Chapter 291 Little Vinegar Jar, Sand Sculpture dao companion

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan stayed warm for a while, and then they were ready to go out.

Not long after I walked out of the yard, I saw a beautiful girl approaching.

It is Xiaolan.

She is always so energetic and full of vigor.

“Brother Fan!” Xiaolan greeted with a smile.

Mu Feifan smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, Xiao Lan was startled.

She saw Xia Yuchan next to Mu Feihua.

The most important thing is that the two people’s hands are still held together.

This relationship is self-evident.

Although Xia Yuchan’s appearance is better than that of a fairy, his temperament is like ice, coupled with a graceful and luxurious imperial robe, it gives people an unbelievable majesty.

“Female, mistress is good.” Xiaolan was frightened in an instant.

She is used to shouting to Brother Fan, but she still has master and servant consciousness in her heart.

Facing the cold Xia Yucicada, Xiaolan hurriedly corrected her name, not daring to make any mistakes.

Xia Yuchan didn’t speak, but looked at Mu Feifan with questioning eyes.

When Mu Feifei was about to introduce, Xiaolan immediately said: “I am the maid of Jianlu Island, and the hostess will just call me Xiaolan.”

Seeing Xiaolan’s nervous and nervous look, Xia Yuchan couldn’t help but smile: “You don’t need to be polite, since you call him Brother Fan, call me sister-in-law.”

Xiao Lan blinked big eyes.

She never expected that under Xia Yuchan’s noble appearance, she would be so easy-going when she opened her mouth.

Sister-in-law is so approachable!

Xiaolan suddenly felt favored by Xia Yuchan.

“Besides, my sister-in-law actually smiled at me.” Xiaolan’s little heart was beating wildly, feeling flattered.

She suddenly boldly asked: “When did Brother Fan and Sister-in-law get married?”

Xia Yuchan didn’t say a word, just glanced at Feifan, and threw this question to him.

Mu Feifei smiled faintly: “We have been together since we were young, and we signed a marriage letter when we were adults.”

“Wow! Childhood sweetheart, so envious.” When Xiaolan heard it, her eyes lit up, revealing a look of envy.

555 I also want to have a husband who has played together since childhood and got married when he grows up.

After Xiaolan left, Xia Yuchan’s complexion was reddish, and Mu Feifan gave a white look: “Who has been with you since childhood?”

Mu Feifan: “I said something wrong.”

Xia Yuchan’s expression was lightly startled.

“We have been together since birth.” Mu Feifan smiled softly.

“You…you really have a thick skin.” Xia Yuchan was helpless, but the corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and his joy was hard to hide.

Mu Feifan: “It’s your wife that you said, we are destined, doesn’t that start from birth?”

Xia Yuchan: “Okay.”

“Perhaps earlier, we have been together since my last life.”


“We are together for life and life.”

“Well, it’s all up to you.”

At this time, there was a scream, and the spirit beast bag on Mu Feifan’s waist flickered, and a little turkey with flying feathers and wings popped out.


Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Why, can’t you listen to it?”

The little turkey snorted.

I was lying well in the spirit beast bag, how comfortable and comfortable I wanted.

How can I tell it to hear these nasty words.

This my fairy island chicken god can’t stand birds.

“What kind of spiritual pet is this?” Xia Yuchan asked curiously.

Mu Feifan said: “His name is Xiaojiji, nicknamed “Chicken Shopkeeper”, who knows how to refine tools.”

“You are so young who know how to refine weapons. Did my husband learn from you?” Xia Yuchan made a rare joke, and couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch Little Turkey’s head.

After all, the little turkey looks like a complete cute pet on the surface.

Girls are welcome everywhere.

The little turkey was extremely excited.

I didn’t expect this beautiful little Big sis to be so discerning.

Much better than the villain!

It held its head high, straightened its neck, ready to be touched.

Suddenly, Xia Yuchan’s hand was held by Mu Feihua in mid-air.

Precise interception!

Xia Yu cicada was a little strange.

Mu Feifan said blankly, “It’s male.”

Xia Yuchan smiled and said, “Okay, I understand.”

Unexpectedly, my husband would even eat the vinegar of a spiritual pet.

However, Xia Yuchan felt very happy in her heart.

Who still lives in a small jar of jealousy in his heart?

The little turkey looked at these two men with a dazed expression.

Damn it!

The wicked man is really careful.

Regardless of the small Big sis, it is too strict.

“Moreover, my refining technique was not learned from it.” Mu Feihua added.

Xia Yuchan hurriedly hugged his arm and said: “I know it all, I just teased you.”

Only then did Mu Feifan smile with satisfaction.

The two walked slowly forward.

Only a sorrowful little turkey was left.

However, it was not idle either, straightened up, ready to find own harem little yellow chicken.

Blame the villain for always showing up in front of me, this chicken god is going to waste money again!

At this moment, the two of Mu Feihua were already standing on the pumice and drifting towards the main island.

“Have you seen the Titanic?” Mu Feihua asked.

Xia Yuchan nodded.

Old movies have been seen in elementary school.

Mu Feifan: “It’s the classic action of the hero and heroine standing on the bow of the ship.”

Xia Yuchan’s expression gradually became weird: “You don’t want to imitate that action, do you?”

Mu Feifan: “Don’t you think this situation and situation are suitable?”

Xia Yuchan: “Don’t you feel embarrassed?”

“There is no one else here.” While Mu Feifan was speaking, he looked around, and there really wasn’t a pumice stone nearby.

Xia Yuchan said helplessly, “Then you stand in front.”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Xia Yuchan moved Lianbu lightly, came behind him, and hugged his waist from behind.

Well, it feels good, there is no small belly, and the abdomen has obvious muscle texture.

“That’s too spoof.” Mu Feifei was speechless.

“Anyway, you said you want to play.” Xia Yuchan said with a mischievous smile.

“Okay!” Mu Feifan opened his arms, embracing the blue sky, and yelled affectionately: “Jack!”

Xia Yu was stunned.

Is this carrying out the spoof to the end?

However, she still said very cooperatively: “Shredded pork!”

Shredded pork?

Mu Feifan didn’t stretch himself, almost laughed.

However, he forced his patience, continued the play, and shouted at the sky: “My life is up to me!”

“Haha.” Now, even Xia Yuchan couldn’t help it, and she was shaking all over with a smile.

Unexpectedly, making his wife so happy, Mu Feifan was very satisfied with his own performance.

Although a little embarrassing, but fortunately there is no third person next to him.

“Where is the pair of sand sculptures dao companion?” Suddenly, a voice came into my ears.

When Mu Feifan looked up, he saw that the pumice stone had arrived on the main island.

The island was densely packed with a group of people standing, all staring at them dumbfounded.

Oh My God!

They saw the scene just now?

Does this stone fly so fast?

Mu Feifan’s expression was messed up.

Xia Yu Cicada: “Can the pumice make a U-turn?”

Mu Feifan: “The trip we took is one-way.”

When Xia Yuchan heard it, Xiafei cheeks: “I dare not go over, it’s too shameful.”

Mu Feifan comforted: “It’s okay, they don’t know us.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman walked out of the crowd, it was Nangongya.

“Junior Brother Mu, what were you doing just now?”

Mu Feifan’s eyes were dull, and suddenly he felt that he was not far from the society.

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