Chapter 293

Xia Yuchan asked, “How can we fly smoothly?”

“Long press the flight key.”

Under Mu Feifan’s hand-in-hand teaching, Xia Yuchan quickly mastered it.

The speeding car also moved steadily in the air.

“After returning to this world, let’s take a driver’s license test.” Xia Yuchan seems to be addicted to driving: “This way, it will be convenient where we want to go in the future.”

Flying on the road is not allowed in the league, and offenders are more severe than traffic fines.

This is the rule, otherwise everything will be messed up.

Therefore, you can only test your driver’s license.

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “I’ll take the exam.”

Xia Yuchan: “Why?”

Mu Feifan was silent.

“What’s your expression, don’t you believe in my driving technology?” Xia Yuchan snorted coldly.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t say it, but it’s all written on your face.” After Xia Yuchan finished speaking, he suddenly said quietly: “I’m afraid you will be too tired to drive by yourself. If I can also, I can take turns driving with you.”

Mu Feifan was startled, a warm feeling flowed through his heart.

He subconsciously wanted to grab Xia Yuchan’s hand, but found that the girl was holding the steering wheel.

The only thing left is the second best.

He hugged Xia Yuchan’s soft waist.

Nice to have you.

“Where is the Foreign Affairs Hall you mentioned?” Xia Yuchan asked.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded, and he was sensationalistic and forgot about the business.

Xia Yuchan was helpless: “You pay attention, don’t tell me that this car also comes with a map of wickedness.”

Mu Feifan: “The speed cars developed by Tianji Academy are not so advanced. Unless they can create a deformed Vajra one day, navigation maps may become popular.”

At this time, Mu Feifan held his breath, and a surging Divine Sense flew out from the center of his eyebrows like a tide, spreading in all directions.

“Go all the way to the left, and you will be there in 30 kilometers,” Mu Feifan said.

Divine Sense, which is known as the most difficult cultivation for immortal cultivators, is actually used as a navigation app by Mu Feihua, and there is no one.

At this moment, the door of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

Zhou Yuan was lying on the table bored with a dog’s tail grass in his mouth.

This gloomy weather is perfect for sleeping.

Just as Zhou Yuan gradually became sleepy, a roar came.

He raised his head.

I saw a speeding car coming through the air.

“Come to live.” Zhou Yuan’s spirit lifted up, and most of his sleepiness was gone.

But listening to the sound frequency of this speeding car, why doesn’t it seem to slow down?

Inside the cab.

“My wife, step on the brakes!”

“The brake is the one on the left!”

“Oh, you stepped on my foot!”

Mu Feifan screamed.

Zhou Yuan was already dumbfounded: “Fuck, this car is too fast, how come I don’t feel like I’m going to stop?”

At this moment, the speeding car fell straight down.

Zhou Yuan was so scared that he hurriedly got up to flee.

But when I left, I didn’t forget to hold the table, and I was also very dedicated.


The speeding car hits the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

All four wheels flew out.

No one was left.

Zhou Yuan just took a breath, but saw dark shadows coming.

He dodges left and right, very flexible.

“Fuck, people sitting at home, disaster comes from the sky.” Zhou Yuan thought with lingering fear.

After avoiding the crush of the wheels, Zhou Yuan craned his neck.

He wanted to see which Daxian had such great car skills, and he would perform as soon as he appeared on the stage.

“Cough cough cough!”

After the smoke passed, Mu Feifan walked out of the cab, still holding Xia Yuchan in his arms.

Xia Yuchan said apologetically, with big watery eyes, “My husband, I was too careless.”

Mu Feifei waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter, your husband is hard and can’t die.”

Xia Yuchan felt even more guilty when she heard the other party say this.

She glanced at the speeding car and found that all four wheels were missing.

“This car is expensive.” Xia Yuchan asked.

Mu Feifan smiled.

When he first arrived, Xia Yuchan still had some scruples in the academy.

However, what are these problems in Mu Feifan’s eyes?

“It’s just a speeding car, even if it is damaged by my wife, I can still afford it.” Mu Feifei said very moistly.

When Zhou Yuan heard these words far away, he showed some disdain.

Who is this person?

How can you blow it like this?

The value of a speed car is more expensive than an intermediate spirit weapon.

Can you afford it?

“Junior Brother Zhou, it’s been a long time since I saw you.” Mu Feifei said hello.

Zhou Yuan saw that one of the two people who walked out of the thick smoke was Mu Feifan.

“My God, it turned out to be Brother Mu!” Zhou Yuan’s expression changed drastically.

Today, the Jianlu Island weapons store is well-known.

Zhou Yuan was embarrassed when he thought that he just despised the other party for bragging and couldn’t afford to pay for a car.

You know, everyone can mass produce intermediate spirit weapons.

Do you still care about the cost of a car?

“Junior Brother Zhou, why is your face so red?” Mu Feihua asked strangely.

“The weather is too hot.” Zhou Yuan explained immediately in a panic.

Mu Feifan gave a cry and looked at the whistling little cool breeze on the cloudy day.


It seems that I can’t make it through.

“I’m here today for my wife… well, it’s my wife who is here to handle the admission procedures.” Mu Feifei is still a little uncomfortable with this name.

Zhou Yuan’s expression was a little weird.

In the past few days, Mu Feifei has always led others into the hospital one after another.

Dengxian Academy will soon become his backyard.

As if seeing Zhou Yuan’s thoughts, Mu Feifei smiled and said, “I promise, this is the last time.”

Zhou Yuan said: “Is this the girl?”

The next moment, he saw Xia Yucicada.


What a beautiful female cultivator!

However, this temperament is cold enough.

Zhou Yuan just glanced hurriedly, but didn’t dare to look more.

He was afraid of frostbite his eyes.

“Wait! What did Brother Mu just say, she is your lady?” Zhou Yuan exclaimed in an incredible way.

Mu Feifan raised his chin and said proudly, “Of course!”

After all, there is such a beautiful and temperamental wife Xia Yuchan, Mu Feifan is very proud.

The man’s vanity was also greatly satisfied.

“Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Mu is married. Whenever it happened, I didn’t have time to drink a glass of wedding wine.” Zhou Yuan said very enviously.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “We have been married since we were young, and we got married at the age of 18.”

He didn’t know how many people had said this sentence today.

But every time I say it, I am very happy.

Hey, how do you get tired of this kind of thing?

He longed to let people all over the world know.

I, Mu Feifan, married Qingmei at the age of 18.

The envy in Zhou Yuan’s eyes became stronger.

Every word of Mu Feihua is a man’s dream!

“Although I have no chance, in the future, my son must arrange a baby kiss for him.” I have to say, Zhou Yuan’s eyes are very long-term.

I don’t know if his thoughts can inspire some people?

Anyway, when Mu Feifan heard it, it made sense.

“Lady, what do you think?” Mu Feihua asked Xia Yuchan’s little hand.

Xia Yuchan’s face blushed: “Under the world, how can there be so many things that satisfy Ruyi Scepter? I knew each other when I was young, and I might not be able to be together when I grow up.”

“So, as the parents of a child, we have to help him behind his back.” Mu Feifan said.

Zhou Yuan’s expression gradually became dull as he listened to their conversation.


I’m just talking, how come it’s like the truth in your mouth?

Is it so easy to have a baby?

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