Chapter 286-The Criteria for Choosing Husbands, Are You Amazing?

It didn’t take long.

Mu Fandian’s performance once again shocked everyone.

The famous sword is replaced with resurrection armor.

Xiao Ming of gold is down!

The resurrection armor is replaced by a golden body.

Wang Ya’s Lu Bu is down!

The most important thing is that they didn’t even get out of the spring water.

Both of them were abused and died.

“The King of Lanling…” Jin Jin stared at the screen, and he couldn’t bear it, who had always been calm.

The abused fountain was not only a shame, but also made him feel a chill from the soles of his feet to the sky.

How serious is the opponent’s killing intent!

The spring water is equivalent to the home of the summoner.

This is the safest place.

But even so, it could not stop King Lanling from killing!

Really complied with that sentence.

King Yama will make you die for three shifts, and will never leave you to five shifts!

Wang Ya’s eyes were also red, her lips trembled, and she was very weak when she wanted to say something.

The live room is fried!

Fans slammed 666 crazy!

Lin Wuxin looked at the fans’ messages on the screen.

He knows who the fans deducted these 666s.

King Lanling!

In the own live broadcast room, own fans went so far as to praise their opponents, how sad it was.

Lin Wuxin felt bitter.

But the opponent’s performance is too amazing.

“This Lanling King is too awesome, old irons!”

“The other party is also an anchor, right? He and Wuxin crashed and knocked Wuxin over!”

“In fact, many technology anchors can do the methods of King Lanling, but King Lanling is too cruel, killing people!”

“Yes, no way to survive is left unintentionally, the tower is not pushed to the end, it dries directly to the spring.”

“King Lanling is really a wolf killer, four points more than a ruthless man!”

At this moment, Hou Yi and Xiao Qiao were both frightened in the spring.

They huddled in the corner, not daring to move.

In the small spring water, he also kept himself away from the three corpses on the ground.

For fear of getting involved with the other party, I was abused by the king of Lanling!

Xiao Yue smiled and said: “Brother Fan, you see you scared them.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “The passive skill of the equipment cools down, and you can only change it after you abuse it.”

However, this is enough.

After all, Mu Feifan was only targeting three people who were Wuxin.

Who told the three of them to scan the news together on the public screen, revealing the facts of the group.

Mu Feihua is very vengeful.

At this time, a line of words appeared on the screen.

Akke: “King Lanling, it’s just a game. What kind of hatred is there. Are you killing us like this?”

Lin Wuxin was a little helpless, but more puzzled.

How did I offend the other party?

Now those who have been killed dare not even spring water out!

Mu Feifan tapped his slender fingers, and soon typed a line on the public screen: “Because you just killed my wife.”

Lin Wuxin looked at it and couldn’t help cursing: “Fuck, you were all killing us in the audience. When did we kill anyone?”

Suddenly, he thought of something and immediately opened the player list.

In the opposing team, Arthur said 2-1 impressively.


Really killed someone?

Lin Wuxin was so numb that she almost forgot about it.

Akke: “Is that Arthur your wife?”

King Lanling: “Yes!”

Lin Wuxin was stunned: “We only killed her once, and then you were chased by you all over the map…”

At this moment, the live broadcast room is even more lively.

“Old irons, it turns out that King Lanling was so angry as a beauty!”

“Haha, look at Wuxin’s bewildered look. Single dogs don’t understand this feeling.”

“King Lanling: Kill my wife once, and I will press you on the spring water and rub them like crazy!”

“The most handsome King Lanling in history!”

“Hey, if the little Big Brother takes revenge on me like this, I must marry him!”

“Wake up, you are such a dish, and you die a dozen times in a row, scaring the little Big Brother away.”

At this time, Jin Jin’s voice sounded: “Why do I suddenly feel a little sour?”

Lin Wuxin:…

Kaneko: “We seem to be the villain who fulfills each other.”

Lin Wuxin: “Fuck you, you have watched too many soap operas. The king of Lanling has a problem, and his tendency to violence is too serious, so he killed his wife once. As for?”

Suddenly, Wang Ya said: “Let’s play, I’m off.”

Hearing the tone of the other party, I was obviously disappointed.

Lin Wuxin looked puzzled: “Golden, did I say the wrong thing?”

Jin Jin: “You should say why not, a good man has to protect his wife.”

Lin Wuxin patted her forehead in annoyance.

So this is why he has been single?

During the game, Lu Bu quickly dropped.

The most embarrassing is the mage on the same team.

In front of his wife, he told them about the CP… The mage couldn’t wait to die directly.

Archer: “Sister Master, Dage, King of Lanling, has a wife, so do you want to think about me?”

Mage: “Can you be like King Lanling, I can’t kill the opponent out of the spring once I die?”

The shooter was speechless.


King Lanling has raised the standards for the game girls to choose their husbands.

And it’s also raised to the level of the technology ceiling.

No, this level is equivalent to one dozen five.

The ceiling can’t hold it down, it should be in the atmosphere.

Akke: “King Lanling, I’m Wuxin Mage, the anchor of the game division of Xiuzhe Video Station. Although your technology is good, I don’t play a common profession. Let’s do it again in 5V5 in a while.”

The shooters and mages in the Mu Feihua team were shocked.

Mage: “Oh my god, the other party turned out to be an anchor.”

Sagittarius: “I really didn’t see it, I thought it was rookie.”


Mage: “Lanling King Big Brother is too handsome, hammering the anchor.”

Shooter: “I’ll go to the live broadcast room of this anchor right away, double-click King Lanling 666!”

Lin Wuxin was silent for a while.

These two people… murder and punish the heart!

King Lanling: “No need.”


He actually rejected me?

Lin Wuxin was a little embarrassed.

Want to run after playing?

No doors!

Akke: “It depends on your level. It should be a technology anchor. Even if you are not, you can find out if you inquire about it. Don’t forget that our match in this round is a same city mode.”

The same city mode, that is to say, the ten people matched in this round are all players from Binjiang City.

King Lanling: “Are you threatening me?”

Akke: “You misunderstood, I mean, you should also be a high player in the glory circle of the same city, and you should not refuse my challenge.”

King Lanling: “No time, I am going to sleep with my wife now.”

In a word, Lin Wuxin was speechless in front of the screen.

After a while, Lin Wuxin said angrily: “It’s great to have a wife, see if you can stand it!”

At the same time, he hurriedly typed a line.

Akke: “It’s all excuses, I think you dare not fight me.”

King Lanling: “Haha.”

The live broadcast room is boiling again.

“Wuxin, you have been ridiculed, haha!”

“King Lanling: sorry, it’s so great to have a wife.”

“The grievances from unintentional single dogs are getting deeper and deeper.”

“I like to see Wuxin look aggrieved and helpless!”

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