Chapter 290

Especially the woman’s pair of eyes can freeze everything in the world, and it is extremely cold.

Mu Feifan is okay.

Xiao Yue trembled with fright, and had an urge to kneel on the ground.

The other side’s invisible imperial prestige surrounded the surroundings, full of oppression.

Mu Feifan had seen so many Nascent Soul instructors, and he was quite sure that they came together, not as powerful as the other’s coercion.

Really like the female emperor Ling Chen, shocking everything.

“Wife?” Mu Feihua tentatively shouted.

The woman’s cold eyes suddenly melted like an iceberg and became agile.

“Husband,” she shouted.

Mu Feifan smiled.

Sure enough, it was his Xia Yu cicada.

“Wife!” Mu Feifan shouted again.

“Husband!” Xia Yuchan also shouted.

The two of them smiled at each other a few meters away.

Xiao Yue was speechless: “You couple, are you kidding me?”

The implication is, can you stop shouting.

You are not tired, I am almost dead.

Mu Feifan walked over quickly, looked at Xia Yuchan who was like a female emperor, and said, “I was a little surprised. It seems that I married a female emperor and came back.”

Xia Yuchan blinked mischievously, “Am I that scary?”

I have to say that when Xia Yuchan made this expression, it was so cute that Mu Feifan’s heart suddenly softened.

“Even if you are really the empress of the world, you are also my wife of Mu Feihua.” Mu Feifei smiled, holding Xia Yuchan’s hand.

Xiao Yue sighed.

He felt more and more redundant.

But it was also the first time to teleport. Why did my sister-in-law wear an imperial robe while he was fluttering in sackcloth?

Is the temple so snobbish?

Differential treatment?

At this moment, Mu Feifan saw Xiao Yue staring at Xia Yuchan’s head with an unbelievable look, and asked, “What are you studying?”

“I’m watching Sister-in-law’s protagonist halo…” Xiao Yue replied earnestly.

“Isn’t it bigger and brighter than his?” Xia Yuchan pointed at Mu Feihua, rarely joking.

Xiao Yue nodded.

Mu Feifei was speechless: “The bigger and brighter thing is the strong bald head.”

Xia Yuchan said, “Husband, is this the place where you usually live?”

“Yes, this is my yard, no, it should be said that this island is all.” Mu Feifan said.

Xia Yu cicada screamed, without showing any surprise.

It seemed that the whole island was nothing unusual in her eyes.

She stood at the door of the house and said in the next second: “Are you the only one living here?”

Xiao Yue immediately raised her hand and said: “There is still me!”

“Is it the two of you?” Xia Yuchan turned his head, no happiness or anger could be seen in his eyes, but an invisible sense of oppression was enveloped.

Mu Feifan’s complexion changed slightly.

He chuckled: “There are still two spirits, but the room they live in is far away from me.”

“Qi Ling, is that gun?” Xia Yuchan frowned.

Mu Feifan patted the storage bag.

Immediately flew out a long spear and a huge pill furnace.

Both stood still in the courtyard.

Uh, I shouldn’t dare to move.

“You come out.” Mu Feifan said.

Neither the gun nor the pill furnace reacted much.

Mu Feifan:…

You can make a lot of noise at ordinary times, but what happened today?

“Come out!” Xia Yuchan said coldly.

Mu Feifan was secretly shocked.

Xia Yuchan’s words are like an emperor’s decree, and his tone cannot be disobedient.

The next moment, two radiances flew out of the weapon and landed on the ground.

It is Youbai and Chunchun.

This scene frightened Xiao Yue, an outsider.

He covered his mouth, his face changed drastically, and he thought to himself: “Shura field? Will Brother Fan be hatched?”

To Xiao Yue’s surprise, You Bai and Chunchun knelt on the ground shivering as soon as they appeared.

what happened?

Xiao Yue was very surprised.

There is also a hint of a different color on Mu Feifei’s face.

“Farewell to the hostess!” You Bai and Chunchun said in unison.

Xia Yuchan stood in front of them, really like a peerless empress, majestic and breathtaking.

She did not speak, but kept staring at the two spirits.

The look was extremely cold.

You Bai was so shaggy when she was seen, she was trembling all the time.

Chunchun is fine, but her petite body is also trembling.

Finally, Xia Yuchan said coldly: “The weapon spirit, you must have the appearance of the weapon spirit, you all move out and live.”

Youbai and Chunchun nodded hurriedly: “We will move out immediately.”

Very cooperative, not resisting.

Xiao Yue was stunned.

The picture he imagined did not appear at all.

Is this the end?

The majesty of the hostess is really terrifying!

At this time, Xia Yuchan glanced at Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue’s heart jumped wildly, and he immediately said like a repeater, “I also move, I also move…”

The three of them rushed to the room, and in front of Xia Yuchan, they really didn’t want to stay longer.

It’s terrible.

Mu Feifan was also stunned.

Worthy of being the heroine appointed by God.

The halo is really big and round.

Hang all the female partners as soon as they appear.

All spikes become passerby characters.

Xia Yuchan looked at Mu Feifan, her cold expression suddenly disappeared, and smiled: “I just want to live alone with my husband, okay?”

Mu Feifan said: “Of course, if the wife doesn’t speak, I will let them move out.”

Xia Yuchan walked over and suddenly hugged Mu Feifan tightly: “We are finally reunited in Otherworld.”

The two huddled together.

The temperature and touch are exactly the same as in this world.

“Where are we going in a while?” Xia Yuchan raised his head and asked.

Mu Feifan said, “Go to the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Main Island and go through the admission procedures for you.”

“Do you want to go to class with your husband in the future?” Xia Yuchan looked forward to it.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “Yes, we have never been in the same class in this world. This regret can be made up here.”

Xia Yuchan: “I don’t know what will be taught in Sect.”

Mu Feifan: “My wife finds interesting content to listen to more. The academy is very free.”

At the same time, he was a little strange.

What is the Otherworld that Xia Yuchan positioned before?

Isn’t it in Big Sect?

Why does she find it so fresh when it comes to class?

At this moment, in the room, You Bai looked through the window and saw the picture of the two hugging each other.

She only felt sour in her heart.

Chunchun: “Sister Young Bai, don’t envy you. You have always been unrequited love anyway.”

Youbai Tsundere snorted.

Chunchun: “Just now you saw how the hostess was so scared, you are the fifth-level Demonic Beasts anyway.”

You Bai was speechless: “You are not much worse than me, why are you afraid of being like that?”

Chunchun’s big eyes were confused: “I don’t know, I feel that the hostess seems very strong, and I don’t even have the mind to resist.”

When you mentioned this, You Bai felt the same way. She said with a serious expression: “Yes, and if I resist, I feel that I will soon be wiped out.”

The two girls looked out the window again.

The same thought came out in my mind.

Worthy of being a hostess!

Sure enough, it matches well with the owner!

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