Chapter 131

At this time, Ouyang Ce asked in a low voice, “Brother Fan, what weapon do you use?”

Mu Feifei was about to take out the mountain and river axe in silence.

“Junzi sword, gentleman sword, overlord spear, simpler than axe… my talisman can better match your weapon.” Ouyang Ce further explained.

Mu Fandian’s movements suddenly froze.

So he took out a long sword with a sharp blade and a cold glow.

Advanced Spirit Tool!

Ouyang Ce’s eyes lit up: “Brother Fan, this sword is really good, so you are a sword repairer.”

Chu Tiankuo was even more surprised: “Fuck, advanced magic weapon!”

“Brother Fan, didn’t you say that you are a civilian cultivator?”

Mu Feifan: “Yes, I refined it myself.”


Chu Tiankuo and Ouyang Ce were shocked.

They subconsciously swept towards Chen Yun in the audience.

Damn, this kid can only practice Magical Item, and he’s screaming all day long.

Brother Fan is a high-level magic weapon at hand.

This gap is so big.

Suddenly there was a hint of excitement on Ouyang Ce’s face, and he said with a slightly flattering meaning: “Brother Fan, can you really refine high-level spiritual weapons?”

“Which big family are you from?”

When Chu Tiankuo heard it, he knew what this guy was making.

He was about to say that Brother Fan’s girlfriend is Xia Yuchan, but Wang Liangang roared: “Second class, hurry up to draw lots to choose the battle scene, what are you forcing there?”

“Immediately!” Chu Tiankuo gave a sharp excitement and ran over.

Mu Feifan asked curiously: “What is the battle scene?”

Ouyang Ce smiled slightly: “Brother Fan, you will know immediately.”

After a while, Chu Tiankuo ran over and said, “Just now I was drawn in the first class. The boy Bai Lesheng is crazy enough, so he just said it randomly.”

At this time, there was a rumbling sound in the center of the field.

The original smooth wooden floor slowly opened to both sides, and a brand new scene slowly rose up.

This scene is too shocking.

It was just like an ordinary venue, and in just a few minutes, it became a dense forest, and even the roar of beasts and birds were heard.

“The battle scene this time is in the jungle. The wood cultivator has the advantage, but fortunately there is no opposite.” Chu Tiankuo said.

A hint of astonishment flashed in Mu Feifei’s eyes: “It turns out that this is the difference in the actual combat venue.”

Ouyang Ce nodded: “It can instantly switch to various scenes, the world of ice and fire, the desert river… It is very training the cultivator’s actual combat ability.”

If you train here for a long time, the combat experience will indeed Ascension quickly.

Chu Tiankuo said: “Let’s go!”

The three marched into the jungle.

The three people on the opposite side also stepped into the scene.

Wang Liangang shouted: “The battle has officially begun!”

Ouyang Ce said something in his mouth, and his body was full of glory.

“Yufeng Fu!”

I saw two cyan talisman flying out of him, just sticking to the back of Mu Feifan and Chu Tiankuo.

Mu Feifan was twisted in his heart, how it felt like a little zombie had been posted a charm.

However, under the impetus of the Yufeng Talisman, an energetic wind Spirit Power surrounds the whole body.

Make Mu Feifei feel as light as a swallow, and speed up!

Chu Tiankuo roared even more, like a bison in heat, rushing towards Li Meng, the girl from the opposite water system.

“Water Wall Art!”

Li Meng stretched out his hand a little, and a sparkling water curtain appeared five meters in front of him.

At the same time, Mu Feifan was about to cooperate with Chu Tiankuo to attack Li Meng.

Suddenly, with a flower in front of him, he saw Feng Li approaching with a knife.

On the way, Feng Li’s knives suddenly became two.

Each one is extremely wide, like a big guillotine with a decapitated head, revealing fierce power.

“Two swords!”

Feng Li’s double knives danced wildly, setting off the glow of the swords and shattering everything.

Mu Feifei didn’t panic at all, and was about to fight back.

Suddenly, he felt an invisible wave, blasting from a distance.

His eyes condensed, and he saw Bai Lesheng sitting in front of the guqin, strumming the strings.

The starting direction is exactly here for Mu Feifan!

“Fighting on both sides?”

Mu Feifan suddenly thought of something.

Just as Chu Tiankuo said before he went on the court that he would fight Li Meng first, he became the target of the first class!

Is this a soft pinch for persimmons?

Come on then!

The tyrannical Thunder Spirit Power gushes out of Mu Feifan’s body, forming a pair of divine wings surrounded by thunder and lightning behind him.

With a hum, he disappeared directly from the place.


Bai Lesheng’s gap hit the sky, breaking a deep trace on the ground.

“This kid is so fast.” Feng Li stopped and looked around suspiciously.

At this moment, Chu Tiankuo was still behind the wall of water.

Li Meng just breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to look at other battlefields.


She felt a huge force hit hard behind her.

Li Meng’s complexion changed drastically, and his reaction quickly released a water shield.

However, the water shield was like glass. Under the bombardment of Juli, it burst into pieces without holding for a second.

Li Meng screamed and was beaten into the air.

Rolled a few times in the sky, and finally fell to the ground in a posture of a dog chewing.

This shock is too sudden!

Everyone didn’t react.

They glanced at it.

I saw a young figure appearing where Li Meng had stayed before.

There is also a pair of thunder and lightning wings shining behind!

It is Mu Feifan.

When Li Meng fell, the water wall technique was automatically released.

Chu Tiankuo immediately shouted excitedly: “Brother Fan Niubi!”

Ouyang Ce in the distance was also excited: “Call Fan for Brother Fan!”

The other two people in class 1 were not very good looking.

Feng Li said with a sullen face: “We underestimated him.”

Bai Lesheng narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, seeming to laugh at himself: “It’s my fault. Next, I promise I won’t make any more mistakes.”

In the auditorium.

Liu Zhu said: “This guy, Extraordinary, is not bad, he has the style of Brother Zhu.”

Xiao Yue yelled even more: “First kill! Brother Fan won a blood!”

He continued to scream, suddenly feeling a cold behind him, as if he had a pair of cold eyes watching him.

Scared, Xiao Yue turned her head tremblingly, but saw Xia Yuchan sitting in a few rows of seats behind her.

Even though Xia Yuchan was watching the game quietly, his body exuded a murderous aura, which deeply stimulated Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue reacted immediately with a panic expression on her face.

One blood is not that one blood!

That’s it!

Sister-in-law is angry!

My life is over!

In the audience, only one person could clearly see Mu Huanfa’s movements.

That was Xia Yuchan who had been staring at him.

At that time, Mu Feifei used thunder wing technique to circumnavigate the back like lightning, and at the same time slammed a kick with a sacred shoe.

That magical shoe is definitely not simple.

Not to mention Li Meng’s primary defensive shield spell, even at the intermediate level, it can also be broken with one foot!

However, what made Xia Yucicada most uncomfortable was that Mu Feihua finally kicked Li Meng’s ass.

Kicked the opponent so badly!

“Hey, this guy can’t be gentle with the girl.”

“At any rate, she’s also a female classmate in my class.”

Xia Yuchan was a little helpless.

But if Mu Feifan is gentle with her sister, she will also be unhappy.

Women are contradictions…

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