Chapter 248 Perfect Excuse, Rejuvenation

Mu Feifei left the Ling Kitchen, and he was full of art and went down the mountain.

As for the level of the own spirit chef, Mu Feifan didn’t know, let alone tested it.

But in his opinion, these are not important.

Mu Feifei’s desire to return to the world became more and more urgent.

But before that, he still had one thing on his mind.

One week later.

In the small courtyard of Jianlu Island.

Xiao Yue made a breakthrough again, and officially became the cultivator of the fifth level of Qi refining.

Although this speed was already very fast in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Yue was not satisfied.

After all, I am caught in a group of Foundation Building cultivators, how I look so dazzling.

Mu Feifan said: “Xiao Yueyue, do you know how long we stayed in Otherworld this time?”

Xiao Yue just nodded, but she suddenly thought of something and shook her head immediately.

Mu Feifan’s eyes changed slightly.

This was what he was most afraid of at the beginning.

You know, the longest time extension card is ten times, that is, seventy days.

But this time, they stayed in Otherworld for far more than seventy days.

Because Mu Fei uses the system to extend the time.

If Xiaoyueyue really remembers the clear days, then how would Mu Feifan explain.

“Why did you nod your head just now?” Mu Feifan asked casually.

Xiao Yue said: “I spent seven days in Otherworld before. I usually count the days. This time Brother Fan used an extension card, so I can’t remember it after a long time.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

This reason is quite reasonable.

After all, even Mu Feifei couldn’t remember himself.

What’s more, he never doubted his brother’s IQ.

Things that can be done, never use your head.

There is no mobile phone in Otherworld, and Mu Feifan used to judge according to the changes of the four seasons.

Decent people who write a diary every day to keep track of time?

Mu Feifan estimates that this time they only stayed in Otherworld for a few months.

But out of caution, Mu Feihua decided to go back first.

Anyway, the instant return card I bought last time was increased to a hundred, and I haven’t used it.

It’s a pity that the remaining time is wasted.

Mu Feifan was considering whether to wait for Xiao Yueyue to arrive at the Foundation Building before kicking him out of the team.

But if you team up with your wife in the future, this is still a problem.

So before that, Mu Feifan must come up with a perfect excuse.

Son of Destiny, control time?

With special physique, can you control the flow rate of time?

With a secret treasure, automatically extend the time?


There are too many excuses. As for his wife, believe it or not, Mu Feifan will ignore it.

Anyway, everyone is his, and I’m worried about the ball.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Yue’s dazed expression, Mu Feifan smiled again.

Your brother may not even know how many times the time extension card is.

My worries are really superfluous.

At the same time, Jianlu Island weapons store is nearby.

Hong Yu was refining an intermediate spirit weapon, and had reached the stage of portraying the magic circle.

I saw that he was engrossed, writing swiftly.



The characterization of the magic circle failed, and the embryo exploded.

Hong Yu’s eyes were about to split, he scratched his hair indiscriminately, and said grumpily: “Why failed again? Grandma is a bear, I won’t do it today!”

The little turkey watching from the side laughed mercilessly.

Behind it, a group of little yellow chickens also laughed.

It was time for the little turkey to take the harem for a walk.

Facing the ridicule of the crowd of onlookers, Hong Yu stretched out his right hand and fiercely compared his middle finger.

At this time, he felt that one was not enough to vent his anger, so he stretched out his left hand again and compared one.

“Your refining tool’s mentality is not good, you don’t want to refining after a failure?” Suddenly, a voice floated in the distance.

Hong Yu didn’t even lift his head, and said casually: “What do you know, go to the store if you buy a magic weapon, don’t disturb me.”

“Hey, I haven’t seen it in more than four years, and I even have a big tone.”

Only then did Hong Yu feel that something was wrong, he raised his head and was immediately dumbfounded.

Two slender young men appeared in front of them, both of whom were as abundant as jade, with long and flowing hair.

It was one of the youths who seemed to have a calm personality to talk to him.

“You, who are you?” Hong Yu was shocked.

In his impression, it seemed that he had never seen these two people.

But inside, he felt that the other party was very familiar.

The calm young man suddenly yelled: “Xiao Yu, I just came to see him as a teacher!”

“What?” Hong Yu was completely stunned: “Are you the Master?”

He wiped his eyes to make sure he was not dazzled.

its not right.

Master is an old man, how could he be so young?

“Are you really my Master?” Hong Yu asked.

The calm young man smiled and said: “If you are a fake replacement, you are Zheng Yijian as a teacher.”

Hearing this familiar tone, Hong Yu received a huge impact, tears burst out in an instant, and directly rushed onto it.

“Master, finally see you again.”

Zheng Yijian was also a little choked: “I didn’t expect to be able to reunite with you in my lifetime.”

Suddenly, Hong Yu thought of something, and suddenly asked: “Master, you didn’t take away the body of a handsome guy.”

Zheng Yijian:…

It is Hong Yu, as long as he opens his mouth, people can’t help but want to smoke him.

“The one next to you?” Hong Yu looked at the other young man.

The opponent has a pair of sword eyebrows and sharp eyes, which looks like a master swordsman.

“Yan is not hurt.”

Since Yan Wushang recovered his youth last time, he has hurried to Dahe Jianzong.

Except for running into Xiaolan on the road, no one on Jianlu Island knew about his becoming younger.

Hong Yu was stunned: “Sect Leader, Master, what kind of elixir have you eaten, are you all rejuvenated?”

Zheng Yijian and Yan Wushang looked at each other with a smile, and said in unison, “Take us to see your Master.”

A quarter of an hour later.

Mu Feifan received Hong Yu’s trio in his small courtyard.

“It turns out that it took so long because the disciple was reluctant to leave Jianzong.” Mu Feifan said.

Originally, he estimated in his mind that after so long, Yan Wushang should have returned long ago.

Could it be that what went wrong in the middle?

At this moment, seeing that Zheng Yijian was okay, a large stone fell on Mu Feijian’s chest.

“I have been doing Lao Zheng’s ideological work during this period of time.” Yan Wushang smiled bitterly.

Zheng Yijian’s face was reddened, and he said guiltily, “I’m worried about Master.”

Mu Feifan said: “You have been staying in Jianzong and never left. All of these are understandable. Now that you have come to the academy now, then everyone should not be separated anymore.”

“Good!” Zheng Yijian nodded solemnly.

“I’ll take you to the Foreign Affairs Hall to go through the admission procedures in a while.” Mu Feifan said.

Yan Wushang was a little puzzled: “What procedures, aren’t we following?”

“Of course it’s the procedures for the disciples of the outer courtyard.” Mu Feihua smiled.

Yan Wushang was trembling with excitement.

He was longing to join the academy and become an official disciple.

But because the age is beyond the limit, it has become a pity in my heart.

“We are almost 400 years old together. Will the college accept it?” Zheng Yijian was a little worried.

Mu Feifan said: “You two are just 20-something young guys just by looking at your appearance. Could he still test the age of your bones?”

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