Chapter 172 Where is the supreme face like a demon?

At this moment, Teacher Feng woke up dizzyly and sat up halfway.

What happened?

Looks like I was stunned…

and many more!

Even oneself can’t bear this lightning, isn’t it extraordinary?

Thinking of this, Teacher Feng was excited and looked up.

But seeing Mu Feihua standing in front of him, holding a long spear, her hair wafting, she was very handsome.

Thousands of miles in the sky, spotless, as if washed.

“What about the thunderstorm just now?” Teacher Feng was a little surprised.

Looking at the sky, who can imagine that the black clouds were still churning, lightning and thunder?

Mu Feifan said: “After being tempered by thunder and lightning, this gun can be regarded as truly refined.”

Teacher Feng asked: “The rank of this gun?”

“Dao Item, and it is the best in Dao Item!” Mu Feifan smiled.

After working hard for so long, I finally made it a success.

He still has a sense of accomplishment.

“Dao Item?”

“You can refine Dao Item?”

Teacher Feng was stunned.

To be honest, Teacher Feng knew nothing about refining tools.

But he watched Mu Feihua’s refining almost the entire time, faintly feeling Bufan of this weapon.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Dao Item!

There are few items in the entire academy, and they are all regarded as the treasures of the town, not owned by individuals.



“If you are not my student, I suspect that you are some old monster reincarnated!”

Mentor Feng suffered from rounds of shocks in his heart, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

“It’s okay, it’s not difficult to refine Dao Item.” Mu Feihua said casually.

Teacher Feng was speechless: “Don’t hit ordinary people like us.”

Mu Feifan is even more speechless. When did Nascent Soul become ordinary people?

And he just said it quite rightly, without any arrogant tone.

In Mu Feifei’s view, only the materials are complete, it is really not difficult to refine Dao Item.

The difficulty this time is mainly because the materials are very rare and difficult to handle.

After today, Mu Feifan didn’t want to refine tools for a long time.

It really consumes Mental Energy.

At this time, Teacher Feng asked: “I remember Dao Items are generally smart, right? What about your gun?”

Mu Feifan glanced at the spear, and said, “I have portrayed the psychic formation. At this moment, the beast soul should have transformed into a weapon…”

His voice lowered towards the end.

Because the spear suddenly came alive, like a python, and began to wrap around his waist.

Tighter and tighter!

Teacher Feng was shocked: “Extraordinary, what’s the matter?”

Mu Feifan also panicked inwardly: “I don’t know either.”

Teacher Feng: “Are you a gun or a rope?”

Mu Feifan: “Because the toughness of the gun is too good!”

Instructor Feng wants to go up and help: “Don’t brag about it at this time, and get free quickly!”

At this time, a strange brilliance burst out of the gun body, and it fell on the ground to form a hazy phantom outline.

The outline is very slender and clearer.

Under the shocked eyes of the two, the phantom finally solidified.

She turned into a young girl wearing a slender imperial robe with cat ears erected on her head and a long tail behind her!


The two shouted in unison.

Instructor Feng was stunned, the spirit of this vessel was too pure, it was completely different from what he had imagined.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

This girl is too damn familiar.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes, and a majestic imperial might whizzed out.

The whole world is discolored.

Mentor Feng and Mu Feifan’s faces turned green.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would come alive, and this soaring force… I actually broke through.”

The girl stretched out her right hand and looked carefully.

The next moment, she glanced at Mu Feifan slantingly, and opened her small mouth slightly, revealing her sharp tiger teeth.

“Long time no see, my enemy!” The girl’s voice was cold, even mocking.

Mu Feifan was still wrapped in a spear at the moment, and his face was almost red in sauce.

He was very upset now.

Oh shit!


He didn’t know that after the beast soul morphed into an instrumental spirit, he could still retain his previous memories.

This is too ridiculous!

In fact, I can’t blame the extraordinary, after all, there is no record of this in the Grandmaster refining technique.

Because every Dao Item is unique.

There is no similar experience to refer to.

Instructor Feng watched the two for a long time, and finally determined one thing.

They have hatred!

And the hatred is not light.

“Bold tiger demon, how dare to hurt my students, I am going to act for the sky today!” Teacher Feng shouted, awe-inspiring.

His Spirit Power surged, with terrible air currents around him, and his long hair bulged, like a peerless fairy descending on the world.

“Tiger demon?” The girl smiled contemptuously: “Look at this emperor’s supreme face, where is it like a demon?”

The tiger teeth at the corner of her mouth are looming, the cat ears on her head tower, and the white tiger tail swings gently behind her.

Teacher Feng was shocked.

Why doesn’t this look like a demon?

“go to hell!”

Teacher Feng broke out completely at this moment, and Spirit Power swept through like a storm, pushing out with invincibility.

I have to say that the teacher Feng at this moment is really like a god descending from the earth, and the means reach the sky.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

It turns out that Teacher Feng has such a handsome side!

I should never die!

The next moment.

The girl gently waved her hand, and slapped Teacher Feng into the air.

Teacher Feng slammed into the corner of the yard like a ball. He screamed and fainted.

A cloud of dust was splashed.

Mu Feifan opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

The girl then looked at Mu Feifan, put her hand on his shoulder with a smile, and said, “No one will bother us now~”

Although this sounded like a lover’s ambiguous words, Mu Feifei didn’t think so at all.

Because the girl’s hand on his shoulder suddenly produced five sharp nails, like tiger claws.

Mu Feifan shouted: “Wait!”

“When I am dying, can you let me say something?”

“No!” The girl refused decisively.

“I want to say…” Mu Feifei did not give up on himself.

The girl was speechless, and once again witnessed the thickness of the other’s face.

Mu Feifan took a deep breath and brewed his emotions.

When he raised his head again, a faint melancholy appeared in his eyes.

“Ask what love in the world is, only teach life and death…” His low and slightly hoarse voice echoed in the wind.

The girl’s tiger paw that was about to pinch Mu Feifan’s neck stopped abruptly.

“What do you mean? Speaking of silver!”

Mu Feifan’s face showed unprecedented tenderness, and even blushes appeared on his face.

Of course he would not say that this was caused by being tightened by a spear.

“We have experienced life and death together, shouldn’t we cherish it more?” Mu Feifan’s eyes were full of affection, staring at the girl closely.

The girl was silent.

Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched lightly, hum, I played such a super standard, and asked the girl in the world, who can stand it?

“So, this is the reason you killed me?” The girl suddenly sneered: “Since life and death agree, then you have to die once, it’s fair!”

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

The script is not arranged like this, is it?

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