Chapter 168: Never Ask the Price, The Treasure of the Town Shop

In the dragon-shaped flame, the trunk slowly twisted and deformed.

Shen Santong was shocked.

What kind of flame is this?

At the first glance, Bufan’s giant axe couldn’t leave a mark on the trunk, but now it was burned to deform by the flame?

At this time, Mu Feifan took the flames back.

He said with satisfaction: “I want this trunk!”

Shen Santong was silent for a while.

Why don’t you ask the price?

Are you sure you are not going to grab it?

At this moment, Mu Fanping’s gaze casually fell on the huge sea dragon beast skeleton outside.

“I want this skeleton too!”


Shen Santong only felt that he was hit by the head, and he almost fell.

“Boss Mu, absolutely must not, this is the treasure of the small shop, not for sale.” He said hurriedly.

Mu Feifan said: “What’s the treasure of the town shop, isn’t it just for pretending to be used?”

“Instead of staying here, the pearl is covered in dust, it’s better to use the refining device, which can still shine and heat.”

Shen Santong felt that his mouth was blocked, and he wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say.

At this time, Mu Feifei began to wander around the store, constantly looking at the products.

Shen Santong followed him cautiously, with a look of awkwardness.

Mu Feifan: “You don’t need to accompany me, I just watch it casually.”

Shen Santong suddenly got bold, and finally asked what he was most worried about: “Boss Mu, don’t you ask how much the two items cost just now?”

Mu Feifan, who was still looking at the merchandise, suddenly stopped.

Shen Santong stared at his back and couldn’t help but take a few steps towards the retreated.

Does the other party really want to grab it?

After being dismantled, do you want to tear your face with yourself?

He was very worried.

At this moment, Mu Feifan slowly turned his head, his tone was a bit cold: “What? Are you a black shop here?”


Shen Santong was dumbfounded by the question, and hurriedly said, “Of course, a small shop is not a black shop.”

“Since it’s not a black shop, what are you worried about?” Mu Feifei asked rhetorically.

Shen Santong wiped the sweat on his forehead: “I just saw that the boss didn’t ask about the price, which was a bit strange.”

Mu Feifei smiled: “It turns out that it is.”

“Boss Shen, I never ask the price when I buy things.”

Shen Santong had doubts on his face.

“Because I can afford it.” Mu Feifei said casually.

It’s just that this understatement fell in Shen Santong’s eyes and turned into a kind of unpredictable.

Damn it!

I ran into a big customer today!

Boss Mu is definitely capable!

Shen Santong was shocked. He had been operating the academy for decades and had not yet met the second person who dared to say such things.

Even when the dean came in person, he had to weigh the prices of the goods.

But Boss Mu in front of him really didn’t even ask.

Are local tyrants so headstrong?

Shen Santong felt that he had seen a lot of rich people, but compared with Boss Mu, they were simply unworthy of carrying shoes.

“Because as long as it is not a black shop, the price fluctuates up and down the market price, even if it is a little bit more expensive, I can accept it, after all, the business needs to make a little bit.” Mu Feifan said lightly.

Shen Santong’s heart was hit again!

At that moment, he had an urge to cry.

Boss Mu is too right!

I didn’t expect him to be so considerate.

It is not easy to know our business.

By doing reselling as a middleman, you can’t make much money in the first place.

You also need to sullen down your customers.

It’s no different from a servant.

Boss Mu, really won my heart!

Suddenly, Shen Santong gritted his teeth and said, “Boss Mu, in fact, this shop has a treasure of the town. But I think Boss Mu has a good relationship with me. If you need it, you can pack it and sell it to you.”

Mu Feifan has a weird face.

The treasure of the town shop?

Just now when he asked for the skeleton of the sea dragon beast, the other party still looked pained.

Didn’t you just say a few more words now, why did you become congenial all at once?

But to be able to acquire a new baby, Mu Feihua is naturally happy.

He is not bad at money now, his mentality has changed a lot from before, and his consumption outlook is almost the same as in his previous life.

Shen Santong took Mu Feifan to the door of another room.

As soon as he opened the door, a surging spirit rushed out of the room.


Mu Feifan looked over.

I saw a huge stone the size of a bedboard lying in the room with a strange luster on it.

Shen Santong: “This is the meteorite iron from the outside world, it is extremely precious, it was bought by my ancestors, and I have been reluctant to sell it.”

“Meteorite from the outside world?” Mu Feifan walked over, taking a closer look.

When he was about to use Shanhe Axe to test, he was stopped by Shen Santong.

“Boss Mu, I can’t make it. Although I don’t know the rank of your great axe, there was a mentor who tried with a treasure, but was knocked out of a gap by the meteorite iron.” Shen Santong kindly reminded.

Mu Feifan nodded.

Unexpectedly, this meteorite iron is so hard, it is not a product of Otherworld, but from outside the sky.

He took out the disused Lingshi battle armor and slammed it against the meteorite iron.


The shattering of the Lingxi armor is more thorough.

“This is a good thing.” Mu Feifan’s eyes showed fiery heat: “Let’s talk about the skeleton of the sea dragon beast, the trunk of the sacred tree of extreme thunder, and the meteorite iron outside the sky. I have all the total amount!”

Shen Santong ran out, picking up an abacus, and crackling.

Soon, he said: “Boss Mu, the market price of fourth-level materials ranges from 30,000 to 50,000, but my sea dragon beast and meteorite are also among the best in the fourth-level. I count you as twelve. How about Wan Spirit Stones?”

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Feifan knew that Shen Santong had returned the discount, and immediately said, “Yes.”

He took out a bag of Spirit Stones and handed it over.

Shen Santong looked at it and was stunned: “It turned out to be all medium-grade Spirit Stones.”

Mu Feifan: “Why, you don’t accept medium-grade Spirit Stones here?”

Shen Santong hurriedly said: “Of course not. I originally wanted to give Boss Mu a little discount, but now it seems that I am taking advantage.”

Mu Feifei took away all three materials.

Fortunately, a part of the storage bag has been emptied recently, or I really can’t put it down.

Especially the thirty-meter-long skeleton of the sea dragon beast.

Shen Santong kept sending Mu Feifan to the door and quietly asked, “Boss Mu, do you know how to refine tools?”

“What?” Mu Feifan’s eyes were a little cold.

Shen Santong trembled with fright, and said, “Don’t get me wrong, Boss Mu. If Boss Mu can refine tools, we can work together. As far as I know, there are very few cultivators in the academy who can refine tools.”

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Cooperation is unnecessary, but if you have any rare high-level materials, you can contact me at any time.”

Shen Santong was overjoyed and immediately exchanged contact information with Mu Feifan.

He kept watching Mu Feihua leave, and then sighed regretfully: “Boss Mu is unwilling to cooperate with me. I missed a great opportunity to make a fortune.”

Mu Feihua, who has gone far, confidently said: “I can stand on my own. With the increase of the system, low-level materials can also be produced in batches. There is no need to cooperate with others!”

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