Chapter 137 Are you dissatisfied?

Xia Yuchan glanced at the three Bai Lesheng and looked at Mu Feihua again.

She immediately thought of something.

“Don’t do it too hard.” Xia Yuchan urged.

Bai Lesheng said: “Don’t worry, Sister Xia, we will not let Mu Feihua bully you.”

he bullies me?

When did this happen?

Xia Yuchan looked puzzled.

On the bench just now, they won’t be able to see the actions of the two of them?

It seems that he still enjoys a little bit.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuchan’s face became hot, and he walked upstairs without looking back.

“Sister Xia, I’ll go back with you.” Li Meng also followed with hops and hops.

At this moment, there are only three boys left in the same place.


Feng Li opened the way.

Bai Lesheng followed behind Mu Feihua.

Fringe back and forth.

As if afraid of the other party running away.

They came to the familiar grove.

“It’s off the beaten track here, it’s very suitable for revenge if there is revenge,” Mu Feifei suddenly said.

Feng Li said angrily: “What do you mean, Mu Feifan, we just can’t understand you bullying Sister Xia, so we jumped out to stand up for justice, don’t put hats on us!”

“Okay, don’t act Feng Li, there is no one else here.” Bai Lesheng was speechless.

Feng Li is quite entertaining.

Mu Feifan took a deep look at Bai Lesheng, and said, “You are more sincere than him.”

Bai Lesheng squinted his eyes and smiled faintly: “To be honest, although you won us in the battle just now and tied with Sister Xia, we are very dissatisfied.”

“You are suspected of defeating us, but we also know your relationship with Sister Xia just now.”

“So we are 100% sure, Sister Xia must have released the water.”

“In this battle, you won’t be glorious, and we won’t be convinced!”

I see!

Mu Feihua knows well.

These top students in the school, which one is not arrogant, if you want to conquer them, unless it is really suppressed by strength.

Feng Li said: “Ms. Wang also said that this competition is about the places in the Fairy Road Competition.”

“According to your performance in the competition, Teacher Wang will definitely invite you in the afternoon.”

“The main team has a total of five positions. We don’t want to insert a person who fishes in troubled waters.”

Mu Feifan said: “So, you are here to beat me?”

The corner of Bai Lesheng’s mouth rose slightly: “We just want you to know that if you don’t have real strength, don’t even think about getting into the Fairy Road Competition.”

“Sister Xia won’t be able to keep you at that time, I said it!”

At this moment, both Bai Lesheng and Feng Li looked at Mu Feifan with malicious expressions, as if they were about to make a violent action at any time.

In the eyes of the two of them, Mu Feifan was just lucky.

The pheasant flies on the branch, and it can’t change Phoenix!

Mu Feifan suddenly sighed.

Bai Lesheng said: “What are you sighing?”

Seeing disdain flashed in Mu Feifei’s eyes, he was very upset in his heart.

Mu Feifan asked: “Why didn’t you say that when my wife was there just now?”

Bai Lesheng:…

Feng Li:…

Depend on!

The hearts of the two of them seemed to have been stabbed, and they were extremely depressed.

Mu Feifei continued, “Isn’t it because I’m afraid of her? So I dare not say a word.”

The two people received a second shock in their hearts!

Dage, although this is the truth, there is no need to just say it like that.

Save us some Face!

The truth is really hurting!

Mu Feifan said again: “Do you know what my wife’s last sentence means?”

Bai Lesheng frowned slightly and said, “Didn’t Sister Xia tell us not to act too hard? It means that she acquiesced to us doing this. After all, your strength is mixed with water, and Sister Xia can’t speak for you.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth rose, revealing contempt.

“She said this to me!”


Bai Lesheng and Feng Li collectively lost their voices.

The next moment, the Mu Feifan in their eyes, suddenly had a drastic change in body shape!

Mu Feifan’s shirt was directly torn, and golden hair slowly grew on his body.

At the same time, his figure soared like a giant, reaching ten meters in an instant.

If it weren’t for Mu Feifan’s terrain restrictions, his height would be more than just this number.

At this moment, Mu Feifan’s muscles bulged high, full of explosive power!

A terrifying aura that slaughtered the world whizzed out.

Slap the ground.

“What a big monkey!”

The two felt a shadow on their heads, and it was very difficult to breathe.

A strong sense of depression shrouded.

Mu Feifan stuck out his big hand and instantly grabbed Bai Lesheng in his hand.

The huge face was close, and the huge pupil was like a huge lantern, staring at Bai Lesheng.

“You really naively thought, didn’t I release the water in the battle just now?” Mu Feihua shouted sharply.

“You…” Bai Lesheng was so scared that his teeth trembled.

Mu Feihua suddenly opened his mouth, and the terrifying fangs resembled a sharp blade, sending out a shocking roar!


The terrible aura condensed into substance and bombarded.

Bai Lesheng felt his blood churning, and his eardrums seemed to be penetrated.

He has experienced an unprecedented blow!

The tyranny from higher creatures!

At this moment, Feng Li was still calm on the ground.

He slapped the storage bag, the long knife flew out, and instantly turned into five in the air!

Immediately afterwards, Feng Li clamped five long knives in an anti-human posture, and madly killed Mu Feihua.

“Even if it is a big monkey, I will cut you down!”

Mu Feifan sneered, and summoned the Sea King Shield with the other hand.

The huge shield, like a round of bright sun, struck across.

Feng Li was dumbfounded.

Before he rushed up, he was shot directly by the shield.

Really slap flies!


Feng Li fell heavily to the ground.

Mu Feihua held a huge shield, his momentum could not be resisted!

Five long knives were flying in the air, and finally they were all inserted beside Feng Li.

A knife was inserted under Feng Li’s crotch very mischievously.

At that time, the distance from Little Sparrow was only zero and one centimeter.

It’s also outrageous!

“That’s it?” Mu Feifan sneered.

At this moment, Bai Lesheng was still yelling in his other hand.

Mu Feifan said: “Believe it or not, as long as I use my strength, you will become dumpling filling.”

Bai Lesheng persuaded and nodded frantically.

Mu Feifan kicked him to the ground like a ball.

Unfortunately, Bai Lesheng did not bounce like a ball, but smashed a deep hole.

Green smoke was blowing from the side of the pit.

“Just what you do, still want to trouble me?” Mu Feifei didn’t stop the movement in his hand.

The next moment, the cold light bursts, and the Killing intent soars into the sky.

Shanhe Axe was taken out by Mu Feifan!

Since they are all students, Mu Feifan is not good at making up the knife.

Then only teach them how to be human!

Mu Fandian’s idea is that they must be scared to pee when they see themselves!

Life can’t take care of itself!

See if they dare to pretend to be forceful with themselves.

Not convinced?

Afraid of me grabbing their spot?

Say I am mixed with water?

Mu Feifan raised the mountain and river axe high.

The huge axe blade pierced the sky and the land, like a super giant guillotine. The appearance alone was enough to scare people into collapse.

Bai Lesheng’s eyes were shocked, and he screamed like never before!

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