Chapter 127 Wangmei quenches thirst, very cute

Xia Yuchan, who had just taken a shower, had a slightly rosy complexion, and his skin was brighter and fairer.

She slowly sat on the bed.

Mu Feifei suddenly picked up a small soft object beside the bed: “Are you wearing this?”

It was the bra that Xia Yuchan took off before taking a bath.

Xia Yuchan said: “Who wears this to sleep?”

Mu Feifan uttered, and he couldn’t help but touched it two more times, the hand feeling was still good.

Suddenly, Xia Yuchan Yu Guangdou saw this scene and immediately blushed and said, “Give it back to me.”

“Aren’t you not wearing it?” Mu Fandian was surprised.

“Then you can’t touch it, I will wear it tomorrow.” Xia Yuchan said.

When Mu Feifan handed it over, a trace of reluctance flashed across his face.

Xia Yuchan snorted: “Big pervert, now my nature is exposed.”

Mu Feifan shook his head: “Neither, nor…”

He slowly straightened his upper body, his eyes swept inadvertently.


The next moment, Mu Feifan is not calm anymore.

From his perspective, following the neckline of Xia Yuchan’s T-shirt, two little white rabbits can be seen huddled together.

After all, T-shirts are extraordinary, with a big neckline.

“I’m Wangmei to quench my thirst and draw cakes to satisfy my hunger.” Mu Feihua rubbed bra again.

That year, I caught a bra, and thought I had caught the entire Xia Yu cicada.

Xia Yuchan grabbed it and turned off the bedside lamp.

“Sleep, get up early tomorrow!”

She gave the mistress’s order again.

As soon as the light went out, the small flame in Mu Feifan’s heart was ignited.

One minute later.

“Wife, did you sleep or not?” he asked softly.

Xia Yuchan did not respond.

Two minutes later.

“Wife, did you sleep or not?”

Mu Feifan asked again.

Xia Yuchan still did not respond.

So, the bored Mu Feifei grabbed her hand, held it in his palm, and began to play with it carefully.

Neither the palm of the hand nor the fingers let it go.

At first he was gentle and gentle, but then he became more and more presumptuous.

Even started drawing circles on it.


The lights are on.

Mu Feifan saw Xia Yuchan sitting up halfway, staring at him with an agitated expression on his face.

Irregular blushes appeared on the pleasing face due to the accelerated blood flow.

“Do you want to sleep?” Xia Yuchan asked.

Mu Feifan looked at her delicate lips.

How can it be so wasteful when the night is so sultry?

Mu Feihua held down the back of Xia Yuchan’s head and faced his own face.


After ten minutes, the posture may be too awkward.

Mu Feifan encircled the girl’s slender waist and drew her towards herself.

Soon, Xia Yuchan was forced to press against Mu Feihua.

Mu Feifan instantly felt the girl’s softness.

Another half hour passed.

Xia Yu cicada blushed and raised his head, panting slightly.

“You…you met me there,” she whispered.

Mu Feifan smiled bitterly: “I’m not from the automatic control department.”

Xia Yuchan’s face became more and more beautiful.

Mu Feifan’s eyes were too hot, and even Xia Yuchan didn’t want to look at each other again.

“That’s it for today.” She said softly.

Mu Feifan pursed his mouth, feeling aggrieved: “Then how do you compensate me?”

Xia Yuchan couldn’t help but smiled: “Why are you like a child, I am all yours, how can I make up for it?”

People are yours.

This is really very useful.

Especially from the mouth of Xia Yuchan, a girl with top-notch and high personality.

Mu Feifan: “Keep kissing for another half an hour.”

Xia Yu Cicada: “Wait.”

She struggled symbolically.



The rhythm in the room is even strange.

the next day.

Mu Feifan was awakened by the hammer.

He opened his eyes and asked strangely: “What’s the matter?”

Xia Yuchan pointed to own lips and said, “Look at the good things you did last night!”

Mu Feifan’s eyes widened.

At this moment, the girl’s ruddy little mouth was rosy, and it seemed to be a little swollen than usual.

“Very sexy.” Mu Feifan said.

Xia Yu blushed: “The kiss last night was too long.”

Mu Feifan looked in the mirror and said, “But I’m not swollen.”

Xia Yuchan angered: “Because you are all trying hard, of course you are fine.”

Mu Feifan: “But you’re pretty good in the second half…”

The next moment, he shut up immediately.

Because Xia Yuchan’s eyes were extremely cold at the moment, like a bitter cold current, the temperature of the entire room dropped.

“Do you know how to moisturize?” she asked.

Mu Feifan shook his head.

“Where’s Wood Spirituality?”

Mu Feifan still shook his head.

Xia Yuchan: “Aren’t you Five Elements Spiritual Roots, you don’t learn this, then don’t learn, what spells do you know?”

Mu Feifan resisted and didn’t say that he knew how to use the Pyroblast Technique.

He is afraid of adding fuel to the fire.

Xia Yuchan: “You must learn healing spells in the future, otherwise you won’t let you kiss.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

He silently took out a bottle of healing elixir.

Although we didn’t learn spells, there are medicines.

Xia Yuchan felt a little calmer when she saw this.

After the topical application, half an hour later, the swelling was faintly seen.

Xia Yuchan said: “Don’t go to the temple this morning, let’s talk about it after school, it’s too late.”

Mu Feihua naturally obeyed the arrangement.

After all, he caused the misfortune.

At this time, Xia Yuchan changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

Mu Feifan glanced at her delicate pleated skirt and frowned.

“You want to play today.”

Xia Yu Cicada: “Yes.”

Mu Feifan: “No skirts are allowed.”

Xia Yuchan: “Why?”

Mu Feihua: “The body movements are too large, what should you do if you lapse, I will suffer a lot!”

After hearing this, Xia Yuchan felt warm and said, “Actually, when I was fighting, my movements were very small, and I was wearing safety pants.”

“That won’t work either.” Mu Feihua’s attitude was very firm.

Xia Yuchan was surprisingly obedient this time, and immediately went back to the room to change.

After a while, when the girl came out again, her image changed drastically.

She wore a white shirt with half sleeves, a pleated skirt changed to cropped trousers, and a pair of white casual shoes.

Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up.

Xia Yuchan tucked the hem of his trousers into the waist of his trousers again, showing his slender waist and slender legs.

“Are you satisfied now, my little vinegar king?” she asked.

Mu Feifan said: “My wife wears everything so beautiful.”

Xia Yuchan pushed Mu Feifan’s back and walked to his room.


“I will match it up for you.”

ten minutes later.

Mu Feifan also walked out with a brand new look.

The two dressed in exactly the same style, it was a couple’s outfit.

If you walk together, as long as your eyes are normal, you can see their relationship.

“I’ll go to school in a while, what do I call you?” Mu Feifan asked.

This weekend, the relationship between the two has undergone substantial changes.

But after all, they are all students, and the title that is too intimate is really incompatible with the campus environment.

Xia Yuchan said, “You think it yourself!”

Mu Feifan considered it for a while, and said with a smile: “Why don’t you call you a bug.”

“Insects?” Xia Yuchan’s face turned red, and said embarrassedly: “This title is too cute, right? It doesn’t match my personality at all.”

At school, she always showed her high coldness, but when she was called so suddenly, it sounded very contrary to peace.

Mu Feifan said: “My wife is very cute, and it is the exclusive name between us.”

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