Chapter 139 Flickering Stupid, Old White Top Bag

Because of the directions just now, Fang Siyuan’s favor with Mu Feihua has greatly increased.


Do you want to ask if senior knows the person I’m looking for?

After all, senior is so enthusiastic.

If you know it, it can save me a lot of time.

Thinking of this, Fang Siyuan said, “Monkey senior, do you know someone who admires Extraordinary?”


When Mu Feifan heard it, he became vigilant.

But Feng Li looked at Mu Feifan with a weird look.

Another one looking for brother-in-law?

The air suddenly became quiet.

Mu Feifan asked, “What are you looking for?”

Fang Siyuan said: “Monkey senior, it’s like this…”

“I’m Fang Siyuan from Binjiang No. 1 Middle School.”

“I’m here this time to challenge Mu Feihua!”

Before Mu Feifan spoke, Feng Li next to him exclaimed: “Fang Siyuan… Are you the number one Fang Siyuan?”

“It’s my humble person.” Fang Siyuan was quite proud.

I didn’t expect that I was so famous, I even heard of other schools.


There was a little surging in Fang Siyuan’s heart.

“Oh.” I don’t know, Feng Li looked calm after asking.

It seems that he didn’t take Fang Siyuan seriously.

Fang Siyuan was stunned when he saw this scene.

Is it over after asking?

Are you shocked?

What is your feeling?

Brother, have you forgotten your vocal cords at home?

In fact, after Feng Li finished asking, he added silently in his heart, the number one in No. 1 is far worse than our number one Sister Xia in southern Hunan.

Don’t talk about Sister Xia, even Sister Xia’s husband can’t compare.

Look at this humbly pretending to be grandson, there is no way out.

Mu Feifan was puzzled.

Do you have such a big reputation?

Why are there people everywhere challenging themselves?

Even other schools were alarmed.

Have I ever thought that a low-key life is so difficult?

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei asked directly: “Why are you challenging him?”

Fang Siyuan suddenly became mysterious.

He looked around like a thief, and found that there was no one else, so he whispered: “Monkey senior, this matter is very important. Don’t tell me.”

Mu Feifan and Feng Li looked at each other and nodded.

Fang Siyuan whispered: “Last Saturday, the tenth floor of the Tongtian Tower was broken. It was the Cultivation Base during the refining period.”

“I heard that this Mu Feifan did it!”

Feng Li was shocked: “What, he cleared the tenth level during the Qi refining period?”

Fang Siyuan gave him a blank look.

I was not so shocked when I heard my name just now. Now when I heard about Mu Fandian, my expression turned out to be messy.

What a difference.

At this moment, Feng Li’s heart was overwhelmed, a volcano erupted, and all kinds of shocks.

He has naturally heard the meaning of the tenth level.

As long as you reach the tenth floor with the Cultivation Base, you will encounter the rumored strongest boss in history.

It is said that the boss is an illusion created by a big figure as a template.

No one has broken this level for 20 years.

That big man is only in his forties.

In other words, since the illusion became him.

No one has cleared the tenth floor.

Called the strongest guardian, invincible existence!

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua passed.

Thinking of this, Feng Li Kanmu’s eyes changed completely.

Even such a hideous monkey face felt delicate.

It seems that brother-in-law is even better than sister.

At this moment, Feng Li just accepted Mu Feifan with one word.

Suddenly, Feng Li thought of another terrible thing.

“Last Saturday, he was still in the Qi refining period, and now he is in the Foundation Building. He still beat me and Lao Bai?”

What kind of talent is this?

What kind of combat power is this?

No wonder he can win that adult.

At this time, Feng Li was ignorant of himself, so he could only stubbornly in his heart.

Mu Feihua suddenly said: “We naturally know that Mu Feihua.”

“What? The monkey senior knows, can you tell me which class he is in?” Fang Siyuan looked excited.

Feng Li also followed with a smile.

Fang Siyuan, Fang Siyuan, if you know that you are a monkey senior, it is the Mu Feifan you are looking for. I don’t know what expression you will show.

Mu Feihua stretched out his huge fingers and said astonishingly: “He is Mu Feihua!”


Feng Li was shocked.

Fang Siyuan was also dumbfounded.

Because the direction that Mu Feifei pointed to was in a pit ahead.

Fang Siyuan ran over, sucking in air-conditioning immediately.

Unexpectedly, there is still a person buried in the pit!

And holding a guqin in his arms!

Fang Siyuan was shocked: “Is this Mu Feifan?”

“Yes, he is!” Mu Feifan nodded vowingly.


Feng Li almost vomited blood.

Mu Feifei glared at him.

Feng Li immediately hiccuped in fright and coughed constantly.

Fang Siyuan was surprised: “What happened to this classmate?”

Mu Feifan said: “Leave him alone, his throat is stuck.”

Fang Siyuan asked: “Why would Mu Feifei lie in the pit?”

Mu Feifan said, “If you can understand his thoughts, you will be the one who has passed through the tenth floor.”

Fang Siyuan: “That’s what I said.”

Mu Feifan: “You quickly dig him out to treat the disease. After he is well raised, he will definitely be grateful to you and will agree to all your requests.”

Fang Siyuan wondered: “Can brain diseases be cured?”

Mu Feifan: “You are challenging his body, not his IQ.”

Fang Siyuan felt that it made sense and immediately began to plan.

As expected to be the number one student in Binjiang No. 1 Middle School, paving the soil is fast.

Before long, Bai Lesheng who was unconscious was dug out.

Fang Siyuan carried Bai Lesheng on his back and said to Mu Fandian: “Monkey senior, thank you very much.”

“If it weren’t for you, I would have found the End of the World, and I would never have thought that Mu Feihua was in the pit.”

“I will take Mu Feifan to treat the disease.”

Mu Feifan smiled and waved: “Goodbye!”

Fang Siyuan wanted to ask where the main entrance was, but suddenly he thought something was wrong.

So he followed the wall, used his hands and feet together, and climbed out very flexibly.

Feng Li looked shocked and said incoherently: “Brother-in-law, I…he…”

Mu Feifan: “Smooth your tongue before you speak.”

“Brother-in-law, you really let Fang Siyuan take Lao Bai away.” Feng Li Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Mu Feifan said: “Invisibly saved Lao Bai a certain amount of medical expenses, Lao Bai will be grateful to me.”

Feng Li rolled his eyes, he was not beaten by you yet.

In the afternoon, Mu Feifei had already returned to the classroom and changed into a new set of clothes.

Feng Li went out and bought it for him!

At this moment, Xiao Yue and Liu Zhuzheng were looking forward to his return.

“Fuck, Brother Fan, quickly give me an autograph.”

“Extraordinary, you are hiding too deep, and all the experimental class members are on the ground during the competition.”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

What’s the use? It wasn’t just another round before they were completely convinced.

“By the way, what about Lynch, I remember the three of you being together.” Mu Feifei glanced at Lynch’s seat, which was empty.

Liu Zhu also frowned: “Yes, where is Lynch?”

Xiao Yue said: “It must have been looking for his girlfriend. This thief, let us be ashamed, and I want to beat him next time I see him!”

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