Chapter 138


The giant axe slashed hard.

Bai Lesheng only felt a violent wind blowing on his face, and hurriedly closed his eyes in fright.

There was a rumbling sound of earth and rock cracking overhead.

After a while, Bai Lesheng cautiously opened his eyes.

Shanhe axe stuck in the ground above his head.

Even some hair was shaved off.

Bai Le Sacred Heart has lingering fears.

If you cut another centimeter down, your brain will be gone!

However, it can also be seen that Mu Feihua has control over the subtleties.

“Accepted or not?” Mu Feifei asked with a smile.

After all, Bai Lesheng was second in the school. He took a deep breath and boldly said: “If I were in his heyday, I would not be much worse than you.”

Mu Feifan’s huge face was close again, and the pair of fierce pupils were all sarcasm.

Although it was in the state of a giant ape, Bai Lesheng could still recognize it through the expression of a giant ape, and Mu Feihua was mocking himself.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the real fight may decide life and death within a few seconds.

Who gives you time to prepare the big move?

Bai Lesheng knew that he was at a loss.

Anyway, Losing face is lost to grandma’s house, and it is not too late to lose it again.

Mu Feifan said: “I will give you time to prepare.”

Bai Lesheng was overjoyed and jumped out of the pit with a swish.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw the giant hill-like axe sticking behind his back, and he couldn’t help but gasp.

Frightened Bai Lesheng ran ten meters away and opened a safe distance, only to slap the storage bag.

Accompanied by a melodious rhythm, a guqin flew out and hung in front of Bai Lesheng.

Bai Lesheng began to infuse Spirit Power, his fingers flicking on the strings.

Mu Feifan watched this scene with great interest.

The reason why Bai Lesheng did this was not to be arrogant.

If he was a mortal enemy in Otherworld, Mu Feihua would have killed him with an axe.

But Bai Lesheng may be his teammate in the Fairy Way in the future, and of course he focuses on conquering.

Just imagine, when Bai Lesheng’s methods are exhausted, and then defeat him in one fell swoop, wouldn’t it make him more convinced?

As for whether it will overturn halfway.

Mu Feifan considered it.

But Bai Lesheng’s level obviously hasn’t reached the level that Mu Feihua needs to pay attention to.

At this moment, Bai Lesheng is still playing frantically.

From a distance, the air around Guqin fluctuates.

Mu Feifan yawned.

This prelude is indeed a bit long.

After a while, Bai Lesheng’s slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, exuding an unprecedented light!

“Heaven and earth resonate, desperate eighth!”

“Stick, kill, seize, shoot, pull, pull, spin, hammer!”

Accompanied by Bai Lesheng’s stern shout, the terrifying sound wave turned into a billowing wave, bombarding it.

Bang bang bang!

The surrounding trees burst into pieces.

The debris and branches all over the sky formed a shocking scene.

Mu Feifan heard a sound from his heart, and the blood in his whole body was also agitated.

Every inch of muscle was shaking gently.

The explosion of the trees continued, and the smoke and dust gathered up into fog, submerging Mu Feifan’s tall figure.

I don’t know how long it took.

The strumming stops.

Bai Lesheng panted, sweating profusely, as if being drained.

But his expression showed a sense of pride that he had never had before.

With Bai Lesheng as the center, all the vegetation around 50 meters has been turned into powder!

“Did you see it? Mu Feifan, this is my confidence!”

Bai Lesheng sneered.

Just now, with the powerful Spirit Power and musical attainments, I urged the eight syllables to be emitted.

Like a note of life-death, disturbing the world.

Forcibly turned this area into a Jedi!

The smoke is surging into the sky, slowly ascending.

Suddenly, Bai Lesheng’s expression was startled.

He seemed to see a tall silhouette behind the dense fog.


Bai Lesheng only felt an air-conditioning surge from the soles of his feet rushing towards the Tianling Gai.

Not only did Mu Feifan look unscathed, but also seemed to be a lap bigger.

However, it cannot be said that he was unharmed.

Now Mu Feifan, with golden hair roots standing upright all over his body, especially on the top of his head.

That incomparably drawn blond hair burst like a Super Saiyan!

“With the physique of my mountain giant ape, a little bit of stature, that desperate octave will fail.”

“Sure enough, to be a man is to be bigger and thicker.”

Mu Feifan said in a low voice.

Bai Lesheng’s face was like ashes.

Damn it!

With a full blow, he didn’t explode Mu Huanfa’s body, only his hair?

This is still a der!

Mu Feifan walked over and slapped Bai Lesheng!

Although it was a simple palm, in Bai Lesheng’s eyes, it was no different from Heaven and Earth Rift.


Bai Lesheng also took the piano, all of which were photographed into the soil.

How miserable it is.

At the same time, the half-conscious Feng Li climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

He picked up five long knives and rushed forward.

In the end, he saw the picture of Bai Lesheng being smashed into the soil with a palm.

Damn it!

Feng Li was dumbfounded.

This is too crazy, right, the ape roller?

Mu Feifan was happy when he saw Feng Li, “It seems that you are not convinced?”

Feng Li glanced at the knives tucked up and down all over his body, shaking with fright.


All five knives fell to the ground.

Feng Li tried his best to squeeze a smile: “If I don’t accept the wall, I just obey my brother-in-law.”

This guy even called my brother-in-law?

Mu Feihua was speechless.

No way, the wife is too strong, there are brothers-in-laws everywhere.

Suddenly, there seemed to be heavy objects falling from the far wall.


“I fell to death!”

“The security of Damn it didn’t let me in, so I could only turn over the wall.”

No way, Restrictions are set up near the school, so don’t even think about flying.

I saw a well-dressed boy slowly climbing up.

He fumbled on the ground for a long time before he found a pair of gold glasses, which he wore on his face.

This person is Fang Siyuan who sneaked into Shonan High School!

As a result, at The next moment, Fang Siyuan saw Mu Feifan and Feng Li staring at him with big eyes and small eyes, and his complexion suddenly changed.

Okay… What a big monkey smashed?

“That, I just passed by, you continue.” Fang Siyuan thought that something had happened, said hurriedly.

Mu Feifan did not speak, but looked straight at him.

Fang Siyuan snorted in his heart.

Being stared at by such a great ape, everyone’s heart is up and down.

He moved slowly, and with an embarrassed but polite smile, he passed by Mu Feifei.

After that, he was on full horsepower, and he wanted to go hurriedly.

“Wait!” Mu Feifan’s heavy voice sounded from behind.

Fang Siyuan stiffened, stopped halfway, and turned his head difficultly: “This monkey senior, do you have any instructions?”

Mu Feifan said: “Where are you going?”

Fang Siyuan said honestly: “I want to go to the teaching building.”

“What?” Mu Feifan frowned, his face immediately gloomy.

Fang Siyuan was incoherent with fright: “Monkey senior, don’t get me wrong, I’m a good man, not here to steal things.”

Mu Feifan stared fiercely, and said, “Then do you know how to get to the teaching building?”

“No… I don’t know.”

Mu Feifan’s huge fingers stretched out and pointed in a direction: “Go over there!”

Fang Siyuan was agitated, a little flattered, and hurriedly bent over and bowed.

“Thank you monkey senior.”

He was sweating all over, thinking that this big monkey was going to fuck himself, but he didn’t expect it to be showing the way.

The seniors of Shonan High School are also great, they are all so enthusiastic!

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