Chapter 173 Conquered without doing anything?

At this moment, the girl’s tiger claws climbed up again.

It seems that she is determined to kill Mu Feihua this time.

Of course Mu Feifei will not wait to die.

He was thinking hard about which step of the link had a problem.

Why is Qi Ling completely disobedient.

You want to kill me!

If I had just finished Dao Item, I would die in the hands of the tool spirit, I am afraid I will be the most aggrieved tool master in history.

At this time, the tiger claws set off a terrible wind.

The wind was like a knife, slashing Mu Feifan’s face fiercely.

Mu Feifan’s pupils shrank.

Get rid of the shackles of the spear first!

He suddenly yelled, his body surged, and golden hairs appeared all over his body.

At this moment, Mu Feihua became a golden-haired great ape.

But the height is not very prominent.

Because of being entangled with the spear, the body’s growth was restricted.


Mu Feifan let out another roar.

Muscles bulged one after another, and their vigor exploded.

Like a trapped beast in a cage, it must break free and tear the bondage.

Suddenly, he felt the spear lost its strength, and unexpectedly fell off and fell directly to the ground.

what happened?

When Mu Feifan saw it, his face was shocked.

I saw the demon emperor girl who was originally murderous, half kneeling in front of Mu Feihua, her eyes full of fanatical worship.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

what’s the situation?

Did I do nothing?

Conquered this tiger girl?

The girl said: “Please forgive me for my shallow ignorance. I have always wrongly blamed the king as a traitor to the monster race, but after seeing the king’s true tolerance, I know how ridiculously wrong I am!”

“A noble bloodline like you is completely the head of all monsters. It only takes time to grow, and you can definitely become the king of the entire world!”

“I am willing to follow the king all my life and witness you step by step to the top of the world!”

The shock on Mu Feifan’s face continued to increase.

Is this all possible?

He immediately understood.

The blood of the mountain great ape is very noble.

The higher the level of Demonic Beasts, the more horror Mu Feifan can feel.

On the contrary, those low-level Demonic Beasts can’t see much.

This is the suppression from the bloodline.

Why are antelopes inherently afraid of lions and mice inherently afraid of cats?

Because from their ancestors, this fear of high-level existence has been engraved in the blood and multiplied from generation to generation.

At this moment, the girl’s fear of Mu Feihua originated from this.

Mu Feifan felt regretful afterwards.

I had known this before, at the beginning of the secret realm, I should be incarnate as a great ape!

And now, he has only figured out why the instrumental spirit is not obedient.

Because the most important step is missing.

Recognize the Lord with a drop of blood!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan scratched his finger and dropped a drop of Blood Essence on the spear.

At the same time, he recited the mantra silently in his heart.

The next moment, the spear shines.

At this moment, the girl trembled all over.

There seems to be an invisible bond between her and Mu Feihua.

When she looked up again, the worship in the girl’s eyes disappeared.

It was replaced by a rare fascination.

It’s like being immersed in something you like.

“Master…” The girl half-kneeled on the ground with a hint of blush on her face.

Mu Feifan nodded.

Even the title has changed and he is no longer called the king.

If you say that before, the girl was just instinctively surrendered under the suppression of noble blood.

After acknowledging the master this time, the girl completely recognized the extraordinary master.

Suddenly, Mu Feihua felt a warm strange feeling from his fingers.

He looked down.


Suddenly startled.

I saw the girl kneeling in front of him, opening her pink lips and holding his fingers.

“Master, you are hurt.”

She lifted her face slightly, her innocent face with irregular flushing, and her eyes were silky.

Mu Feifan was startled.

Who can imagine that the young girl who was as tall as the empress just now knelt in front of her, making such a shy move?

“No, I’m not so hypocritical.” Scared Mu Feihua hurriedly pulled out.

The girl’s face was getting redder and red, all red to the base of her neck.

She asked in a low voice, “Master, did you just say, ask what love is in the world, and only teach life and death?”

Mu Feifan:? !

How did you remember this time?

The girl suddenly stood up, and with a light push, Mu Feihua fell to the ground.

She lifted the skirt to reveal her slender legs, and she wanted to sit up.

Mu Feifan was shocked: “Wait, what are you going to do?”

The girl said shyly: “I don’t know why, as soon as I see the master, I can’t wait to try this with you.”

“I want to experience the feeling of life and death in my master.”

“Master, please satisfy me.”

Mu Feifan is messy, life and death is not what he meant!

He hurriedly waved: “Wait!”

The girl Chuchu pitifully asked: “What’s the matter, do you dislike me as just a tool…”

Taking advantage of this time, Mu Feifan hurried to the side and said, “Calm down, I have a wife.”

The girl said firmly: “I don’t care!”


Mu Feifan was about to vomit blood.

He calmly said: “You put your legs away and talk.”

The girl screamed, and then put the skirt back on.

Only then did Mu Feifan say: “First, I don’t despise you as a tool spirit.”

“Second, we will be a comrade-in-arms relationship in the future.”

“Third, don’t overthrow me at every turn.”

The girl said with regret: “The last thing the concubine can’t do…”

“Then bear it!” Mu Feifan said.

The girl screamed, but she was aggrieved and had to listen.

“By the way, what’s your name?” Mu Feifan asked.

It was the first time that he asked the other person’s name, otherwise he couldn’t call it Hu Niu Hu Niu.

This nickname was given to girls by Little Turkey.

“My girlfriend’s name is Youbai.” The girl replied.

You Bai?

Why is this name so familiar?

Only then did Mu Feifan remember.

Isn’t that the first two words of the young White Tiger?

I have to say that the name is really random!

“Youbai, nothing will happen in the future. Just stay in the spear. Come out when I call you.” Mu Feifan said.

Youbai nodded, looked at him reluctantly, then turned into a light and got into the gun body.

Only then did Mu Feihua revert to a human form.

As soon as he picked up the spear, a moan came from the corner of the yard.

I saw Mentor Feng grabbed his head and got up, standing tremblingly upright.

Mu Feifan hurried over, with a worried expression on his face.

Teacher Feng fainted twice this day, so don’t get knocked out of a concussion.


My own Dao Item’s birth day, but it was Feng Mentor’s day of crucifixion.

“Extraordinary, what about that demon?” Teacher Feng asked strangely.

“I was subdued.” Mu Feifei told the truth.


Teacher Feng looked at Mu Feifan very strangely.

He thought of the terrible legend about the other party again.

Is that man in black really extraordinary?

Teacher Feng fought a cold war uncontrollably.

Mu Feifan asked with concern: “Teacher Feng, are you catching a cold?”

Teacher Feng Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “I think it is more appropriate for you to be my teacher in the future.”

I fainted twice in front of Mu Feihua, which is really shameful!

And when something went wrong, it was all resolved by Mu Feihua.

My own mentor is too useless.


Teacher Feng was a little bit shocked.

Mu Feifan comforted: “Teacher Feng, in fact, you were still very handsome when you swung the sledgehammer.”

Teacher Feng:? ? ?

Are you sure this is comforting me?

Not pushing to death?

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