Chapter 284 Waiting to die, first-rate acting!

Lin Wuxin said, “Just hit that Arthur!”

Kaneko was silent for a moment.

It is no secret that Lin Wuxin likes Wang Ya in their school.

It’s just that Wang Ya has always regarded him as a buddy.

At this time, another line of words appeared on the screen.

King Lanling: “Wait for death!”

Five words, with a bitter murderous aura.

You can feel the fierceness of the opponent across the screen.

Originally, Wang Ya’s anger had disappeared for the most part.

Lu Bu: “Come and kill me, King Lanling. If you don’t come, you will be the son of the old lady.”

Ah Ke: “King Lanling, don’t be too arrogant. You have the ability to come to me.”

Xiao Ming: “It’s just a game. Can you beat the three of us alone?”

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, Xiao Yue said solemnly: “I’ll go help sister-in-law.”

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan was exceptionally calm, except that his voice was mixed with a chill: “No! That Lu Bu, I will kill him by myself!”

Originally, the shooter on the opposite side was still eating melons and watching the excitement, but he didn’t expect it to be dark in the next second.

King Lanling killed Hou Yi!

Hou Yi: “King Lanling was too much. You scolded him for a long time, but I was the one who killed him.”

Mu Feifan didn’t pay any attention to him at all. In his eyes, his opponents were just money.

At this moment, his Lanling King went invisible and directly invaded the opponent’s wild area, with only one target.

Ah Ke!

At this moment, Lin Wuxin was still clearing the field, and an exclamation mark suddenly appeared on his head.

He immediately understood what was going on.

But even so, there is nothing to do, because Mu Feifan’s movements are too fast.

The king of Lanling has fallen to the heavens!

A set of skills will directly take Ake away!


The King of Lanling kills and kills!


Lin Wuxin shouted: “Can you run Jinjin?”

“I don’t even have a fourth-level…” Kaneko said depressedly.

I saw that his Xiao Ming was being chased and chopped by the Lanling King.

After a few strokes, Xiao Ming fell in a pool of blood.


King Lanling has killed people like hemp!

“Damn it!” Lin Wuxin watched Jin Jin also die, holding back her fire even more than when she was killed just now.

In one fell swoop, he gave away two heads of each other.

The veterans in the live broadcast room would naturally not let go of this opportunity to taunt the anchor, and attacked 666 violently.

“Mage Wuxin completely overturned!”

“Buy one get one free, big bargain!”

“Didn’t you read the words of King Lanling? Wait for your death!”

“Haha, the anchor completely annoyed King Lanling.”

Lin Wuxin almost vomited blood.

I was slaughtered. Are you so happy?

You are all fake fans.

He felt that he was about to catch up with the anchor brother named Daxian.

I heard that fans love to watch Daxian get slaughtered. When Daxian died, the audience cheered.

Gold whispered: “Why don’t you change your live broadcast style unintentionally. No one asks about the glory of ten years. Once the world knows about it, you might be able to become a first-line anchor.”

Lin Wuxin was speechless: “Why do I particularly want to beat you up when I hear this?”

At this time, he suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted: “Xiaoya, be careful, King Lanling has already gone to you!”

To be honest, after seeing Lin Wuxin and Jin Jin being killed one after another, Wang Ya was already panicked.

She guessed this coming fact!

“It’s okay, I just hid under the tower, he has the ability to kill me over the tower!” Wang Ya said.

Lin Wuxin said: “Yes, you just hide under the tower and don’t come out.”

At this moment, Mu Feifan stared at Lu Bu on the screen, and immediately understood the other party’s intentions.

He snorted, “I thought it would be okay if I didn’t come out under the tower, did you come here, Xiaoyueyue?”

“Already here!” Xiao Yue’s Bai Qi carried a scythe, and rushed over at the outside, and plunged into the grass against the road.

“When the army line arrives, charge me immediately.” Mu Feifei glanced at Xia Yuchan and whispered: “Wife, too.”

“Okay.” Xia Yuchan didn’t blindly think about heads-up. At this time, she still listened to Mu Feifan’s words.

The little soldiers came one after another and arrived under Lu Bu’s tower.

Bai Qi suddenly jumped out of the grass, and a big move directly grabbed Lu Bu.

Wang Ya:? ? ?

Where’s the big guy?

At the same time, Arthur drove the two or one skill and raised the big sword to kill him.

King Lanling also threw his fist blade from the void.

All the attacks hit Lu Bu.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the world in Wang Ya’s eyes was completely black.

“Fuck, my old lady was rounded by three big guys!” Wang Ya looked confused.

Lin Wuxin:…


I don’t mind what your taste is, and you actually like such an unobstructed man. I think you are dazzled by the beauty.

The most important thing is that Arthur gave the head.

Wang Ya is so angry!

Just now he was still scolding Arthur for being naive, but he was killed by pretending to be incomparable.

Then, a tower was also demolished by the three of Mu Feihua.

King Lanling: “It’s useless to hide in the tower!”

Looking at the words on the screen, Wang Ya was shaking all over.

Although she used the hero she was most unfamiliar with, being overtaken by the three in this way gave her a feeling of extreme humiliation.

Lu Bu: “Arthur, what’s the use of relying on others, there is a kind of singles out against my mother.”

Xia Yuchan turned his head and looked at admiring Feihua: “Where do you post this text?”

Mu Feifan was startled, he guessed something, but still taught him.

Arthur: “It’s a good one-on-one, one-on-one, I’ll wait for you!”

Xiao Yue was a little worried: “Brother Fan, what should I do next, can I?”

Mu Feifan said: “I believe my wife, she is fine.”

The most important thing is that he, a game god-tier, is right next to Xia Yuchan. Even if it doesn’t work, he can give pointers.

This is real hands-on teaching!

At this moment, it’s time for Ah Ke’s resurrection.

Lin Wuxin is overjoyed!

He waited too long.

The next moment, Ah Ke walked directly out of the spring and rushed to the wilderness with murderous aura.

Damn, dare to move. Which woman daddy likes?

Lin Wuxin gritted her teeth, trying to avenge Wang Ya.

Jin Jin said: “Wait for me without heart.”

At this moment, Lin Wuxin couldn’t wait any longer, he was now holding King Lanling to the ground and rubbing.

As a result, as soon as he arrived in the wilderness, he was ambushed by King Lanling!


King Lanling killed Ah Ke, no one could stop it!

“Uncle Ni!” Lin Wuxin was dumbfounded.

Jin Jin said: “I said let you wait for me, wait for me to four…”

As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Ming fell into a pool of blood not long after he walked out of the spring.

“Master Ni!” Jin Jin’s eyes were even more round.


King Lanling killed Ming Shiyin and swept a thousand troops!

Xiao Qiao: “Do you still want to play? I’ve seen someone giving someone a head, but I haven’t seen one like this.”

Hou Yi: “Are you an undercover agent from the other side?”

The old irons in the live broadcast room are even crazier.

“Have you seen Wuxin? The people who eat melon have all seen your undercover status.”

“This year’s Oscar statuette must have a place for you!”

“Brother Wuxin, my acting skills are superb, and I slap thousands of small fresh meats. Kyushu movies are going to rise!”

Lin Wuxin was dazed.

This group of people is too bad!

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