Chapter 169: Not an Idle, The Instructor Cried

As soon as Mu Feifan returned to Jianlu Island, he immediately hung up a sign saying that no one enters at the gate of the yard.

He is about to prepare a refining device!

The refining this time is of great importance and must not be disturbed.

Afterwards, Mu Feifan’s Divine Sense went into the storage bag.

The prompt in my mind appeared immediately.

Obtained a trunk of the fourth-level early stage of the extremely thunder sacred tree.

System rewards (optional):

One: There are one hundred trunks of the fourth-level early stage.

Two: The trunk of the fifth-level early stage Jilei hibiscus tree.

Obtained a skeleton of the fourth-level middle stage Sea Dragon Beast.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred skeletons of the fourth-level middle stage sea dragon beast.

Two: The skeleton of the fifth-level middle stage Sea Dragon King beast.

Obtain a piece of outer meteorite iron.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred pieces of meteorite iron outside the sky.

Two: The star is a piece of iron.

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and then all chose the second item.

Now that we are ready to refine a powerful weapon, we must choose the best materials at this stage.

Ji Lei Fu Mulberry and Tian Wai Star Iron were quickly taken out.

As for the skeleton of the Sea Dragon King beast, it is too huge, after the increase, it is as large as fifty meters.

Mu Feifan only uses its spine.

After removing the head, tail and limbs, it is 30 meters long.

Mu Feifan could only incarnate as a golden-haired giant ape, take out the spine of the Dragon King beast, and carefully spread it out in the courtyard.

Everything is ready, start the first step of real fire tempering.

Soon, a month passed.

Both materials have been refined, and the essence has been condensed into the prototype of a weapon.

It is the spine and the trunk.

It is hard to imagine that the 30-meter spine has been tempered to a length of seven feet.

At first glance, the silver light bursts and pierces the eyes.

But Longwei was completely preserved, and penetrates the bone essence.

The trunk of the tree turned into circles of shinning thunder.

Admired and meticulously wrapped around the surface of the keel.

At this point, a gun barrel has finally been built.

The keel is hard and hard to break, but also has toughness and elasticity, which can be called the best.

Afterwards, Mu Feifan looked at the Star Tie, the size of the bed board, and was a little worried.

He thought that the hardest thing to temper was the keel.

But now it seems that it is this strange piece of iron.

Although the real fire of the Primordial Devil Dragon can slowly melt it, the efficiency is too low.

With such a large Star Iron, all refined and refined, it is estimated that Mu Feifan will not have to do anything this year.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan’s inspiration flashed, and he thought of something.

He immediately took out the contact symbol and called someone.

An hour later.

The door of the small courtyard was pushed open, and a young man with an immortal temperament walked in suspiciously, still muttering to himself: “Does Extraordinary live here? Why are there idlers hanging at the door?”

“Teacher Feng, you are not an idler, welcome to the humble house.” Mu Feifei greeted with a smile.

The person who came was the teacher Feng who had been gone for a long time.

“What are you looking for me?” Teacher Feng muttered to himself as he watched Mu Feifan’s smile so enthusiastically.

Mu Feifan said: “Teacher Feng, I want to refine a piece of iron ore, but my real fire content is too low, so I want to ask you a favor.”

Teacher Feng was finally relieved.

As long as it doesn’t come to find fault.

Suddenly, he realized something and couldn’t help asking: “Quenching iron ore…Do you know how to refine tools?”

“A little bit.” Mu Feifan said modestly.

Teacher Feng smiled and said: “I didn’t expect you to be good at a lot of things. By the way, what kind of iron ore is, please take it out quickly, as long as it is under my infant fire, any iron ore…”

Mu Feifan pointed to his back.

There lay a star iron the size of a bedboard.

Teacher Feng’s eyes stared out: “So big?”

“Refining this weapon is very important to the students, thank you Teacher Feng!” Mu Feifan put his hands together and made a begging gesture.

It’s rare to see Mu Feifan still so well-behaved, Teacher Feng bit his head and said, “Then leave it to me.”

He was directly angry with Dantian, and then burst out a surging infant fire.

Suddenly, the flames raged, all blasting on the star iron outside the sky.

However, after burning for a long time, it burned lonely.

The surface of Star’s iron was still glowing, and there was no tendency to melt at all.

The air suddenly quieted down.

Teacher Feng:…

Mu Feifan:…

Teacher Feng’s face blushed: “You are an extraordinary iron mine.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Alien products, can they be general?

Suddenly, Mu Feifan opened his palm, and a dragon-shaped flame gushed out of it, which was the true fire of the Primordial Devil Dragon.

The real fire fell on the Star iron, slowly melting, and even the iron juice oozing from the surface could be seen.

Teacher Feng was shocked: “What kind of fire are you, it is even stronger than my Nascent Soul cultivator’s infant fire!”

Mu Feifan is not surprised.

Without a real fire to take advantage of, how to dominate the refining world?

The disadvantage is that the content is a bit small.

It’s okay for general materials.

But tempering the strange iron like Star iron, which does not invade water and fire, is somewhat powerless.

“Teacher Feng, you continue to breathe fire.” Mu Feihua reminded.

Instructor Feng nodded, and gradually spouted infant fire from his mouth, blending with the real fire.

At this time, something magical happened.

I saw that the true fire of the Primordial Devil Dragon directly swallowed the infant fire, gradually growing in size, and the efficiency of tempering was also Ascension.


“Teacher Feng, come on!”

Mu Feifan saw hope.

Instructor Feng nodded bitterly.

A steady stream of infant fire spews out, assisting the real fire of the Primordial Demon Dragon.

Time flies, two months have passed.

Instructor Feng is still vomiting infantile fire.

He feels like a small worker who has been busy in front of the barbecue grill.

Mu Feifan was holding a handful of skewers next to him, and from time to time it was grilled on a baby fire, and the aroma was full of burnt aromas.

Teacher Feng was about to cry.

My dignified Nascent Soul cultivator is actually used as a tool by you.

“Teacher Feng, come on, you are the best!” Mu Feifei began to beat him up again.

Teacher Feng stopped, and Chu Chu said pitifully, “I want to rest for a while, but my voice is full of smoke.”

Mu Feifan handed over a skewers: “Come, eat one and relax.”

Teacher Feng was very comforted to see that the students were still thinking about themselves.

It’s just that what’s going on with a mouthful of mouthfuls?

Mu Feifan observed the progress of the work and said, “I think it’s almost done.”

He slowly controlled the real fire, slowly condensing the essence of Star iron into a rough blank.

Instructor Feng was complaining about the skewers, and suddenly he passed a hammer in front of him.

He raised his head in surprise.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “Teacher Feng, you help me smash the blank into the shape of a spear head.”

Teacher Feng:? ? ?

“Why don’t you smash yourself?”

Mu Feifan sighed: “Students, this little Cultivation Base, really can’t move.”

Teacher Feng was shocked.

Is this to make the identity of the tool person follow through to the end?

“No!” This was the last stubbornness of Teacher Feng.

Mu Feifan said solemnly: “The sledgehammer is eighty, the small hammer is forty!”


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