Chapter 132 Sword Breaking Wind Blade, Heaven and Earth Resonate

Chu Tiankuo grinned at Bai Lesheng: “Lao Bai, you are missing one person, so just give in, lest you fail for a while and make it uglier.”

“It’s too early to say the result now.” Bai Lesheng stood with a smile, still maintaining a relaxed expression.

Ouyang Ce hand seals both hands, and a red gold talisman flies out and sticks it to Chu Tiankuo’s body.

“Golden Armored Strength Talisman!”

The next moment, Chu Tiankuo’s body was covered with a layer of golden armor, and his muscles exploded, like a humanoid beast.

The effect of this increase is really amazing.

“Go and clean them up, Lao Chu!” Ouyang Ce said.

Chu Tiankuo smiled: “I now feel that I can squeeze their dog’s head with one hand.”

He stepped on his right foot, the earth cracked, and the whole person ejected out inconceivably, rushing towards Feng Li who was closer.

Feng Li waved his double knives to block.


How fierce Chu Tiankuo’s fist was, one punch broke the air and set off a white wave of air.

It was Feng Li who used his sword to protect his body, and was also retreated steadily by the blow of this fist.

Chu Tiankuo: “Old Feng, now it’s equivalent to two people hitting you with Ouyang Ce and I, you’re done!”

Feng Li’s very gloomy face was dripping with gloom now.

Feng Li resolutely broke out after being blasted back more than ten meters again.

The whole person rose from the ground, and at the same time the double knives changed abruptly, adding three more!

Five knives were hung on his body in an instant.

In addition to holding a hand in each hand, holding a hand in his mouth, and holding a hand in each of his bent knees!

“Five Swords Flow!”

“Devil Breaker Mad Blade!”

Feng Li’s mouth was vague, and he barely squeezed out so many words.

After all, he still has a knife in his mouth.

The five knives have endless sharp edges, and the sharp sword energy runs through the world.

At this moment, the sky and the ground are like a sea of ​​knives.

Chu Tiankuo’s eyes were lost for a moment, but a greater fighting spirit broke out.

He raised his leg, and the wind Spirit Power gathered.

The legs wrapped in cyan Spirit Power are harder than Jinshi.

Chu Tiankuo met the sword light falling from the sky and kicked out eighteen legs in a row.

The shadows of the legs flew like a storm.

The two were fighting fiercely, and a person suddenly walked in front of Mu Feihua.

It is Bai Lesheng.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong.”

“Whether it is explosive power, decisive shots, and weapon grades, this Xiangnan High School is a first-class existence.”

“Why haven’t you heard of you before?”

“What’s your name?”

Bai Lesheng smiled and said hello.

It’s hard to imagine his attitude towards the enemy is still so gentle in such a battle.

He doesn’t seem to come to the game, but like the elders commenting on Junior.

This Bai Lesheng is very confident.

“I am Mu Feifan from the second class of ordinary.”

There is nothing to hide, Mu Feifan said truthfully.

This time, Bai Lesheng was not calm, his face was surprised: “I thought you were a little-known student in the second experimental class, but I didn’t expect you to come from an ordinary class.”

“Does the ordinary class have such a master now?”

Suddenly, Bai Lesheng lightly stroked his chin, and fell into thinking: “The second class is looking for outsiders to bully us…”

Mu Feifan was speechless: “You don’t want to report me, right.”

Bai Lesheng shook his head: “Foreign aid doesn’t matter, as long as it is from this school, it is the same as a big family.”

“But Class One has never looked for it, because I don’t need it.”

Mu Feifan: “…My buddy, there is a lot of fighting over there, but we are not very good chatting here, right? Is my appearance fee so easy to get?”

Bai Lesheng said: “Do you think I am chatting?”

The next moment, the surrounding air began to flow quickly.

Within a hundred meters, all the wind Spirit Power is ready to move.

Bai Lesheng stroked Changqin with his hands, his figure floated up three feet off the ground.

Really like Master Pian Pian, playing a melodious song.

“The wind blade rises.”

Bai Lesheng’s hand drew across the strings, and the rhythm was endless.

When he suddenly started, the sky and the earth blew up at the same time.

Countless wind blades were condensed in the air, shooting wildly at Mu Feihua from all angles.

There are no dead ends, perfection kills!

Mu Feifan hurriedly took out the Sea King’s shield and inserted it directly on the ground behind him.

At the same time, his long sword swept up, and Spirit Power swarmed out of his body, causing the sword to hum.

“Dahe Sword Technique second style, a big river has wide waves!”

Mu Feifan shouted.

Sword Qi gushes out, like a torrential wave, quickly turning into a big river, coming turbulently.

All the sprinting wind blades were swept to pieces by the sky full of Sword Qi.

At this time, Mu Feifei heard a thumping crash from behind.

When I want to come, the wind blade that hits behind is completely blocked by the Sea King Shield.

Bai Lesheng frowned slightly, unexpectedly this wave of attacks would have failed.

“You are trickier than I thought.” He muttered to himself, his expression not flustered.

“It’s me now!” The thunder wing flickered behind Mu Feifan, and he rolled up the Sea King’s shield on the ground, turning it into a bright thunder light, and slaughtered the past.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Feifan appeared behind Bai Lesheng.

When the shield was raised, he was ready to make a dunk on the opponent’s head!

Unexpectedly, Bai Lesheng was not slow.

His figure seemed to melt into the wind, shooting out more than ten meters like a phantom, and then opened the distance.

“Unexpectedly, you actually forced me to such an extent.”

“Fighting with you, I am not an opponent at all.”

“So I will use a big move.”

Bai Lesheng sighed quietly, his slender fingers gently stroked the Changqin, his movements were very gentle.

Mu Feifan frowned. This guy doesn’t have fetishism.

The next moment, a melodious piano sounded.

In just an instant, Mu Feifei felt his heartbeat speed up and blood flowed wildly, seemingly out of control.

“What’s the matter?” He was surprised.

Bai Lesheng smiled and said, “Do you know that everything in the world has its own vibrating sound.”

As soon as his voice fell, the surrounding vegetation exploded and the scene was shocked.

Cracks appeared on the ground and rocks burst.

Mu Feihua felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The blood in the whole body began to resonate, and even the bones were trembling!

It feels like it’s going to burst.

Bai Lesheng’s squinted eyes opened suddenly!

Those eyes did not carry gentleness and tranquility at all, but incomparable domineering and fierceness.

“The resonance of heaven and earth, my lore!”

“Mu Feifan, surrender, even if your body can resist it, you will definitely suffer internal injuries!”

“In order to compete for the game, it is not worth the hard work.”

At this moment, Bai Lesheng is extremely confident, looking all around, like a high king.

This is to turn the wind Spirit Power into sound waves, causing everything to resonate and explode.

Bai Lesheng, this is the real strength of the second place in the school!

Wang Liangang has quietly come to them.

Once Mu Feifan has a tendency to have an accident, he will be the first to rescue him.

This is the responsibility of the teacher.

Mu Feifan was silent for a while.

At this moment, no one noticed.

The grass scraps exploded behind Bai Lesheng were quickly condensing.

It turned into a weapon-like plant in a blink of an eye.

It is the little pea gunner!

However, it now has two huge mouthparts.

Two-headed little gunner!

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