan Academy. ”

In the world of cultivating immortals, the official name for the other half is naturally dao companion.

“Hello, Senior Sister Nangong.” Xia Yuchan said lightly, and the embarrassment was swept away, and she looked generous.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Ya was dumbfounded when she heard Mu Feifan’s words.

No, it should be said, completely shocked.

what happened?

Didn’t Junior Brother Mu stay alone all the time? How come there is an additional dao companion in a blink of an eye?

Thinking of his own mentor’s obsession with him…

Nangong Ya couldn’t help sighing: “Senior Brother Mu, when did you get married? Besides, the bride is so beautiful.”

Speaking of this, Nangongya looked up and down Xia Yuchan again.

Even she couldn’t help but admire.

It is really the goddess Nine Heavens who went down to the world, and she was no better than the girl in front of her.

To be honest, for a girl like Xia Yuchan, Nangongya couldn’t imagine anyone worthy of her.

But seeing Mu Feifan, Nangong Ya understood it all at once.

“Senior Brother Mu is a talented evildoer, they are really talented and female.” She thought to herself.

Mu Feifan said: “We had a marriage contract since we were young, and we got married at the age of 18.”

Nangong Ya uttered, “No wonder, no wonder…”

“No wonder what?” Mu Feifan asked.

Nangong Ya was speechless at once.

She can’t say in front of everyone, no wonder you are indifferent to my mentor.

With such a fairy-like dao companion, a man will be satisfied.

“Today’s weather is good.” Nangongya smiled bitterly.

Mu Feifan was startled slightly, and then responded: “Yes, the wind is very cool, the sun… well, just right.”

Everyone laughed weirdly, and the atmosphere was momentarily embarrassing.

“Sister Nangong, since there is nothing wrong, we will leave first.” Mu Feifan cupped hands.

“Okay, Junior Brother Mu… and younger siblings, goodbye.” Nangongya glanced at Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan nodded slightly, and her cold temper unconsciously revealed.

Mu Feifan pulled Xia Yuchan and walked through the crowd.

Watching them drift away, Nangong Ya sighed quietly: “Teacher An, you lost at the starting line. This girl is not an ordinary person in her looks or her temperament.”

Thinking of this, she also turned and stepped on the pumice stone, heading to the Holy Pill Courtyard.

Nangongya will not tell An Ning about this, she is not such a big wife.

It was purely distressed by the teacher Yibo An.

At this moment, the two of Mu Feihua got on the rented small speed car and hurriedly headed to the Foreign Affairs Hall.

“Husband, when did you learn to drive?” Xia Yuchan asked.

Mu Feifan held the steering wheel with one hand, his movements were very chic.

He said: “This speed car is very simple to operate, just one accelerator and one brake.”

Xia Yuchan: “Like our car, it’s the same.”

Well, the automatic transmission is like this.

Mu Feifan: “This kind of speed car can be seen everywhere in the academy. The rental fee is very cheap, a bit like the little yellow car of the alliance.”

Xia Yuchan’s eyes flashed: “I haven’t driven a car yet. I need a driver’s license in the league.”

“Why don’t you try?” Mu Feifan smiled faintly.

“Can you?” Xia Yuchan’s voice was mixed with a little excitement.

“Of course!” Mu Feifei smiled and stopped the speeding car on the side of the road.

He was about to open the car door and change positions with Xia Yuchan.

“Don’t be so troublesome.” Xia Yuchan stood up from the co-pilot, opened the hem of the long skirt, and revealed a pair of white calves faintly.

Then the scene of Mu Feihua’s heartbeat speeding up happened!

I saw Xia Yuchan sitting directly on Mu Feifan’s lap, leaning back slightly, just leaning against him.

“Look, there is no need to change positions then.” Xia Yuchan turned his head and smiled.

Mu Feifan was taken aback.

He remembered the first time the two watched a movie, and the scenes of playing games.

It’s so similar.

“By the way, don’t think about bad things.” Xia Yuchan moved her ass lightly.

Mu Feifan was a little helpless.

As soon as you want to calm down, you move around.

Xia Yuchan’s little hands had climbed onto the steering wheel and said, “Husband, teach me.”

Mu Feifei took a deep breath, tried to calm his heart, and then said, “Hold the steering wheel well. Remember, no matter what happens, your hands must not move, otherwise it will easily roll over.”

Xia Yuchan nodded, then kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

The scenery on both sides regressed rapidly, and a sense of invigoration filled the whole body.

“I drove pretty well, right.” Xia Yuchan was rarely so happy.

Mu Feifan wanted to say it was okay, but the speed was a bit faster.

I can’t stand it a bit.

At this time, Xia Yuchan saw a red button next to the steering wheel and asked curiously: “What is this for?”

Mu Feifan explained: “That’s… hey, don’t press it.”

But it was too late, and Xia Yuchan’s finger had already been pressed in.

In the next second, the entire speeding car was like a cannonball, with long white smoke coming out of it, rushing directly from the ground to the sky.

“It turns out to be the flight button.” Xia Yuchan said: “I’ll just say, if the speed car can’t fly, why is it called the speed car?”

Listening to her spit, Mu Feifei was a little speechless: “I want to fly to the sky as soon as I learn to run, shoulder to shoulder with the sun? You need to adapt to everything.”

As he flew higher and higher towards the speeding vehicle, the buildings on the ground became the size of ants.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan thought of something and immediately shouted: “Wife, it’s not good, let’s go down!”

“What’s the matter?” Xia Yuchan asked suspiciously.

“I hit the barrier in a while!” Mu Feifan said.

“But, how to descend?” Xia Yuchan tossed the steering wheel and found that he could only turn left or right.

She looked at the almost transparent enchantment high above, a little panicked.

“Turn off the flight button.” Mu Feifei said directly.

Xia Yuchan nodded.

After finally adjusting, the speeding car started to land slowly.

Mu Feifan let out a sigh of relief: “It’s so risky, it almost caused a car accident.”

The female driver is really a road killer!

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