Chapter 247

Xiaojuan screamed: “Master, I can’t do anything. It hurts you and hurts my heart.”

The corner of the old man’s mouth twitched.

He seriously suspects that this kitchen utensil has ever read “The Self-cultivation of a Flatterer”.

At this time, Mu Feifei had completely returned to normal.

The clouds shrouded in the sky slowly faded, and it seemed as if nothing had happened.

However, the shock brought by Mu Feihua lingered in the heart of Old Man Shen for a long time, lingering.

“Xiao Fan, are you okay?” Old Man Shen asked tentatively.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “I have nothing to do, Teacher Shen.”

Hearing the voice of the other party also changed back, the old man Shen heaved a sigh of relief.

It was so scary just now.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that a Foundation Building cultivator could have such a strong sense of fear in his Nascent Soul cultivator?

At this moment, the small cylinder twisted his huge body and said, “Master, let your blood drop and recognize the lord!”

Old man Shen almost fell.

Are there any active reminders?

He was once again refreshed with three views by this kitchenware.

Mu Feifan quickly completed the recognition ceremony with Xiao Guan.

The huge body of the small tank slid around and turned into the size of an ordinary water tank, which was put into a storage bag by Mu Feihua.

Old man Shen looked at this scene with a complex expression.

The past mentors of the Ling Kitchen have racked their brains to study food, trying to subdue the kitchen utensils.

What they hadn’t done was done by Mu Feifan with a few words.

Is this the halo of the boss?

At this moment, Old Man Shen was just a word for Mu Feifan.

Uppercase service!

Mu Feifan’s face was distressed: “Teacher Shen, look at this kitchenware…”

Looking back, the fairy kitchen utensils belonged to the Ling Kitchen, but it was a combination of events that ended up in the hands of Mu Feihua.

“A hero with a sword, a good horse with a good saddle, these are all you deserve, and I hope you will walk on the kitchen road as better as possible in the future.” The old man Shen said earnestly.

“Teacher Shen, next, I should return to the God of War Academy.” Mu Feifan said.

Old man Shen seemed to feel the parting meaning in the other party’s words.

He took out a hip flask, took a sip of wine, and said, “Xiao Fan, I know Ling Kitchen can’t keep you. After all, Ling Chef is just an auxiliary profession. If you want to be a real Immortal Ascension, you have to have a higher Cultivation. Base, stronger combat power.”

Mu Feifan bowed deeply.

For the old man Shen, he was grateful from the bottom of his heart.

But when it comes to cooking, Mu Feifan doesn’t have too high aspirations.

The reason why he learned to cook, he just wanted to see a hearty breakfast every morning after Xia Yuchan got up.

This is the original intention of Mu Feihua.

“Is there any wine?” Mu Feifei asked suddenly.

Old Man Shen was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and took out another pot from his storage bag.

Mu Feifei took it, and said with pride: “Teacher Shen, today we will not be drunk or return.”

“Okay!” The old man Shen also became excited.

The two men each held a pot and started drinking each other.

But when Mu Feifan took the first sip, he began to regret it.

Oh My God!

This is too spicy.

He began to cough violently.

When Old Man Shen saw this scene, he seemed to finally find confidence in front of Mu Feihua, and smiled proudly: “Xiao Fan, I can’t fight or cook. But when it comes to drinking, the whole college, I think it’s second, there is absolutely no one. Dare to recognize the first.”

Ha ha!

Old man Shen had this beauty in his heart.

Finally regained a city.

Otherwise, Xiao Fan will always be hit!

Mu Feifan is a young man after all.

No matter how calm, there is blood in his body.

Especially after drinking alcohol.

He said boldly at this moment: “Teacher Shen, that’s not necessarily true. Maybe after I come, you will really become the second child of a thousand years.”

Old man Shen was not convinced.

The two are getting stronger.

Drink from day to night.

There were one empty jug after another.

“Xiao Fan, I really can’t tell, your kid can drink so…” Old man Shen blushed and said drunkly.

Mu Feifan was also drunk and dim: “Don’t say Teacher Shen can’t see it, I don’t even know that I can drink this way.”

At this moment, another pot was drunk, and the two of them threw it aside.

Old man Shen patted his storage bag.

As a result, a loneliness popped out.

“Huh, where’s my wine?” Old man Shen was a little dazed.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “Teacher Shen, I didn’t expect you to be so poor and I drank you all.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Old man Shen blushed and drank his head: “Come back with me. I still have a treasured Xiaoyao brew there. I promise you will be satisfied with the drink.”

If other instructors were present, they would be shocked.

Xiaoyao Brew is old man Shen’s favorite, and he is not willing to drink a drop at ordinary times.

Now that he speaks directly, wanting Mu Feihua to drink to the satisfaction?

“Teacher Shen, are you not afraid that I will give you a drink?” Mu Feifei asked.

When the old man heard this, he blushed and shouted, “Who am I, the instructor of the dignified kitchen, and I will be drunk by you, a little boy, let’s go now!”

He just got up, but he felt that the world was spinning, but fortunately he was supported by Mu Feihua, otherwise he would fall to the ground.

The two supported them and walked to the Ling Kitchen.

“You kid, really good… I have decided to marry Shen Qing and marry you.” Old Shen’s tongue began to roll, and his words were uncomfortable.

“Teacher Shen, you are talking drunk again.” Mu Feifan helplessly.

“What I said is true, don’t you think it’s impossible to abandon my girl?” Old man Shen feinted.

“I’m married and have a wife.” Mu Feifan said earnestly.

The old man Shen was startled, he gave Mu Feifan an incredible look.

A few seconds later, the old man Shen laughed loudly: “Nonsense, how old are you?”

Mu Feifan: “I will bring her next day to show you.”

The old man Shen didn’t care: “Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan, even if you are married, I will marry Shen Qing to you. It is normal for a man to rot, three wives and four concubines.”

“Listen, it’s all soy rot. Is it normal?”

“It’s a slip of the tongue, I’m serious. I can tell that the girl Shen Qing is very caring for you.”

“Teacher Shen, you think too much. I’m not the male protagonist of a stallion novel. How can I meet a beautiful woman who would like me? This plot is bloody.”

The two chatted, and they had returned to the Great Hall unknowingly.

As soon as I entered, I saw Shen Qing waiting in the hall.

“Grandpa Four?” Shen Qing exclaimed.

She helped each other together and complained: “Why drink so much?”

The old man Shen was originally groggy, when he heard Shen Qing’s voice, he suddenly raised his head: “Girl, I found one for you…”

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, Mentor Shen will leave it to you. I will go back first.” Mu Feihua interrupted suddenly.

Shen Qing said oh.

After Mu Feifan left, she asked, “Four grandfather, what did you just say you found for me?”

Old man Shen said in a bit of melancholy: “Mountains have trees and trees have branches, but I don’t know the joy of the king.”

Shen Qing: “???”

“I drank too much, and remembered the disappointment when I was young.” Old man Shen said.

Shen Qing said: “I didn’t expect Grandpa Four to be a lover, so is this the reason you’ve been a single dog all your life? Huh, don’t make any excuses.”

Old man Shen:…

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