Chapter 130: Forced to Play, Old Chu Dage

Mu Feifan turned his head to take a look.

The person who spoke was as tall as an iron tower, with a face of vicissitudes, exactly Chu Tiankuo.

“Really!” Chu Tian widened his face and ran over.

Seeing Xia Yuchan also beside Mu Feifan, Chu Tiankuo couldn’t help but stunned for a while, then bowed his head and said politely: “Good Sister-in-law!”

Xia Yuchan was slightly surprised, but there were others, and she immediately returned to that calm and breezy appearance.

“Hello.” She replied generously.

They really are together!

Chu Tiankuo was thankful that he had not called the wrong thing, and then said to Mu Feihua: “Brother Fan, in the 3V3 stadium competition for a while, our second class is currently short of people, you can help us temporarily.”


Mu Feihua was taken aback: “You have so many people in Class 2, why do you want me to be an outsider?”

Chu Tian smiled bitterly: “Our class has not come today, and others can’t beat it.”

“Furthermore, Chen Yun was supposed to appear on the stage, but he saw that the kid playing piano was also there, so he didn’t dare to say anything.”

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his face was immediately very ugly: “I forgot that Sister-in-law is also in the same class. It seems that Brother Fan will definitely not help us.”

Mu Feifan was about to speak, Xia Yuchan on the side said: “It’s okay, I will lend him to you first.”


Mu Feihua is speechless, am I a tool person?

Chu Tiankuo was overjoyed and raised his thumb: “Sister-in-law is really bright and bright, Brother Fan will go with me.”

It’s all here.

Mu Feifan had to stand up and follow Chu Tiankuo, looking at Xia Yuchan with a strange expression when he left.

Xia Yuchan gave him a cheering gesture.

But how did Mu Feifei look, how did she feel that she was gloating.

Mu Feifan thought as he walked, what should he do if he meets the three of Lynch in a while?

I just want to watch a play.

I didn’t expect the actor to be myself.

On the center of the hall.

The three Lynch are also there.

Looking at the contestants in front of them, all Foundation Building cultivators.

Xiao Yuexin was shocked: “Squad leader Lin, they are all in the Foundation Building period.”

Liu Zhu said, “I’ll just say what abusers come here. Brother Zhu won’t lie to you at such an old age.”

Lynch was so pale that he couldn’t speak.

The previous passionate speeches were all thrown away.

Next to him is Wang Liangang, a Gold Core instructor.

He is short and fat, with a few dull hairs standing on his head, and looks extremely stubborn.

Wang Liangang saw these three uninvited guests and frowned, “Which class of you are you doing here?”

Lin Qi boldly said: “We are the second class to participate in the battle.”

When Wang Liangang heard this, he said angrily: “Is there no one in the second experimental class? If the master doesn’t come, even let the three rookies charge up!”

“I don’t think the second class of the immortal contest will take part in the following, a group of bullies!”

Lin Qi hurriedly explained: “Teacher, we are in ordinary second class…”

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Wang Liangang was dumbfounded.

The rest of the contestants also watched.

The three Lynch immediately became the focus.

Being stared at by so many masters at the same time is really stressful!

When Xiao Yue and Liu Zhu saw that the situation was not right, they knocked Lynch out with one punch and smiled at Wang Liangang: “Teacher, ignore this man. He just ran out of the mental hospital. Let’s leave.”

Wang Liangang pointed to Lin Qi and said, “I can see that his brain is not working well, but will your two punches break his body?”

Xiao Yue said: “Teacher, you don’t know, our monitor has a weird physique, and he can become stronger if he is beaten!”

After speaking, he and Liu Zhu ran to the back seat with Lynch.

Wang Liangang said with emotion: “It’s really a bad physique.”

At this time, on the side, Xiao Yue and Mu Feifan passed by.

Xiao Yue:? ? ?

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Xiao Yue: “Brother Fan, didn’t you go to work?”

Mu Feifan: “I don’t know what’s going on. If you do it, it will be played for me.”

Liu Zhu immediately said with excitement: “Extraordinary is going to play, let’s not leave, let’s watch the excitement.”

Xiao Yue was also very excited: “I like to watch Brother Fan fight, but how does Lynch deal with it?”

Liu Zhu said: “Leave it on the aisle, no one is passing by anyway.”

Xiao Yue: “Okay.”

At this moment, Chu Tiankuo and Mu Feifei came to the central venue.

Wang Liangang glanced at Mu Feifan, and said, “I found someone so soon, can he do it, his face is so raw?”

Chu Tiankuo said: “It is necessary, my Dage!”

Wang Liangang looked at Chu Tiankuo’s 30-something face, speechless for a while.

Chu Tiankuo called another person.

The opponent’s eyes are long and narrow, and the face is like a crown jade, looking very elegant.

Chu Tiankuo said, “I will introduce you to you.”

“Ouyang Ce, third in the school, is good at Fu Dao.”

“This is Mu Feifan, my Dage.”

Mu Feifan said: “Hello.”

Ouyang Ce hesitated, then said, “Big… Dage is good!”


Mu Feifan was speechless.

Are all the boys so cute now?

On the other hand, Chu Tiankuo looked calm, as if he was expecting it.

Behind them, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

“Mu Feifan, it turned out to be you!”

It was Chen Yun who was speaking.

At this moment, he looked embarrassed and even gritted his teeth.

There is a feeling that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

Chu Tian broadly slapped him, and almost slapped Chen Yun on the ground.

“How do you talk to my Dage?”

Chen Yun looked unconvinced: “Old Chu, who can’t we find, we have to ask him for help.”

Chu Tian hummed loudly: “Or you go!”

Chen Yun instantly persuaded: “Don’t mention it, who doesn’t know that the piano player on the other side is my nemesis.”

Mu Feifan asked, “How do we go up and fight in a while?”

Chu Tiankuo said: “The players who don’t have explosive type on the other side are all continuous output, and they can only rely on milk.”

“As long as the two of us do that female cultivator, we will basically win.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

Through the introduction, he also understood the characteristics of the three players in the opposite class.

That quiet-looking girl in blue is their goal this time, named Li Meng, sixth in the school.

In addition, there is also a black-clothed man with a knife with a gloomy face and looks very uncomfortable, named Feng Li, fourth in the school.

As for the handsome man in white that Chen Yun feared the most, he squinted his eyes with a big guqin in his arms, and seemed indifferent to everything.

His name is Bai Lesheng, second in the school.

When Mu Feifan saw this squinted eyes, he immediately thought of Hong Yu.

However, Hong Yu squinted her eyes purely because of her small eyes.

And Bai Lesheng in front of him is not easy at first glance.

It is also the only Foundation Building middle stage cultivator among the six people present.

Wang Liangang greeted them and said: “The rules must be clear, 3V3, until all the people on one side are knocked down.”

“The winning class will get the right to use the actual battle venue this week.”

“The Fairy Road Competition is coming soon. I don’t need to explain the importance of this battle.”

“Whoever trains in actual combat venues, the greater the chance of whoever stands out in the Fairy Way Contest.”

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