Chapter 171 Shoot at me and go straight to the list!

Mu Feihua lost his eyes for a while.

This scene is so familiar!

The problem is, I haven’t made a breakthrough yet, so I can’t be struck by lightning, right?

The black clouds gathered more and more, and the entire sky became a lot lower, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

It makes people feel boundlessly depressed.

The thick clouds rolled, and countless Razers roamed among them.


The next moment, a lightning bolt as thick as a giant python descended.

The dim world is immediately as bright as day!

The more Teacher Feng looked at him, the more things went wrong, why did this lightning strike Mu Feifan?

“not good!”

He suddenly thought of something and rushed over immediately.

I’m just such a proud student, don’t be hacked to death.

But what’s the matter with such a strange expression of Extraordinary?

He doesn’t seem to be worried at all!

At this moment, Mu Feihua could see at a glance that the lightning this time was not an order of magnitude compared with the breakthrough thunder catastrophe last time.

He analyzed that it should be the celestial phenomenon caused by the birth of Dao Item!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan held up his spear, like a large lightning rod.

He watched the lightning come.

There was some tension in my heart, and more, still excited.

Suddenly, Teacher Feng rushed over, pushed Mu Feifan away, and shouted extremely bravely: “Don’t hack my student, let me come!”


Lightning descended and hit Mentor Feng straight.

Mu Feifan fell on the ground with a dazed expression.

Teacher Feng, are you misunderstanding?

Didn’t you see my excited expression?

Don’t you know that this kind of power is a piece of cake for me?

At this moment, Teacher Feng was trembling like sifting chaff under the shower of lightning.

The trembling movement seemed to be stunned by someone using Gatling.

To be honest, Mu Feifei was still a little touched.

So, he watched as Teacher Feng was blown up by the electric hair, smoked from his mouth, and finally planted on the ground with his face up to the sky.

Now, no one stops me!

Mu Feifan stood up and held up the spear again.

“For the transformation of Dao Item, shoot at me!”

It seems that God can’t understand his arrogant approach.

The next moment, ten lightning bolts descended at the same time, like a group of dragons raging across the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sky is torn apart!

The sky and the ground are all the roar of explosions!

If a living person is here, he will be frightened and fainted.

All the islands in the academy have no abnormal changes in the sky.

Only above Jianlu Island, the darkness was crushed.

This thunderstorm is still partial.

It is also outrageous.

At this time Jianlu Island, in addition to the teachers and students, there is also the maid Xiaolan.

However, the girl fainted a long time ago, completely unable to withstand the shock of the sky.

The lightning swarms fell, unstoppable.

There was no fear in Mu Feihua’s eyes.

Even with a trace of contempt.

In the next second, the endless thunderbolt hit the spear, followed the barrel of the spear, extended to Mu Feifan, and then together with the earth.

This forms a circuit!

But on the other hand, Mu Feihua, except for the burnt smell on the hospital clothes, slightly puffed hair, and no discomfort all over the body.

The sharpness in his eyes is even stronger.

“That’s it?”

Mu Feifan sneered.

After Tianlei’s bath, the spear seemed to become more tempered, producing a strange rhyme.

“I heard that only weapons with Dao are qualified to be called Dao Item.”

“I don’t know what Taoism is born with my spear?”

Suddenly, the spear hummed and trembled violently in Mu Feifei’s hands.

“This is… a big killing technique?” Mu Feifei immediately felt telepathy with the spear.

He aimed at the sky and shot out suddenly!

One shot is fired, forming the ultimate destructive power of killing!

Suddenly, the dark long cloud was torn apart, forming a turbulent flow, sweeping away in all directions.

It was originally overcast, and it disintegrated in an instant.

This gun, carrying a terrible killing technique, pierced the sky!

Mu Feihua stood in place, letting the strong wind roar, hunting and hunting in his hospital uniform, like a supreme god king.

The eight-foot long spear, like it was built for him to measure his voice, set off Mu Feihua even more unattainable, as if a god descended to the world, bringing huge coercion.

“Dao Item, it’s done!”

“Since you will smash Changtian as soon as you come out, let’s call you the Demon Emperor’s Sky-Breaking Spear!”

Mu Feifan stroked the gun body, the more he watched, the more he liked it.

It was the same moment after he named the spear.

Above a certain ocean in the alliance.

There is an isolated island shrouded in thick fog.

On the island, there stood a 300-meter-high wall, which suddenly burst into the sky.

The light shines in the sky, trying to break through the layers of confusion.

It’s just that the fog is really weird, and the light just touched it, and it was blocked, as if for fear of spreading to the outside world.

Next to the stone wall, two middle-aged men in specific uniforms opened their eyes from meditation at the same time.

“Lao Lei, with this change, is there any powerful weapon born in the ten thousand realms?” One person asked in amazement.

Another person named Lao Lei raised his head directly, his gaze fell on the stone wall.

I saw the name on the eleventh row of Shek Pik, but automatically moved back one row!

And in the eleventh row that was vacant, an unfamiliar name suddenly appeared.

“The Demon Emperor’s Sky Breaking Spear? This new weapon occupies such a high ranking position?” the first person exclaimed.

Lao Lei was calmer and said, “Lao Shui, please contact the palace lord first.”

The other party immediately took out the contact symbol.

On this isolated island, there is no cell phone signal or something.

Only through special liaisons can we communicate with the outside world.

Soon, the voice from the other side came over.

“Shui Wanshi, Lei Qianqiu, what happened?” This is a middle-aged man’s voice full of magnetism.

“Back to the palace lord, the list of Ten Thousand Realms Sacred Weapon was suddenly updated, and the eleventh place was replaced. The new weapon is called the Demon Emperor Sky-Breaking Spear.” Shui Wanshi said.

The middle-aged person asked: “Which Otherworld do you come from, and what’s the serial number?”

Shui Wanshi winked at Lei Qianqiu.

Lei Qianqiu immediately hit the eleventh line with a decisive battle, and a line of small characters appeared behind the Demon Emperor’s Sky-Breaking Spear.

Shui Wanshi said immediately: “M78STAR666.”

The middle-aged man was silent, as if looking for something.

Shui Wanshi waited quietly, but the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Um…It turned out to be this Otherworld.” The middle-aged man said after a long time.

Shui Wanshi said: “Will the birth of this weapon affect the balance of this Otherworld? Does the alliance send people to suppress it?”

The middle-aged man suddenly smiled faintly: “I know this Otherworld, if there is a clone of the senior, there will be no trouble. If you continue to be on duty, you don’t need to pay attention to the new weapon.”

Contact breaks.

Shui Wanshi looked at Lei Qianqiu, wonderingly asked, “Lao Lei, what’s the situation?”

Lei Qianqiu said: “There are not many people in this world who are qualified to be called senior by the palace lord.”

Sui Wanshi suddenly thought of something, and the whole person was shocked.

He raised his head and looked at the Ten Thousand Realms Sacred Tool List.

The ten weapons above the Demon Emperor Skybreaker Spear are undoubtedly above Dao Item!

Either one is enough to suppress a world!

And ranked first, it turned out to be two weapons that go hand in hand.

Above it shows impressively: Holy King Sword Demon Abyss Sword.

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