Chapter 126 Haven’t Lost yet, Too Conservative

This time, Mu Feifei did not talk nonsense with Kun Kun, but was directly transmitted to the hall of the temple.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the sofa.


no one?

This is the first time that Mu Feifan has encountered this situation.

Suddenly, the light flickered on the teleportation array.

A slender shadow emerged.

It was Xia Yucicada that appeared.

At this moment, the dazzling light from formation fell on her, like a fairy presenting to the world, holy and dazzling.

Mu Feifan’s eyes straightened.

After being silent for a while, I couldn’t help feeling: “I still have the most beautiful wife.”

After Xia Yuchan’s transmission, the person on the other side was actually Mu Feifan at first glance.

Although the expression changes on her face were not obvious, the corners of her small mouth raised slightly also revealed a hint of joy.

“came back!”

Xia Yuchan’s feet were still walking gently at first, slowly getting faster and faster.

She trot a few steps and threw directly into Mu Feihua’s arms.

Seeing that the originally cold-looking girl hugged the boy in front of him like this, the people around couldn’t help but calm down.

In an instant, Mu Feihua attracted the attention of the audience

“This guy is amazing!”

“Does this make the high-cold girl let go of her restraint?”

“It’s so sour, and there’s no one in the temple in the afternoon, and I’m allowed to eat a bowl of dog food.”

Mu Feihua hugged Xia Yuchan.

Her nice fragrance surrounds her nose, with a pleasant freshness.

The two maintained this position for a long time.

Mu Feifan said, “My wife, everyone is watching you.”

Xia Yuchan realized the situation before him.

She blushed and raised her head.

But he still held Mu Feifan’s arm generously, as if he was afraid that he would disappear as soon as he let it go.

Now Mu Feifei is not as slow as before.

The first time Xia Yuchan was so proactively clinging to someone, something must have happened suddenly.

“Wife, who did you fight with?” Mu Feihua asked tentatively.

Xia Yu Chan’s eyes were slightly surprised, but he nodded.

Even if it does not come in Otherworld, the feeling of Death is still real.

When a person is about to die, he will instantly recall his life in his mind, as well as the person who is most difficult to give up in his heart.

Mu Feifan experienced it once.

He fully understood Xia Yuchan’s mood.

At this time, Mu Feifan gently held Xia Yuchan’s hand, and comforted: “It is Otherworld, I’m fine, if the body is destroyed, it will be possible to team up with me…”

Xia Yuchan was taken aback for a moment, and then said, “Who said I died in Otherworld?”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Isn’t the script arranged like this?

Xia Yuchan said, “I haven’t lost a fight yet.”

This casual tone seemed to say an understatement.


Mu Feifan’s little heart instantly missed a shot.

Speaking of which, he hasn’t seen Xia Yuchan actually make a move.

Except for the other party’s Cultivation Base only recently.

Mu Feifan’s gaze swept across Xia Yuchan’s body.

How do you look like an elegant and cold beauty.

There is such a powerful force in that small hand?

The incredible age of cultivating immortals!

“Do you want to discuss with me?” Xia Yuchan asked.

“My three-legged cat kung fu, I won’t show off in front of my wife.” Mu Feifan said gently.

In fact, what I was thinking was, I even fell down on the third-level Demonic Beasts Alpaca King. Can’t I still subdue your little sheep?

Xia Yuchan said suspiciously, “But I see you have the word dissatisfaction written all over your face.”

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly: “I’m just curious about your Cultivation Technique and methods.”

Xia Yuchan said, “Tomorrow is next Monday, and there will be activities at school, so you can see it.”

“What event, why haven’t I heard of it?”

“The actual battle arena.”

Oh, at first glance, it is the kind of activity that has nothing to do with ordinary classes.

Mu Feifei suddenly asked: “Then can I watch it?”

Xia Yuchan said, “As a family member of the contestant, what do you think?”

Mu Feifan patted his chest and said, “I will cheer you on.”

The two held hands and walked out of the temple under the envious eyes of a group of people.

At night.

Mu Feifan sneaked into Xia Yuchan’s room again.

The door was locked with a bang.

“here we go again?”

“Give you two choices.”

“First, go to bed on the floor.”

“Second, get out.”

Xia Yuchan’s voice was very cold, with the tone of the hostess.

Mu Feifan said, “I suddenly felt so sleepy… I went to bed first.”

Xia Yuchan glanced at the wall clock on the wall: “It’s only nine o’clock now.”

With a flick of Mu Feifan’s slippers, he went straight to the bed, and quickly covered his head in the quilt.

The process is smooth and flowing without any delay.

Xia Yuchan felt a little helpless and a little funny.

She shook her head slightly and walked into the bathroom.

With the sound of splashing water, Mu Feifei immediately poked his head out of the bed.

He was thinking about the sheep whip.

How to eat that stuff?

Stir-fried, boiled and stewed?

But it’s a bit too heavy.

Forget it, he is already strong.

In case Houyang reaches the sky after taking it, my little whisper cicada can’t stand it either.

Mu Feifan was thinking about it narcissistically, while looking forward to the next thing more and more.

Waited almost an hour.

Mu Feifan really fell asleep, only to hear the glass door of the bathroom being opened.

I saw Xia Yuchan walking out wearing delicate pink slippers.

But what surprised Mu Feihua was that the other party was wearing an extra-large white T-shirt with a cute Corgi painted on it.

But at this glance, I could only see a pair of dazzling and delicate long legs, which felt like I didn’t wear anything under the T-shirt.

Mu Feifan’s eyes straightened immediately.

Xia Yuchan was blowing her hair and jokingly said: “Why don’t you feel sleepy anymore, you go to bed at nine o’clock, I thought you entered the old life early.”

Mu Feifan asked: “Why do you wear such a big T-shirt?”

Xia Yuchan snorted coldly: “I’m not afraid that your big pervert can’t control it, so I found a conservative dress.”


Mu Feifan looked at it again.

The size of the T-shirt is huge, like a dress, but it can’t reach the knees, and the hem looks like a miniskirt.

Especially inside the clothes, it gives people unlimited reverie.

Mu Feifan couldn’t help swallowing.

You wear it like this… Is it more tempting?

“This dress is very familiar.” Mu Feifan said again.

Xia Yuchan: “It’s your T-shirt, of course it’s familiar.”

Suddenly, the girl thought of something and asked strangely: “What happened to you today? Why do you keep staring at the T-shirt and asking?”

Mu Feifan said, I am actually more interested in the inside of the T-shirt.

He pretended to be very casual and asked: “Wife, are you wearing nothing inside?”

With a click, Xia Yu turned the hair dryer off and looked at Mu Feifan with a strange look.

“Of course I wear it.”

“If you don’t believe me, look at it.”

She lifted up gently, and she wore a pair of short blue hot pants as expected.

It happened to be covered by the T-shirt.

Mu Feihua was speechless.

As a married woman, can you not be so conservative at home?

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