Chapter 285 Is it a cp? Good show

Kaneko said helplessly: “Now, let’s wait for the resurrection. Don’t charge yourself recklessly.”

Lin Wuxin gritted his teeth.

It can only be so.

Even though he didn’t say anything on the surface, in Lin Wuxin’s heart, he felt that the Lanling King was very strong.

The timing of the killing is so good!

It’s suffocating.


King Lanling killed Xiao Qiao, already unparalleled in the world!


King Lanling killed Hou Yi, and he was already unparalleled in the world!

Xiao Qiao: “Stop playing, it’s all actors!”

Hou Yi: “Let’s shoot six points in a while, shit, it’s not that point yet.”

At this moment, the fight against Lu was also fierce.

But it is one-sided.

Xia Yuchan’s style of play is too fierce!

Arthur ran after Lu Buman’s map.

As soon as the second skill was turned on, Lu Bu wailed a few shields.

Wang Ya gritted her teeth and said, “Wait for my old lady to be late stage and develop well.”

Lin Wuxin and Jin Jin were very helpless.

This is against the current situation, can it last to the late stage?

King Lanling’s economy leads them too much.

At this moment, Lü Bu ran in front of King Lanling without knowing it.

Seeing this murderous god, Wang Ya was shocked and even forgot to escape.

However, Mu Feifan obviously had no plans to make a move, but just looked at Lu Bu jokingly.

Arthur rushed up from behind, and a big sword sent the bloody Lu Bu back to the spring.

“Husband, I won!” Xia Yuchan was a little excited.

Mu Feifei smiled and said: “I had such a performance the first time I played a game. My wife is really a game genius.”

“Of course, I don’t look at who my husband is.” Xia Yuchan thought for a while, and added: “The husband sings and the women follow.”

On the other side, Xiao Yue couldn’t bear it.

He wants to turn off the voice.

Is this still your usual sister-in-law?

Listening to the conversation between them was really exciting.

Xiao Yue suddenly felt that the snacks on hand were not fragrant anymore.

At this time, Ak and Xiao Ming’s resurrection time has come.

The two walked under the high tower, and neither of them stepped out.

“Wait for Xiaoya, the three of us charge together.” Jin Jin said.

Lin Wuxin also nodded.

He has become much calmer now.

I have to say that Death makes people grow.

However, this calm did not last long.

Seeing that Bai Qi came over.

“Fuck, why did he come?” Lin Wuxin was dazed.

If Bai Qi is nearby, will King Lanling be far away?

A few seconds later, Lin Wuxin and Jin Jin’s eyes went black, and they were once again killed by King Lanling Yuet.

Lin Wuxin’s eyes were red: “It’s too arrogant! I died before I got out of the high ground?”

“It’s crazy!” Jin Jin also cursed.

In the live room.

The old irons are not calm anymore.

“King Lanling’s killing intent is too heavy, I can feel it across the screen.”

“Mage Wuxin, you have offended people!”

“I advise you to stay in the spring water. Looking at the current situation, you are in danger wherever you stand.”

“The King of Lanling wants to kill, and the high tower can’t keep it, I said.”

Unexpectedly, Wang Ya said directly: “Then I will stay in the spring and not go out!”

Is this self-defeating?

Lin Wuxin felt a sense of powerlessness.

It was the first time I had this kind of desperate experience as an anchor for so long.

Because the shooters in the Mu Feihua team have been developing steadily, they have already been pushed to the Highland Tower.

“King Lanling, you are too fierce!” The archer sent a message excitedly.

“Is the Lanling King Little Big Brother in CP? I have a nice voice.” The mage in the team also said.

King Lanling: “Look at my name.”

It is Chong Chong’s boyfriend.

The mage is not reconciled: “It’s just a game CP, not interfering with reality.”

After all, it is really rare to meet such a strong jungler Big Brother.

King Lanling: “My game CP can only be my wife.”

The mage was a little depressed.

Why did you encounter a dead brain today?

Don’t wild flowers smell better than home flowers?

Which excellent jungler Big Brother is not Aquaman?

At this time, Xia Yuchan asked: “How do you get married in the game?”

Mu Feifan: “I don’t know.”

Xia Yu cicada was a little strange.

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly: “I only have a relationship like you, where to find the game CP, so I don’t know the process.”

When Xia Yuchan heard it, she was a little happy for some reason.

She said: “I will ask Du Niang for a while.”

“Sister-in-law, I know, you can get married when you have enough intimacy, and you can play games or give flowers together ascension.” Xiao Yue smiled.

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched: “You little Fatty, you know everything.”

“Haha, it’s all around for fun.” Xiao Yue smiled awkwardly.

After playing games for so many years, an innocent body like Mu Feihua is still very rare.

Even Xiao Yue had been in one or two CPs.

At this moment, the high tower on the development road has been pulled out by the archer.

Sagittarius: “King Lanling, they won’t come out, do we want a wave of pushes?”

King Lanling: “Don’t push the tower in a hurry, I’ll show you a good show later.”


Lin Wuxin was taken aback: “Why don’t they push the crystal?”

Jin Jin: “Are you waiting for us to go out?”

Wang Ya: “Pull it down, even if my old lady starves to death in the spring water, she won’t take half a step.”

The old irons all laughed.

“Unexpectedly, Master Wuxin will have today!”

“I was forced to hide in the spring water.”

“He must be begging the other party to push quickly!”

“But why didn’t King Lanling push it in one wave?”

Everyone can’t guess the thoughts of King Lanling.

Suddenly, Lin Wuxin saw King Lanling rushing towards the spring!

A terrible thought came to him.

“Fuck, this guy, isn’t it going to abuse the spring, right?”

Lin Wuxin was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

If he is abused, it would be a shame and shame. His name is unintentional, so don’t even think about it in this live broadcast circle.

Will become a laughing stock!

At this time, he felt a mark on his head.

King Lanling really made a move!

Ah Ke, who was still stupidly standing in the spring water, was instantly taken away by King Lanling!

“Uncle Ni!” Lin Wuxin felt cold in her hands and feet, and a sense of humiliation spread throughout her body.

But once King Lanling makes a continuous move, he will immediately be attacked by the spring water.

The spring water’s attack was terrifying, and it lost a small crispy skin almost instantly.

After Ah Ke fell, the spring water’s attack slowly drifted towards King Lanling.

“Haha, come and kill me? You die with me daddy too!” Lin Wuxin laughed.

However, in the next scene, Lin Wuxin’s eyes were shocked.

The spring water’s attack hit King Lanling, but the opponent was safe and sound.

what happened?

Lin Wuxin immediately thought of something.

“Famous swordsman!”

The passive skill of this equipment is to make King Lanling immune to fatal damage.

Therefore, the spring water’s attack did not kill the opponent.

Looking at King Lanling still standing proudly, Lin Wuxin was so angry.

The shooters and wizards in the Mu Feihua team were stunned.

Sagittarius: “Is this a good show? It’s too exciting, it’s the first time I’ve seen it!”

Mage: “555 Little Big Brother is so handsome, will you not be the anchor?”

Seeing the text on the public screen, Lin Wuxin almost vomited blood.


Damn, I was the anchor who was abused by him, okay?

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