Chapter 133

At this moment, the two-headed small gunner stood quietly behind Bai Lesheng.

The brave and invincible muzzle shone with sharp red lights, as if there was a big energy about to explode.

Wang Liangang sighed: “Student Bai Lesheng, you lost!”

Bai Lesheng is upright and vigorous, with a sense of joy of strategizing and winning a thousand miles.

I didn’t know that Wang Liangang suddenly said such a sentence, which made his whole expression bewildered.

“Teacher Wang, what are you kidding?”

“My heaven and earth resonance is a continuous attack. Haven’t you seen that Mu Feihua is dying?”

Bai Lesheng said unconvincedly.

Wang Liangang was speechless. This hapless boy didn’t know he was standing on the muzzle.

As if to refute Bai Lesheng, Mu Feifan said with a lazy expression like a okay person, “You look back.”

Bai Lesheng was shocked suddenly.

Because under the reminder of Mu Feihua, he also felt the Death threat behind him.

After turning around, Bai Lesheng finally saw the little gunner ready to go, and suddenly burst into a cold sweat.

Mu Feifan said: “And in order to prevent you from evading, I prepared two shots. Didn’t you see that it is double-headed?”

Bai Lesheng was speechless.

I didn’t even find it, you also prepared two ranges, and you’re so awesome in doing things, really don’t leave me a way to survive!

At this time, he looked to the battlefield on the other side.

At this moment, Chu Tiankuo and Feng Li are still fighting.

Both you come and I go, scold each other and kill each other.

The sound of explosions in the air is endless!

“Feng Li, I lost.” Bai Lesheng shouted.

Feng Li said, “Wait for a while, and you will solve this bear… Fuck, what did you say? You lost?”

The moment he lost his mind, Chu Tiankuo caught the opportunity and slammed his punch.

Feng Li screamed, the man turned his back, and all five knives flew away.

Chu Tiankuo pointed at Feng Li and said, “Swordsman, you have lost!”

At the same time, he turned around and smiled at Mu Feifan, “Brother Fan, you are really a Niu Biklas, I will treat you at noon later, don’t run away.”

Ouyang Ce also laughed: “The first time I won so smoothly, thanks to Brother Fan. The two-headed small gunner, one word is absolutely perfect.”

Feng Li’s eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Bai Lesheng suddenly said: “Wait!”

“You haven’t won yet!”


The two in Class Two looked surprised.

Mu Feifan was also very puzzled.

Bai Lesheng said to Wang Liangang: “Teacher Wang, I remember that unless one party loses all combat effectiveness, it will be considered a win, otherwise you can choose to change halfway.”

Wang Liangang was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: “There is such a rule for the battle, but…”

Chu Tiankuo cursed: “Lao Bai, you are too not wanting face, do you think Feng Li is a virtue, can you still stand up?”

Suddenly, Feng Li slammed up like a chicken blood, doing push-ups frantically on the spot.

“One, two, three, four, two, three, four, three, two, three, four, one more time.”

He was still tapping.

Damn it!

The faces of Chu Tiankuo and Ouyang Ce were green.

Bai Lesheng smiled and said: “You see Feng Li is still strong and vigorous, and the first group chooses to substitute.”

Wang Liangang said, “Then who are you going to play for?”

None of the students in the class seem to be among the top ten.

Could it be possible to produce a foreign aid that looks like an extraordinary dark horse?

Don’t say Wang Liangang doesn’t believe it, it’s just those stubborn hairs on his head that don’t believe it!

Bai Lesheng looked at the auditorium for a long time, and finally found something in an inconspicuous corner in the middle.

He exclaimed excitedly: “It’s time for you to play, Sister Xia!”

The temperament of Bai Lesheng just now disappeared in an instant.

He completely turned into a follower.

“Sister Xia?”

Chu Tiankuo immediately thought of something, his expression changed drastically.

Ouyang Ce also seemed to have seen the great horror, almost untenable.

“That’s how the school’s second ethics is lost? Who is Sister Xia?” Mu Feifan looked at the audience at the same moment.

The next moment.

A wave of cold air hits the sky from the soles of the feet.

Mu Feifan shivered, as if being passed by an electric current.

I saw a familiar figure standing up in the middle of the audience.

It is Xia Yu Cicada.

At this moment, Xia Yucicada slowly walked out, like a queen descending, walking the low rank ladder step by step, showing high cold and grace.

Extremely cold, extremely charming!

The majestic elegance, the allure of the world.

It is difficult to imagine that two extreme characteristics will appear in one person at the same time.

Only then did Mu Fei discover that when Xia Yuchan stood up, it was the real focus of the audience.

No master, invincible, is not enough to describe.

She is the strongest standing there!

Compared with her, anyone is extremely bleak.

When Xia Yuchan passed by Xiao Yue’s row, Xiao Yue and Liu Zhu had a cold war.

“Sister-in-law’s aura is too strong, the seasons are like winter.” Xiao Yue sighed.

Liu Zhu said, “This is the girlfriend of Feihua? It feels like an iceberg.”

In the jungle scene, Bai Lesheng and Feng Li gazed at the three people.

Both eyes seem to say that you are finished!

Ouyang Ce said, “Old Chu, I’m nervous.”

Chu Tiankuo said, “My calf is shaking.”

Mu Feifan was speechless: “Is she so scary?”

Bai Lesheng looked at Mu Feifan like an idiot: “You haven’t even heard of our sister Xia, so you dare to mix in Xiangnan?”

His tone of voice was extremely admired.

Mu Feifan suspected that it was Bai Lesheng’s mother who was standing here, and his expression might not be as excited as he is now.

As for your sister Xia.

Of course I have heard of it.

Not only I heard, but also very familiar.

After all, I just had… ahem, everyone knows.

But I really haven’t seen her make a move.

At this moment, the voices of Chu Tiankuo and Ouyang Ce sounded again.

Ouyang Ce: “Old Chu, take a gamble, how many seconds can you stand?”

Chu Tiankuo: “Three seconds.”

Ouyang Ce: “So ambitious? I’m five seconds.”

Mu Feifan looked dumbfounded.

I’ve seen a low morale, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it so low that it’s unscrupulous.

At this moment, Xia Yuchan has already walked into the jungle scene.

Bai Lesheng and Feng Li immediately gave up a way.

“Sister Xia, please here!”

“It’s all up to Sister Xia!”

Mu Feifan looked at Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan just glanced at him.

Although it was only a glance, Mu Feifei still felt the teasing color in Xia Yuchan’s eyes.

He suddenly thought of what Xia Yuchan had said before.

“Be careful, I’ll go on stage and beat you up!”

Did it happen so soon?

However, Mu Feihua was not convinced.

Can I be afraid of you?

Wang Liangang asked very politely: “Student Xia, can you start?”

Xia Yuchan said, “You can do it anytime.”

She slowly approached.

Chu Tiankuo and Ouyang Ce were almost close to each other, with despair on their faces.

“It’s over, we are surrounded by her!” Ouyang Ce screamed.

Mu Feifan doubted whether he had joined the crew, and the people around him were all actors!

Have you ever seen three people surrounded by one person?

Xia Yuchan looked at the two people who were about to huddle together, and said in a very indifferent tone: “Clear the field, start.”

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