Chapter 167

Mu Feifan said: “Teacher Feng, you…”

Instructor Feng was frightened. He stepped back a dozen meters away like lightning and said, “I blamed me for a miss.”

“You have to calm down!”

“The impulse is the devil!”

Mu Feifan:…

Looking at the posture of Teacher Feng, it seems that something is wrong, and he has to run away.

At this time, Teacher Feng persuaded with all his heart: “If you are in a bad mood for a while, don’t smash the God of War Institute. The mentor will only have this family business. The seven branches next door can smash any of them, Dean. The main courtyard where you are can also be smashed!”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

what happened?

I just broke my iron spear, I want you to get another one for me.

Where did you come from so many scenes?

Instructor Feng stared at Mu Feihua’s face, watching the intricate changes in his expression, and the tension in his heart increased instead of decreasing.

In case my student is really the man in black, ten God of War colleges are not enough for him to dismantle.

Thinking of the sword of the man in black that turned everything into ruins, Teacher Feng couldn’t help shaking.

The cold, lonely and proud setting that has been maintained for many years has collapsed.

Seeing Mu Feifan taking another step forward, Teacher Feng immediately shouted, “Don’t come over!”

Mu Feifan froze in place.

Instructor Feng looked at Mu Feifan very nervously, it seemed that every subtle movement of the other party was a signal of danger.

“Teacher Feng, have you misunderstood something?” Mu Feifan spread his hands out, saying that it was because he didn’t have a gun.

Misunderstand you!

If you go violently, the whole courtyard can’t stop you!

And those two hands, what are they doing sneakily, are they going to make a big move?

Teacher Feng’s heart was roaring.

He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and he rose into the air.

“For the sake of my hard work, don’t demolish the God of War Academy!”

Instructor Feng directly turned away, leaving only an echo in the air.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Feng would run away like this.

I’m pretty good. Why do you want to demolish the God of War Academy? I am not a graduate of Lan Xiang.

To be honest, Teacher Feng’s reaction was very normal, and there was no exaggeration at all.

If you have seen the picture of the man in black, it would be nice to be able to stand in front of Mu Feifan without getting soft, let alone teach him to class.

However, there is a long way to pass the industry, and life is more important.

At this time, Mu Feifan’s contact note sounded.

“Brother Mu, the owner of the material store contacted me and said that there is a new batch of dry goods in the store. Brother Bao can’t get out of it if we add meals. If you are okay, go and check it out!” It was Fang Qingxian’s voice.

Mu Feifan said: “Yes, tell me the address.”

An hour later, Mu Feifei appeared in front of a material store on the main island.

I have to say that the main island is really vast, and a lot of work was spent on this journey.

He observed from the outside and found that the store is not small in scale and the decoration is very luxurious.

Although I don’t know what the boss said about dry goods, but looking at this strong atmosphere of local tyrants, I will not disappoint.

When Mu Feifei walked in, suddenly there was a feeling of black suffocation.

He looked up.


Facing him is a huge bone dragon head facing him.

Mu Feifan’s body shook slightly, a sharp spear intent condensed, and he was about to release it.

“Sorry, I’m scared you, this is the skeleton of the sea dragon beast!” A chubby boss came to the distance and said apologetically.

“It turned out to be a dead thing.” Only then did Mu Feifan reduce all his breath and look at it again.

I saw that although this sea dragon beast only had its skeleton, there was still a touch of coercion lingering all over the body.

The boss said: “Excuse me, what do you want to buy? This shop sells various grades of materials with a complete variety.”

Mu Feifei said directly: “I’m not interested in low-level materials, I just want dry goods.”

The boss asked in surprise: “What is the relationship between Xiaofang and the guest officer?”

Mu Feifan calmly said: “You are the owner of this store, and I am his owner.”

When the boss heard this, he looked at Mu Feihua cautiously.

He had seen how angry Fang Qingxian was a while ago.

Fang Qingxian was young, and he didn’t expect to sweep all third-level and above materials in the academy as soon as he shot it. The powerful purchasing power was staggering.

The boss hasn’t taken this big order for a long time.

And now, standing in front of him was the boss behind Xiao Fang.

From the look of the other party, it seems that he is younger than Xiao Fang.

And there is a sense of depth that people can’t see through.

Thinking of this, the boss immediately raised the spirit of one hundred and twenty minutes and said with a smile: “So that’s it, the villain is called Shen Santong, dare to ask the guest officer’s name?”

“Mu Feifan.”

“Boss Mu, why don’t we go see the goods first?”

Mu Feifan nodded, and went in with Shen Santong.

As he moved forward, Mu Feifan noticed how long the bones of this sea dragon beast were.

At least thirty meters above!

Make the shop like a museum.

Shen Santong came to a small hidden hall and opened a large box with a simple shape.

Mu Feifan looked over.

I saw a huge tree trunk lying in the box, very thick, like a dark brown boulder.

Shen Santong explained: “This is a section of the trunk of the Extreme Thunder Sacred Tree. It was obtained by an experience team from a secret realm somewhere in the academy. It is said that because of it, two team members were killed.”

“In the plant Realm, the Extreme Thunder Sacred Tree is extremely valuable, no different from the fourth-level Demonic Beasts.”

“This tree trunk is full of thunder and lightning. It is an excellent material for refining!”

Mu Feifan picked up the trunk and took a closer look.


Between the tree trunks, there are strands of gold filaments, which are arcs jumping.

Next, Mu Fei Fei silently took out the mountain and river axe.

A fierce air that crushed all things immediately filled the small hall.

Shen Santong’s expression changed drastically: “Guest, what are you doing?”

Without a word, Mu Feihua raised the mountain and river axe and slashed fiercely on the tree trunk.


The movement was great, and the sound wave shook the void.

Shen Santong was dumbfounded.

Mu Feifan’s posture with an axe just now was no different from those thugs who rushed to life.

Shen Santong trembled, for fear that the other party would slash him with an axe.

Mu Feifan glanced at the tree trunk again, and only then showed a satisfied smile: “Yes, it really is a material comparable to fourth-level Demonic Beasts.”

Shen Santong wiped the sweat from his face.

It turned out to be test material!

However, Shen Santong felt that the other party was too worried.

Dare to lie in the academy, for fear that it is not too long.

Moreover, Shen Santong could see at a glance, Mu Feifan’s purple-gold uniform that showed his identity.

Inner courtyard disciple!

Even with the courage of Shen Santong, he did not dare to offend the inner court disciples.

The status of the inner court disciples in the academy is so high that it is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

Shen Santong was thinking, suddenly his face changed drastically!

Seeing a dragon-shaped flame in Mu Feifan’s hand, the temperature of the entire small hall immediately rose.

The flame quickly wrapped around the tree trunk.

Shen Santong was shocked.

He has opened a store for decades and has never met such a customer.

It was chopped and burned once it came up.

Burning, killing and plundering?

Just a captivity?

Shen Santong was so frightened that his whole body began to tremble.

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