Chapter 134 Domineering Clearing the Field, Palming the Buddha Kingdom


Mu Feifan was taken aback.

He stared at Xia Yuchan firmly.

Xia Yuchan raised a hand, and then gently pushed it to the left.

The next moment, Ouyang Ce let out a scream, his whole person seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand and flew out fiercely!

He broke several big trees in succession, and was finally embedded in the wall outside the scene.

Stunned directly!

Third in the school, was instantly killed!

Mu Feifei’s pupils shrank violently, and stormy waves threw up in his heart.

At this time, Chu Tiankuo cried and said with a sad face: “Sister-in-law, look at Brother Fan’s Face, be lighter.”

Xia Yuchan poked out his hand expressionlessly, and then pushed towards the void.

Chu Tiankuo, a two-meter big man, rose up from the ground inconceivably, swaying a wave of air in the air.

The whole person directly turned into a parabola, and finally smashed the earth out of a deep pit.


There was a collective cold war in the auditorium.

It hurts just to listen.

Xia Yuchan’s cold voice sounded: “He has no place with me.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

He felt that he was going to be targeted by Xia Yuchan.

However, Xia Yuchan’s short shot made Mu Feihua immediately understand.

Why are these unlucky brothers scared like grandchildren.

Why do people like Bai Lesheng see idols?

This Sister Xia really deserves her name!

Mu Feifan couldn’t help but said, “What kind of spell is this?”

To be a ghost in death.

I don’t know when, Wang Liangang appeared next to him.

“Student Xia, Department of Space Spiritual Roots, was born with Innate full of Spiritual Roots, digitization is one hundred.”

“She is at this age…”

“Cultivation Base first!”

“Same rank first!”

“First in the school!”

These first few words of Mu Feifan were stunned.

He asked: “Teacher Wang, why did you tell me this?”

Wang Liangang slowly turned his head and said with a gleeful look: “I’m waiting for you to collect the body.”

Mu Feifan:…

At this moment, Xia Yuchan was not in a hurry to make a move, but hooked his finger at Mu Feihua and said, “Come here.”

If at home, Xia Yuchan would make such a move.

Mu Feifan must be mad and turned into a beast.

But now, she is obviously provoking!

Mu Feifan snorted coldly and patted the storage bag.

Everyone thought he was going to sacrifice what peerless weapon, all of them stared eagerly.

Mu Feifan took out a piece of Spirit Stones and said, “I will recover first.”

Depend on!

Everyone was speechless.

After a while, Mu Feifan’s complexion turned from white to red before he said, “It’s okay.”

After speaking, he carried the big sword and rushed up.

“The river flows eastward!”

Mu Feihua used the first style of Dahe Sword Technique.

Spirit Power urged, Sword Qi was like a river, blasting the past.

“Space displacement!”

Xia Yuchan appeared ten meters away with a light tap of his toe.


The earth was broken by this endless Sword Qi with a big hole.

Mu Feifan: “Where does this woman go?”

Xia Yuchan: “Then I won’t run away.”

Mu Feifan spread out his palms and sprayed out a fireball with the size of a washbasin, and the nearby air immediately became hot.


He threw it abruptly.

The fireball pierced the air like a burning meteor.

Mu Feifan hesitated for a moment, feeling uneasy.

Then another fireball was thrown.

Xia Yuchan looked at the fireball with no expression on her face.

She stretched out her palm gently.

In the next second, the space in front of the palm, an endless vortex gushing out, like a black hole in the sky, instantly sucking in two fireballs.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he didn’t notice the change behind himself!

The void behind him was quietly torn apart, forming a continuously rotating vortex.

A scorching breath spread, and two fireballs unexpectedly rushed out of the whirlpool!


Mu Feifei was caught off guard, and two waves of anger exploded on his body.

He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

What kind of magic is this?

Turned his attack over!

“Sister Xia, beat him to death!” Bai Lesheng and others cheered in the distance.

Xiao Yue and Liu Zhu glanced at each other with incredible faces.

Game skills are not so abnormal.

Wang Liangang said to the side: “Space fault!”

“Create a fault in front of yourself and behind you. When you are attacked, you will go through this space and jump directly from the front to behind you.”

Mu Feifan was speechless, did this Te still bring an on-site commentary?

He sinks his heart, and his brain starts to revolve quickly.

After several observations, Mu Feifei found that when Xia Yuchan shot, his hand was covered with a layer of silver light.

Because it’s daytime, it’s really hard to find if you don’t look carefully.

“Is that Space Spirit Power?”

Mu Feifan approached slowly, holding the long sword tightly in his hand.

In close combat, it is likely to be pushed directly by her majestic space Spirit Power.

She must be caught off guard!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan put his hand on the spirit beast bag.

“Little turkey, go!”

Mu Feifan threw a furry thing directly.

It is the little turkey.

Seeing the long-lost sunlight, it cried out in excitement.

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the chicken made its debut!

The little turkey flies its wings and flops in the air.

The next moment, Xia Yu Cicada’s fingertips leaped with space power and directly knocked it into the air!

Feather on the ground.

“Just now!”

“Thunder Wing Technique!”

Mu Feifan yelled violently, and the thunder wing flashed, and he was about to turn into a divine glow to rush over.

Suddenly, he banged, as if hitting an invisible wall and being ejected to the ground.

“what happened?”

Mu Feifan rubbed his face, extremely painful.

Xia Yuchan said, “Do you want to attack?”

“You can’t get out of the Buddha country in the palm of my hand.”

Buddhism in the palm of your hand?

Mu Feifan tried to tap the void with his hands, and found that all sides were surrounded by invisible walls.

The whole person seemed to be in the palm of Xia Yuchan’s hand.

There is no way to heaven, no way to earth.

Xia Yuchan said: “The game should be over.”

She stretched out her hand slowly, and the silver light shot from above, obviously she was going to launch some big move.

“Space cutting!”

The endless fluctuations of Spirit Power made her long hair float up, and the three thousand green silks showed their peerless elegance.

Mu Feifan suddenly said: “Now it’s over, it’s too early!”

“This scene is a jungle… My advantage hasn’t been used yet.”

The next moment, Xia Yu Cicada’s complexion changed.

A long vine suddenly appeared on the ground, tangling her waist like lightning.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan’s attention was still on brewing the cutting technique, and he didn’t react at all.

The vine quickly rolled up Xia Yucicada, like a dragon headed bead, and rushed towards Mu Feihua quickly.

“If you don’t disarm this space spell, you will hit this wall.”

Mu Feifan waited patiently in place.

Xia Yuchan was very unwilling to lift the Buddha from his palm.

The vine directly sent Xia Yuchan to Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan hugged her down easily.


“How dare he hug Sister Xia?”

Bai Lesheng and Feng Li were dumbfounded.

Wang Liangang was also dumbfounded.

The auditorium was silent.

Mu Feifan reluctantly put down Xia Yuchan.

The two looked at each other, and neither had any plans to do it again.

Wang Liangang asked strangely: “Are you still fighting?”

“Stop fighting!” the two said in unison.

The same thought flashed through their minds.

Neither can deliberately release water nor injure the opponent.

Being an actor is so tiring!

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