Chapter 249 I didn’t laugh at you! Men and women killing

An hour later.

The entrance of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

“What? To test the bone age?” Mu Feifan looked surprised.

Yan Wushang and Zheng Yijian followed behind, also a little depressed.

Zhou Yuan said solemnly: “The Gold Core cultivator is to be tested in accordance with the regulations. After all, there are many cultivators with a high Cultivation Base, and the age cannot be seen from the outside.”

Mu Feifan was speechless: “Is it not good to send a Gold Core disciple to the college?”

Zhou Yuan sneered and laughed.

However, under Mu Feifei’s increasingly fierce gaze, Zhou Yuan was so frightened that he immediately stopped laughing: “Senior Brother Mu, don’t get me wrong, I’m not laughing at you.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“I just exercise my oral muscles.”

Yan Wushang said in a low voice: “Mu fellow daoist, otherwise, forget about it. If the true bone age is tested, I will be ashamed of you.”

Mu Feifan didn’t say anything, but stared at Zhou Yuan firmly.

Zhou Yuan hurriedly explained: “The academy only values ​​the potential of the disciples. If you are too old, there is not much room for improvement.”

“It seems–I can only talk to the dean’s uncle about this matter.” Mu Feihua said word by word.

Especially the word Dean has a heavy bite.

Zhou Yuan was stunned, and his face immediately paled.

The next second, he said helplessly: “I will go through the formalities for them.”

No way, who is called Mu Feihua is the strongest relationship household.

Zhou Yuan felt that the rules set by the academy were becoming more and more false.

After a lot of setbacks, Yan Wushang finally got his wish and became a disciple in the outer courtyard.

“Thank you fellow daoist for helping me realize my dream.” Yan Wushang thanked him excitedly.

Now he admires the five bodies that Mu Feifei admires.

Apart from the sun in the sky that cannot be taken off in this world, are there other things that fellow daoist can’t do?

Yan Wushang had such an illusion.

Because Mu Feihua has been turning the impossible into possible.

In other words, the other party is a miraculous entity.

“It’s just a small matter.” Mu Feifei smiled faintly.

The world of cultivating immortals is also about human relationships.

He was thinking, should he visit the dean another day?

At this time, Zhou Yuan said, “Brother Mu, there is one thing that I don’t know should be said or not.”

“But it doesn’t matter.” Mu Feihua said.

“The five-year hospital assessment will begin in half a year. If this Gold Core Dage participates, I am afraid that it will be unfair, and I will help him in the hospital like this. I am worried that someone will make a fuss about this. I still have a bad influence on Senior Brother Mu.” Zhou Yuan said worriedly.

“So that’s it.” Mu Feihua nodded.

No wonder the college does not accept older disciples.

Although these people have low potential, they are old and have a high Cultivation Base.

How could disciples at this stage be their opponents?

Therefore, once fighting the law, it becomes unfair.

Yan Wushang said immediately: “Don’t worry, I won’t participate in that assessment.”

He didn’t want to make Mu Feihua embarrassed.

Zhou Yuan smiled and said, “As a result, I’m relieved.”

This can be considered a joy to everyone.

Returning to Jianlu Island again, Zheng Yijian and Yan Wushang changed into blue and white hospital uniforms, both of them were not so immortal.

For some reason, Mu Feifei always had the illusion of seeing Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.

It’s really evil.

Now that everything has been resolved, Mu Feifan chose to crush an instant return card three days later and return to this world with Xiao Yue.

After a long shuttle journey, the consciousness of the two returned to the private room.



“This little Fatty is already at the fifth level of gas refining?”

As soon as they came back, they heard Kun Kun’s exclamation.

The corner of Xiao Yue’s mouth twitched.

What genius?

It’s Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

God knows how many superb Medicine Pill he swallowed.

“Small fatty has become big fatty.” Kun Kun still sighed.

Although there was no change in Xiao Yue’s body shape, her inner-out temperament had faintly changed.

This is how Cultivation Base has become stronger.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “My brother, is it a genius?”

“Say he is fat and panting?” Kun Kun snorted.

“Okay, quickly pass us on.” Mu Feifan said.

He now seriously suspects that this is the reason why it is slower than Xia Yuchan every time it spreads out.

I spent all my time fighting with Kun Kun!

With Xia Yuchan’s cold and unspoken personality, I guess she wouldn’t say a word of nonsense with her exclusive customer service.

After the world turned around, Mu Feifei was already standing outside the teleportation array.

Xiao Yue was still spinning around him, completely dizzy.

Mu Feifan grabbed Xiao Yue and said, “Don’t turn around, we are in the hall.”

Xiao Yue let out a cry, her head dumbfounded.

Fatty inertia is big.

During this time, Xia Yuchan had already walked over from the sofa, and she stared at Xiao Yue without saying a word.

“Big, good sister.” Xiao Yue said nervously.

When he saw Xia Yuchan, he felt that he was suppressed to death by the opponent’s aura.

I don’t know how Brother Fan chased the iceberg goddess. I really admire him.

“Have fun?” Xia Yuchan asked suddenly.

Xiao Yue was taken aback, but saw Xia Yuchan still looking at herself, and immediately replied, “It’s… it’s okay.”

“You two sleep separately at night.”

It turns out that this is the point.

Xiao Yue immediately realized that, like a chicken pecking at rice, she nodded frantically.

At this moment, Mu Feifan exhaled in secret.

He finally felt his wife’s jealousy, and it turned out that men and women eat it all.

Kill indiscriminately!

At this time, Xia Yuchan naturally held Mu Feifan, and said, “Let’s go back to school and bring Xiaoyueyue with him.”

Xiao Yue said flatteredly, “Thank you, sister-in-law.”

The three people walked out of the temple and came to the car.

Xiao Yue was hesitating where to sit.

Sit in the back row with Brother Fan, or sit in the co-pilot by yourself?

At this moment, those two people had made a decision for Xiao Yue.

They opened the back door directly and sat in.

Xiao Yue sighed.

Own worry is really superfluous.

Brother Fan and the others have such a good relationship, they even reluctant to separate in the car.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yue couldn’t help being envious.

He sat in the co-pilot, quite depressed and lonely.

The housekeeper Li Bo seemed to see something and sighed in his heart.

Little Fatty, where are you?

I think they have been tired for so long and haven’t said anything yet.

The two single dogs in the front row looked at each other and smiled.

The car arrived at the school soon.

When the three of them were walking on the campus, they suddenly heard an enthusiastic voice behind them.

“Brother Fan, Sister Xia, good morning!”

Mu Feifan turned his head to look, but his expression suddenly became weird.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chen Yun.

Isn’t this kid always looking at himself unpleasantly?

Why did you change sex today and greet you actively?

Mu Feifan had forgotten to answer the other party while thinking, but Xia Yuchan simply ignored Chen Yun.

However, Chen Yun still had a smile on his face and passed by.

He is in a very good mood now, and almost everything he sees is beautiful.

Because since the video was posted, Chen Yun’s number of fans has been steadily increasing.

For example, it’s like sitting on a big rocket!

Gravity can no longer be controlled!

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