Chapter 135

do not fight?

Everyone was shocked.

Wang Liangang said: “If the two sides don’t fight, then this battle can only be regarded as a tie.”

The scattered people in a group are very unbalanced in their hearts.

The look in their admiring extraordinary eyes grew worse.

“Why should Sister Xia draw with this guy?”

“This is an insult to Sister Xia’s strength.”

“Sister Xia, beat him up!”

“What about your mirror splitting technique?”

“At least he has to shatter his clothes so that he can’t get off the stage!”

“Let him run, play his little chick…”

These people were excited and shouted.

Xia Yuchan didn’t say anything, just glanced coldly.


The expressions of these people in the first group changed drastically.

The audience was quiet for a moment.

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

“Mu Feifan, can’t you go after seeing beautiful women?”

“Where did your monkey hit? Where’s the big shield?”

“The shot is too gentle!”

Mu Feifan took a look, Yo, isn’t this Chen Yun that kid?

At this moment, Chen Yun’s face was flushed, and his heart was extremely unbalanced.


Stuck me to death!

Mu Feifan was not like this before.

What a fierce posture he dunks on his head when he beat Lao Chu!

How come fighting with Xia Yuchan is like a different person?

The people in the next group couldn’t help seeing Chen Yun saying this.

“Second class stinks not wanting face, no one dares to come to fight, but also to find foreign aid!”

When Chen Yun heard this, he roared: “Mu Feifan is our Dage. We are from a school, can it be an outsider?”

In the distance, Mu Feifei was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Isn’t Chen Yun this kid always looking at himself unpleasant?

Why did you call Dage?

At this time, Chu Tiankuo and Ouyang Ce, who were cured by Wang Liangang, walked with each other’s support.

A pair of difficult brothers.

“Chen Yun, don’t fight… the draw is also very good.” Chu Tiankuo said immediately, who knew the inside story.

“Old Chu, he and you were completely the same when he hit you. This is obviously just letting water out!” Chen Yun was like a little cock.

Originally, Chu Tiankuo didn’t think there was anything. Hearing what Chen Yun said, a sadness suddenly appeared in his heart.

It was too miserable to be beaten up by Mu Feifei and the couple in turn.

Chu Tiankuo said, “Chen Yun keep your voice down. Actually, Brother Fan and…”

“He is just an lsp!” Chen Yun shouted angrily.

Mu Feifan was speechless.

Xia Yuchan glanced at him and said, “I won’t refute this sentence.”

Mu Feifan:…

Suddenly, Wang Liangang stood up and said: “Don’t fight, everyone. Since it’s a tie, then in the next week, both classes have the right to use the actual combat venues, and everyone can train together.”

The ending is also happy for everyone.

Unexpectedly, Feng Li showed a sullen smile again, completely different from the flattery when he called sister Xia just now.

“Training together? Just to my liking!”

Chu Tiankuo also smiled and stared at him: “Who said no, I like to compete with your class.”

The two Yin & Yang are strangely angry, the undercurrent is raging, and the smell of gunpowder does not decrease but increases.

Wang Liangang immediately said solemnly: “The selection of the Fairy Road Competition is just around the corner, you guys give me some time to relax, don’t make any moths!”

Chu Tiankuo and Feng Li seemed to have a vengeance for killing their father one second before, and the next second they immediately hugged each other.

“Teacher Wang, don’t worry!” the two smiled at the same time.

Wang Liangang was speechless.

After fighting for a long time, everyone was hungry.

Ouyang Ce had something at noon, so he left first after saying goodbye to everyone.

Chu Tiankuo said, “Brother Fan, invite you to dinner at noon.”

Chen Yun said: “Great, I happen to be hungry.”

“Go on, don’t have your share, counseling.” Chu Tiankuo wanted to kick this kid, and escaped when he couldn’t do anything.

Chen Yun was surprised: “Then who do you include in your words?”

“Naturally it is Brother Fan and Sister-in-law.” Chu Tiankuo said casually.

“Sister-in-law? Where is it?” Chen Yun was shocked.

Chu Tiankuo almost scolded him for being stupid, is this kid blind?

Haven’t Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan been separated before seeing the end of the battle?

Mu Feifan said, “I don’t need it at noon today. We will eat by ourselves.”

Chu Tiankuo hurriedly said: “Okay, OK, then I won’t be a light bulb. Today, I would like to thank my sister-in-law for lending us Brother Fan.”

Xia Yuchan said, “Is it easy to use?”

Chu Tiankuo gave a thumbs up: “Sister-in-law has vision.”

Xia Yuchan didn’t say anything, only the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and no one else picked up Mu Feifan and left.

Chen Yun looked stunned, his chin was about to fall to the ground.


“Mu Feifan, they…”

Chu Tiankuo said, “As you can see.”

Chen Yun said excitedly: “This is definitely big news!”

At this moment, Chen Yun suddenly remembered something, and said: “Then they were not the game just now, but the scene of domestic violence.”

In the auditorium.

Xiao Yue said to Liu Zhu: “Brother Zhu, let’s go to the cafeteria too, I panic when I’m hungry.”

Liu Zhu was stunned in the same place: “Fantai is too powerful now, right? How many layers of qi is he refining now?”

Xiao Yue:…

“Brother Zhu, who was not in the Foundation Building period of those people on the court just now?”

“What have you been watching for a long time?”

When Liu Zhu heard this, his expression immediately became messy.

“Damn, the extraordinary is now Foundation Building?”

“It’s only a week since school starts.”

“We are out of the regular class!”

“No, my brain is deprived of oxygen, I have to go and take a breath.”

Seeing Liu Zhu’s shocked expression, Xiao Yue finally found some psychological comfort.

Brother Zhu’s reaction was similar to his own at the time.

When Brother Fan became so good, he was scared to death.

At noon, the cafeteria.

Xia Yuchan was sitting by the window, and from time to time she looked up at Mu Feifan who was waiting in line for dinner.

The two can finally have a normal couple life at school.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuchan couldn’t help but feel a trace of joy in her heart.

“Sister Xia!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Xia Yuchan was slightly surprised, and she looked forward.

Not expecting to come to admire Extraordinary, but the people who came were Bai Lesheng, Feng Li and Li Meng.

“What’s the matter?” Xia Yuchan asked.

Bai Lesheng said: “Sister Xia, today I have a treat and ordered a table. Come and eat here.”

He pointed to the private room in the other direction of the cafeteria.

Xia Yuchan said, “No, I’ll eat here in a while.”

Li Meng persuaded: “Sister Xia, how boring I am, let’s eat together.”

“Yes, there are so many people,” Feng Li also said.

Xia Yuchan said, “Who said I am alone?”


The expressions of the three people were immediately surprised.

Xia Yuchan is usually used to coming and going all alone, and she hasn’t found anyone with whom she has eaten together.

At this time, a familiar voice floated from behind.

“Why are you here?”

“Isn’t it going to eat rice?”

The three of them turned their heads at the same time and saw Mu Feifei walking towards Xia Yuchan with two dinner plates full of rice.

“Look, he is here!” Xia Yuchan said casually.


He was the one who ate with Xia Yuchan?

That Mu Feifan?

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically!

Especially Li Meng, she seemed to think of something, blushing to smoke.

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